
The Origin of “When You are in AEGEE”

Posting pictures of the sleeping beauties of the Network or uploading quotes on what an AEGEEan never would say are recent popular trends on Facebook for AEGEE. Joining the two there is now a new trend posting pictures making fun on what is happening in the organisation of AEGEE. The AEGEEan interviewed the people behind “When you are in AEGEE”… Read more →

European level focus – Local of the Month AEGEE-Debrecen

This month’s Local of the Month is AEGEE-Debrecen. In the month of May, this Hungarian antenna hosted a well-organised Information Technology European School (ITES). This and regular months of hard work makes AEGEE-Debrecen deserving of the title Local of the Month in July. The AEGEEan interview Balázs Kovács from AEGEE-Debrecen to hear more about his antenna. Can you inform us… Read more →

General Assembly of Les Anciens with the focus of connecting different generations of AEGEE

Recently the President of AEGEE-Europe, Luis Alvarado Martinez, traveled to Malta to take part in the General Assembly (GA) of Les Anciens (LA). This interview with Luis gives you an insight to what Les Anciens is, what their General Assembly was about and how they work together with the Comité Directeur (CD).   The AEGEEan: You travel all the time,… Read more →

NetCom Telegram June 2013

Following the NetCom meeting in Brussels, The AEGEEan introduces a new initiative: the NetCom Telegram. Every month it will bring you closer to the Network Commissioners and the work they do. First up we have Inez, Dominique, Patricia, Claudio & Anna informing you about the work they have done with the antennae of our Network since April. Inez Wenta “Another… Read more →

How running a marathon can help people

-or another example of impressive power of AEGEE SPIRIT!   There were 42 students. There were 42 kilometers. And there were 42 thousands Zlotych to be collected. All to help the girl named Asia, whose unfortunate accident caused her to lose a leg. The admirable idea was born in AEGEE-Kraków and was called “42 km to happiness”. All thanks to… Read more →

AEGEE-Europe part of Steering Committee of EUCIS-LLL

Once again, AEGEE-Europe did it! Our organization is now part of the Steering Committe of The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) and it’s represented by Lucille Rieux, member of the Comité Directeur, from whom we took an interesting interview in order to find out more about this new great achievement. The AEGEEan: First of all, congratulations to… Read more →

Watching Eurovision 2013 with the AEGEE family

Whether you watch it with your family, with your friends or with The AEGEEan, it doesn’t matter if some songs are “ unlisteneable” or just awesome, if some performances are genious or lame, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is always a unique experience, that keeps fascinating Europeans year after year, and is always the subject of discussions and emotions.  Watching… Read more →

Charlemagne Youth Prize for Europe on Track

On May 7th 2013 AEGEE reached another milestone in its history when Europe on Track – Capture the Future of Europe won the Charlemagne Youth Prize for best European youth project. An achievement with great international significance and which, when you look at it in a broader perspective, provides us with a variety of promises and opportunities. Mathieu Soete: “Getting… Read more →