
AEGEE Games Hosts AEGEE-León Celebrating their 10th Anniversary All Through 2013

Recently it was shared with our Network that the host of the AEGEE Olympics is AEGEE-León: a strong and motivated antenna that is already working hard on organising a big event for 200 people in October. The AEGEEan interviewed Daniel Garcia Rodriguez, Local Activities Responsible and Sport Responsible of AEGEE-León, in order to get to know what is going on… Read more →

The NetCom Times: AEGEE-Tilburg’s road to success

In September 2012 AEGEE-Tilburg consisted of just two guys. Two experienced members: Tjeerd Kosse and Yunhai Su decided to make a re-start with AEGEE-Tilburg.  After a search two new board members joined. First Matei Zamfirescu and right after Sintija Saurina. In October the board was formed with Tjeerd as president, Sintjia as secretary, Yunhai as treasurer and Matei as visuals… Read more →

Local of the Month: AEGEE-Patra about their candidature for hosting Spring Agora 2014

This month we award AEGEE-Patra as Local of the Month. This antenna was founded on as they call it one cold night in December ’97; they are no strangers to the AEGEE world and they have had many members active at the European level. Perhaps you have heard of George Dimitrakopoulos, one of the masterminds behind the Information Technology Committee… Read more →

The NetCom Times presents: Scare Homophobia out of Europe

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) topic is one of much controversy. In a world in which LGBT’s can marry in only eleven countries, there is still much to be done for equality in this field. Even within AEGEE, as the survey on homophobia shows, 8% of the members considers violence directed at LGBT’s justified because of their sexual orientation. Despite… Read more →

NetCom Times: Getting serious about sustainability

Sustainable development… Green growth… Sustainability… The air is packed with sustainable buzzwords and it is hard to open a newspaper these days without finding an article on some sustainability topic. Regardless of the many empty uses ofthe word, it cannot be denied that sustainability is thé challenge of our generation, as was confirmed by over 40% of respondents in the… Read more →

How to let go?

Anyone who has once held a responsible position will tell you that the hardest part is letting go. As a former board member and current Advisory Board member of AEGEE-Leiden I fully agree with that. You start your term with the best intentions, you care, you sacrifice, you give and you learn. And then, one day, a new generation will… Read more →

Local of the Month AEGEE-Ankara “Every inspirational project needs a thematic background”

This month the honour of Local of the Month goes to AEGEE-Ankara: an active local many interesting Projects and Working Groups and this article gives you an insight into the world of AEGEE-Ankara. The AEGEEan: Congratulations on becoming Local of the Month, how does this honour make you feel? AEGEE-Ankara: It directly makes you smile when you see an e-mail… Read more →

New Contact in London: Promoting Multiculturalism in Britain

London: city of the Big Ben, Buckingham’s palace and since recently… AEGEE! London is one of the youngest contacts within our network. Youngest in its current form that is, because AEGEE-London actually existed before; it was already founded in 1995 but unfortunately died a silent death. Luckily, Eszter Bango (President and Project Management Director)  and Maarten Veldmans (Foreign Relations and European… Read more →

Events Committee 101

Some of you never might never have heard about the Events Committee, and those who have might have no knowledge about what it is and why it is necessary. If you are interested, then continue reading.  The EvC (Events Committee) is not a new born committee – it was founded in June of 2011 with the aim to improve the… Read more →