
AEGEE-Lviv goes to Aachen!

Between 7th and 12th of March the members of AEGEE-Lviv visited AEGEE-Aachen. Along with being a cultural exchange event, it was also held within the framework of Eastern Partnership Project. Fellow members got to spend a few days filled with activities aimed at discovering the German culture and exploring the charming city Aachen and it’s surroundings. Next to that, members… Read more →

The Stories Behind the The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards Best Video Nominees

Two Summer Universities, two New Years Event and one Youth Rights video are amongst the nominees for The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards “Best Video” category. The AEGEEan interviewed three of the nominees about the process of creating the movies and discovered how a precious AEGEE flag was almost destroyed in the process. The AEGEEan talked with Ksenia Lupanova about the nominated… Read more →

AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca Local of the Month: “You always have to do something new”

Cluj-Napoca is  a Romanian city located in the heart of Transylvania, but no AEGEEan needs to be told this because she/he already knows it. AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca organized many events lately : Human Resouces European School, YVote convention “Pluralism of the media” . The NWM is coming soon and so is their Summer University. How do they manage to do all these?… Read more →

The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards: Most Effective Recruitment

It is time for The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards again! From March 10th until April 10th you can let us know who your favorites are in categories like Best Video, Most Original Mascot, Most Impressive Roll Call and, of course, Most Effective Recruitment. For the last category of Most Effective Recruitment, The AEGEEan has found five nominees, namely: AEGEE-Budapest, AEGEE-Gdańsk, AEGEE-Moskva, AEGEE-Kyiv and… Read more →

Most Inspiring Local Activities Nominated for The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards

Throughout the AEGEE Network inspiring local activities are being organized every year and The AEGEEan decided to honor this for The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards 2014. Therefore five antennae are nominated for the “Most inspiring local activity” category. AEGEE-Warszawa is nominated for the “Don’t talk to strangers – or do” activity. The AEGEEan interviewed Izabela Rudnicka (the coordinator of the project). “I… Read more →

The AEGEEan’s Choice Award 2014: Most Creative Merchandise

It is time for The AEGEEan’s Choice Awards again! From March 10th until March 31st you can let us know who are your favorites in categories such as Best Video, Most Active Working Group, Most Impressive Roll Call and, of course, Most Creative Merchandise. For the last category, The AEGEEan has found five nominees, namely: AEGEE-Bratislava, AEGEE-Bergamo, AEGEE-Warszawa, AEGEE-Zaragoza and the Comité… Read more →

RTC Udine 2013

In my first step in AEGEE, I’ve been trampled by hordes of emotions. A laugh, a new meeting, a teaching, a strong drink from each single event we have been part of something remains firmly impressed into our hearts forever. This privilege that we members experience is as rare, as it is fragile. But honestly how could the association survive… Read more →

Power Up, Lyon!

Is there a better way to start a new year than with a great New Year’s resolution? With the Local Training Course (LTC) taking place from 10-11 of January 2014, Lyon’s AEGEE members charged their batteries with a lot of energy and motivation for the new year. A lot of goals have been set privately and within the antenna and… Read more →