
NetCom Times: AEGEE-Thessaloniki on the challenge of organising a Network Meeting

AEGEE-Thessaloniki is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and when we evaluate their achievements by completion of the antennae criteria, they receive a good score. This is the reason why they organised a Network Meeting (NWM) recently. The AEGEEan interviewed the President of AEGEE-Thessaloniki, Arsenis Tselengidis, Treasurer Ioannis Soultanidis and Georgia Grolliou who they call “the future of AEGEE-Thessaloniki”. Can… Read more →

Europe on Track is back

The award winning Europe on Track is back and ready for the second round. The Comité Directeur is working on finding the team for the second edition of the popular project and because of that The AEGEEan interviewed the president of AEGEE-Europe, Luis Alvarado Martinez about it.  The AEGEEan: The second edition of Europe on Track (EoT) 2014 is focused… Read more →

Local of the Month (June) – AEGEE-Brussels/Bruxelles and the co-management discussion at the European Parliament

The “Local of the Month” for June is finally here! Even during a month in which many locals are immersed in exams mayhem and preparations for SUs, there are still great achievements taking place, like the event that AEGEE-Brussels/Bruxelles organized in the European Parliament: “A co-management structure for young people”. That is why they are selected as Local of the… Read more →

Local of the Month: AEGEE-Genova and its Outstanding Planning Meeting

If someone still believes that stereotype about the citizens of Genova being greedy and narrow-minded, they haven’t met the members of AEGEE-Genova. This young local, who signed the Convention d’Adhésion at EBM Riga 2011, is growing fast and definitely likes to think big. That was the reason they organized the Planning Meeting 2013, where a wide group of AEGEEans gathered… Read more →

Network Commission Preparing for Agora Zaragoza

The Network Commission (NetCom) is preparing in many ways for Agora Zaragoza. At this Agora some Netwotk Commissioners will finish their term and new people will join the team. The AEGEEan interviewed some of the Network Commissioners about their time working for AEGEE-antennae across the Network. How has this year in the NetCom been for you? Claudio Armandi: Unbelievable, the… Read more →

Bringing AEGEE back to the Italian City of Love

Recently Beata Matuzska (Human Resources responsible of the Comité Directeur) announced that AEGEE will soon have a contact in the Italian city of love: Verona. The AEGEEan interviewed Larisa Smajlagic in order to learn more about this city and the plans for AEGEE there. What is special about the city of Verona besides being a city of love? Verona represents the… Read more →