
Local of the Month November AEGEE-Cagliari: “AEGEE gives you superpowers with the support of our friends around Europe!”

Not only did AEGEE-Cagliari successfully host the Autumn Agora in their city in October, this summer they also organised a very successful Summer University in cooperation with AEGEE-Napoli. Apart from that, they have also been active with several other initiatives, proving to be a very active antenna. For this reason, they were elected as the Local of the Month: November!… Read more →

Back to Belgium with a new Contact in Louvain-la-Neuve!

Although the Comité Directeur Head Office is situated in Belgium, Brussels to be precise, until recently the country had only two AEGEE antenna, namely AEGEE-Brussel/Bruxelles and AEGEE-Leuven. On the 28th of November this changed, when a new contact in Louvain-la-Neuve was announced. The AEGEEan spoke to Nada Lakkis to find out more about this new Belgian contact. Before we start… Read more →

Further exploring Russia with the newest Contact in Yaroslavl

After Contacts in Tyumen and Yekaterinburg were added to the Network, on the 28th of November yet another contact in Russia was announced: Yaroslavl. The AEGEEan spoke to Evgenii Potapov to find out more about the newest addition to the Network! Evgenii found out about AEGEE-Europe through a very good friend, who took part in an AEGEE event organized in… Read more →

AEGEE-Europe exploring Russia with a new contact in Yekaterinburg

After the announcement of the new contact in Tyumen not too long ago, on the 25th of November it was announced that AEGEE-Europe has yet another Russian contact, this time in Yekaterinburg, which is the fourth-largest city in Russia, located on the border of Europe and Asia. The AEGEEan spoke to Alina Kozlineeva to find out more about this new… Read more →

Autumn Network Meeting Zaragoza: Winds of change!

Due to the fact that NWM in Zaragoza took place only a few weeks after Agora Cagliari, it was mainly organised by former NetCom Carmen María and her team, although some members of the new team (Olga Rivero’s Tripulación) were also involved in the programme preparation and presentations. Another Network Meeting (NWM), another pleasant and different experience with the members… Read more →

Local of the Month October: Team Building is the Key for AEGEE-Barcelona

AEGEE-Barcelona is one busy antenna! They have meetings every Saturday where they meet, socialize and discuss the future of their antenna. In one of those meetings a while ago, they decided to host Fundraising European School (FRES) and it is that particular event that has made them become the Local of the Month of October. The AEGEEan interviewed Clàudia Nogués, who… Read more →

AEGEE-Europe is going east with its new contact in Tyumen!

On the 22nd of October, it was announced that AEGEE-Europe is going to the east and a new contact in Tyumen has been founded. Being located in Siberia, 1,700 kilometers east of Moscow, this new contact is currently the most eastern outpost of AEGEE, although there had been the more eastern located contacts Tomsk and Vladivostok in the past. These contacts,… Read more →

Still New, But Already Successful: Contact Antenna AEGEE-Dresden and Their Buddy Program

A few years back, AEGEE-Dresden was erased from the list of antennae. Luckily, in the beginning of 2014, it became a Contact of AEGEE-Europe again and just a few days ago, Dresden was officially promoted to Contact Antenna at Agora Cagliari. Although these events are quite recent and the number of active members is limited, Dresden managed to build up… Read more →

NetCom Telegram October 2014

August and September, the first months of preparation for the Agora. These months, the Network Commissioners are working hard to serve and protect their locals. Next to the Agora preparations, all of them are also preparing their Network Meetings that have already taken place or are going to take place in the following months. Let’s read what Brigitta, Carmen María,… Read more →

Is your AEGEE local the “Master of Recruitment”? Share your best practices with the Network!

It’s September, the new academic year has just started, and this means that the recruitment season has just started too! Several AEGEE locals are making big efforts and organising lots of activities for fresh members and international students who can become potential AEGEE members, many of them starting from mid August already. Organising such activities requires a big dose of… Read more →