
Alejandra Piot Pérez-Abadín for NetCom: “I Love Taking Care of People”

If you need someone who will take good care of your members, look no further than Alejandra Piot Pérez-Abadín of AEGEE-A Coruña. In her previous functions, she has frequently been regarded as someone who puts effort into listening to people and who remains patient and takes all the time required in order to help members with their problems.   The… Read more →

Ralitsa Mihaylova for SUCT: “Everyone Who has Participated in a SU Knows That It’s About Way More Than Just Travelling”

“If my house was on fire and I could only save one thing, it would be my fridge”. How to disagree with Ralitsa “Rali” Mihaylova from AEGEE-Berlin, one of the six candidates for a position in the Summer University Coordination Team. Bulgarian by birth, the 21 years-old Ralitsa joined AEGEE-Berlin in February 2015 and now she is the treasurer (and… Read more →

Ivan Cvetkovic for Audit Commission: “Together With My Team, We Will Put Emphasis on Educating Treasurers Through Skype Meetings”

Our last candidate for Spring Agora Bergamo is Ivan Cvetkovic from AEGEE-Nis, who is running for the position remained vacant dung the last Autumn Agora in the Audit Commission. He is a student of Economics and currently covering the position of Audit Commission subcommissioner. Here is what he said to us…   The AEGEEan: Please introduce yourself. Ivan: My name is… Read more →

Elisa Tabbì for Juridical Commission: “The JC is Always Open to Give Support and Advice to Every Member, Local and European Body!”

Elisa has been a member of AEGEE-Catania for three years now. The experience that she gained from her antenna and the European bodies that she has been involved with so far, motivated her to take the next step and become a member of the Juridical Commission (JC) for the upcoming term. Here are all the questions the AEGEEan and its… Read more →

Pablo Palazon for Network Commission: “The Twin Antennae Program Needs a Little Bit of Extra Pushing”

Five Network Commissioners will be elected this Spring Agora and currently only four people are running for this position. Pablo Palazon, founder of AEGEE-Manchester, is one of them and we asked him some questions to get to know more about him and his plans for the network.   The AEGEEan: Tell us something about yourself. Pablo: I am Pablo Palazon!… Read more →

Maryana Semenyak for Member of the Comité Directeur: “People can Confirm That I’m Full of Energy, Positive and Smiling Person”

Maryana Semenyak is a candidate for a position of Member of the Comité Directeur (CD), preferred task External Relations Director. She is 28 years old and joined the organisation almost eight years ago (also being the President of AEGEE-Lviv for three years). Nowadays our current CD member is responsible for our Network Development and is willing to stay in office for a second term,… Read more →

Aliénor Pirlet for Civic Education Working Group Coordinator: “AEGEE Needs Civic Education As a Focus Area”

Aliénor from AEGEE-Bruxelles/Brussels is part of the ECI task force and CEWG (Civic Education Working Group) and has been in her local board as a secretary, even after she moved to Groningen in the Netherlands. Obviously able to juggle various positions on local and European level, she is now running for the position of CEWG Coordinator. Despite being not that experienced, she… Read more →

Joanna Pankowska for Member of the Comité Directeur: “Training for Future European Bodies Members”

During the Spring Agora Bergamo, the new Comité Directeur will be elected. The candidatures had been submitted and Joanna Pankowska is one of the candidates as regular CD member. We asked her some questions to know more about her and her plans as a candidate for the Comité Directeur.   The AEGEEan: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Joanna: At… Read more →

Luca Bisighini for Member of the Audit Commission “My idea is to set up a common register of every AEGEE body we are going to audit”

Let us introduce you Luca Bisighini from AEGEE Brescia, candidate for a Member of the Audit Commission. Luca is eager to put his international experiences, gained while studying in Italy, Turkey and Poland, obtaining MBA and actively working in his antennae, into serving AEGEE Europe for its better financial future. We’ve decided to ask some questions, so enjoy reading answers below.  The AEGEEan: Please, present yourself. Luca: Well, I don’t want… Read more →

Matteo Lai for Juridical Commission: “Without a set of rules we couldn’t do anything”

Matteo Lai has been a journalist in the AEGEEan magazine since October 2015, but he is also active locally by serving his antenna, AEGEE-Cagliary, as its IT Responsible. His experience and passion for Law, though, motivated him to run as a member of the Juridical Commission for the upcoming term. Here are all the questions, that the AEGEEan and the Network had… Read more →