
The EuroArab team shakes hands – Part I

What started as a mysterious attraction has developed into clear ideas about cooperation, mutual understanding, tolerance, getting to know each other, and overcoming stereotypes. Like a meeting of eyes that could create a new impression, like a vigorous handshake hoping to form a long lasting friendship, and like small talk that leads to an intelligent, deep conversation, the EuroArab project… Read more →

New Year, New House, New Rules

New Year is the time of new beginnings. Following this beautiful tradition, AEGEE-Europe has decided to start the year on a new track in a new house. The old AEGEE office is well known for its bad condition. 15 different CDs, numerous Working Group meetings and endless AEGEEans from all over Europe have simply worn out the place. It is literally… Read more →

New Future For The Human Resources

The Autumn Agora Budapest 2012 was the start of a great project through which Human Resources could be spread among every local. This is our purpose, this is our aim! Great works have been done since the Autumn Agora in Skopje 2011 when the Human Resources Committee was created. After the first meeting, members of the committee decided to try… Read more →

MedCom 101

Let’s face it: unless you are active on the European level, there is a big chance that you don’t really know what our different bodies are doing, what they are supposed to do and why they were created in the first place. The AEGEEan magazine is here to help and set the story straight. Up first – Mediation Commission. If… Read more →

Local of the Month December: AEGEE-Budapest

Autumn Agora Budapest, members of AEGEE-Budapest have proven on various occasions their role as one of the most integral parts of the AEGEE Network – a lively group of enthusiastic activists from the capital city of Hungary. Now, with the Christmas period approaching, let us settle back in a nostalgic mood, reminiscing about the Autumn Agora and how AEGEE-Budapest has been… Read more →

Colour languages!

This November various AEGEE locals all over Europe were celebrating the annual European Day of Languages (EDL), giving the opportunity to the local community to taste a bit of Europe. One of those locals was AEGEE-Riga who organised their EDL “Colour languages” already the 11th year in a row. For the first time they went out of the usual school classes… Read more →

Improving the society through taking care of others

Two locals, AEGEE-Skopje and AEGEE-Kragujevac, celebrate different humanitarian events and help out people by teaching them, gathering basic supplies and giving them the best thing they have: their time. It can be seen how, in times of austerity, the budgets start to be reduced. As a consequence, governmental decisions, but especially daily citizens’ lives begin to shift. It is in this… Read more →

Let’s be serious about AEGEE’s fun identity!

Why should we accept “fun” not as a collateral damage, but as a legitimate method of European integration, and how this could even improve AEGEE’s external image? “Sex, Drugs, and European Nights – and, uhhm, what else is AEGEE about? Oh yeah, we do exchange. And projects. And mutual understanding stuff, and actually even peace-building, they say! We have an office in… Read more →