
Local of the Month AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu: “We have gained priceless experience in working together”.

Located in the Don region, AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu was elected as Local of the Month of January for their outstanding job in organizing the past Network Meeting. The local was founded in 2011, and since then they manage to be an active part of our network. The AEGEEan spoke with the president Anna Shevchenko, the secretary Alla Serikova, HR responsible Evgenia Kopytina and treasurer… Read more →

Zaragora proposals and their effects

What about the proposals’ process? Do you know the final result, but not what happened in between? Is what was obtained exactly what the proposers wanted to? If you wondered about at least one of these things, then keep reading the interview. 1. Change of the Visitors’ selection procedure What actually changes with your proposal in the visitors’ selection process?… Read more →

Why promotion of a healthy lifestyle is essential in AEGEE

When collecting information from the Network about sportive activities across Europe The AEGEEan journalist Patricia Anthony was overwhelmed. Many antennae wrote back providing not only pictures but also lots of interesting stories on how they use physical activity for teambulding and more in their antennae.  “Sports is one of the best ways to working on your health and body. In… Read more →

Network Commission Speaker Team aiming to improve the image and visibility of the NetCom

The new Speaker Team of the Network Commission (NetCom) has been announced recently and The AEGEEan used that opportunity to interview the three leading ladies of the NetCom about their plans until Agora Patra. The Speaker, Antonija Parat (AEGEE-Zadar) still has the motivation to continue her term. She derives her motivation from all that she has learned during the last… Read more →

Local of the Month AEGEE-Zaragoza: Strong friendship is the key to success

AEGEE-Zaragoza was founded on January 24, 1998. More than 15 years of history, with lights and (some) shades. It is a big antenna with 146 members, a number they are eager to raise every year but do not complain about. Here’s the story of our Local of the Month from December, the organizers from the past Autumn Agora 2013! Former… Read more →

Quality is the key to everything!

The Events Committee now has a new name: Quality Assurance Committee (Q.A.C.). This fits better with its role of improving the quality of the events that are organised by AEGEE locals. They also have a new team, the AEGEEan interviewed them on the recent changes. AEGEEan: So, you are a new team. What are the roles of the members of… Read more →

Welcoming the New Contact of AEGEE-Europe in Lugano

This past week, our Network woke up with some very good news coming from Switzerland. A new Contact of AEGEE-Europe has just been established in the beautiful, Italian-speaking city of Lugano, known for its stunning natural scenery. The AEGEEan has spoken to Abdulla Abdullayev, who had already known AEGEE in his homecountry, Azerbaijan, and now he is looking forward to… Read more →

AEGEE and the Subtleties of Peacebuilding

“Against. – Against. – Against. – …” At the Agora Zaragoza, the Focus Area named “Peacebuilding” received a clear negative vote. Does that mean that AEGEE is not interested in this topic, or do we believe we don’t have the capacity to work on it? Or is there a different explanation? – A short inquiry into one of our favourite misconceptions.… Read more →

Local of the Month: AEGEE-Las Palmas. Future organisers of Agora or EBM?

Will there ever be a statutory event in Las Palmas? That question was asked to the President of the antenna, Carmen Martín, when giving her the great news that the YVote 2014 event-organizing antenna has been chosen as Local of the Month of November.  The AEGEEan interviewed Carmen to get a deeper inside into the antenna and also talked a bit… Read more →