
AEGEE-Torino Advises Us to Use Our Tongues!

The Italians are believed not to be fluent English speakers. However, the AEGEE-Torino crew is breaking all the stereotypes! They came up with an idea to motivate the Rainbow network to practise languages and work harder on a teambuilding, promotion and fundraising at the same time. The AEGEEan talked with the Event Responsible and main organiser of the Linguistic happy… Read more →

AEGEE-Aachen’s Colourful Participation in Their City’s Carnival Parade

Since only ten days, the carnival season in Germany is over. Many people went crazy, celebrated for days without a pause and of course, a lot of carnival parades took place. In Aachen, one of the most western cities of Germany, 35 AEGEEans took part in the three-hour-long procession and spread Europtimism throughout their motto “Europe is colourful, and it’s… Read more →

AEGEEans Ready to Welcome You in the Lively City of Newcastle upon Tyne

AEGEE is growing in the United Kingdom and most recently three girls each came up with the idea of starting a contact in Newcastle upon Tyne. Through the Network Commission they got together and started working on the paper works to become an antenna. The AEGEEan interviewed Laura Ferras, Laura Bennett and Helen Dryden about the life in Newcastle upon Tyne… Read more →

Free Hugs for Ukraine – AEGEE-Dresden and Their Hugging Campaign

After officially being upgraded to AEGEE-Dresden, the local has become quite famous for their successful Buddy Programme, their recent Regional Training Course (RTC) and just now for their latest event under the motto “Free Hugs for Ukraine”. Jorge Sánchez Hernández, president of AEGEE-Dresden, spoke to The AEGEEan about this idea and how it was carried into effect. The reasons behind… Read more →

Local of the Month AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg organized an extraordinary NWM against the odds

When AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg wanted to organise a Network Meeting (NWM) several people doubted it could become a success due to being far away and because of expectations of visa issues. However, Mayri Tiido from the Comite Directeur, Monika Duda from ACT and Maria Arends from the Network Commission helped the antenna with the preparations and sessions and the NWM was organised… Read more →