
When the hand shaking makes a difference

Year after year AEGEE has to deal with financial restrictions. With the economic crisis that reduced the possibilities for fundraising and the possibility that the European institutions will devote less funds to international non-governmental organisations, strong measures needed to be taken. In the last years AEGEE didn’t manage to conduct any extremely successful fundraising campaign due to the overload of… Read more →

AEGEE-Leiden: one of the oldest locals of AEGEE-Europe, still alive and kicking!

LOCAL OF THE MONTH – AEGEE-LEIDEN The AEGEEan interviewed E.G. & Margo van Berkum at the Agora Budapest about their local, the Show Your Colour (SYC) concept and future plans for this antenna. Eline is a former board member and now Speaker of the Advisory Board of AEGEE-Leiden, here at the Agora Budapest she is a delegate. On European level she… Read more →

AEGEE offices across Europe

AEGEE is a voluntary organisation, you probably know that. What you probably also know is that the organisation is made up by different boards across Europe who have board meetings at many different locations. Traditional Some locals are so fortunate to be having offices in the university of their city.  For example AEGEE-León has a big office right next to… Read more →

Health4Youth on its way!

So where do we stand at the very moment? We are excited since our own little baby called “Health4Youth” is going to get an official name and it´s learning to smile. Don´t be afraid of getting lectures “We know how you should live your life and now we are going to point finger,” because that´s not going to happen! What… Read more →

Pink-blue bow for Den Haag

Meet the new contact of AEGEE-Europe in The Netherlands: Den Haag (in English – The Hague)!  “The Hague, also called the International City of Peace and Justice, is a very suitable city for an AEGEE-local. (…) The fact that the Peace Palace, the Humanity House and the Clingendael Institute of International Relations are located in this city gives numerous opportunities… Read more →

The curious case of AEGEE-Napoli

AEGEE-Napoli has a new board, with plenty of members fully motivated to use the AEGEE spirit and Napoli, and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the antenna. The new board of AEGEE-Napoli was announced to the Network the 22nd of September in a more creative way than usually seen before. The new board was not only consisting of nine different board… Read more →