
Jovana Trajković for NetCom: “motivation and dedication are the most important for a Network Commissioner!”

24 years old, from Belgrade, student of Greek philology and an AEGEE addicted ready to support the development and cooperation among Balkan locals. The upcoming Spring Agora Asturias 2015 will host the elections for the next Network Commissioners, and Jovana Trajković will be one of the candidates. Just a few days before the Agora, The AEGEEan got to know better her… Read more →

Hanna Alajõe for NetCom: “Communicating With People And Trying To Solve Problems Is Exactly What I Like To Do”

Hanna Alajõe, member of AEGEE-Tartu, is running for the position of Network Commissioner. She wants to take over the Nordic Stars, the AEGEEan asked her some questions about her candidature. The AEGEEan: You’re running for the position of Network Commissioner, what is your motivation for this position? Hanna: The simplest answer would be to say that when I started working… Read more →

Orkhan Babayev for NetCom: “Network Commissioners Should be Friendly, Communicative, and Strict with Deadlines”

He is now active in the Eastern Partnership Project as Researcher Team member, speaker of the International Politics Working Group and also involved on the local level as Secretary, External Relations Responsible and President in that order. Orkhan Babayev from AEGEE-Bakı is one of the candidates who runs for Network Commisioner. Therefore, we asked him a few questions about his motivation… Read more →

Salvatore Maraventano for Juridical Commission: “I think it is Important to Always be Present, Quick and Ready to solve Problems the Network presents”

 Next to two candidates who already have some experience as Juridical Commissioner, Salvatore Maraventano, President of AEGEE-Palermo, decided to run for Juridical Commission too. Although he hasn’t been Commissioner yet, he was SubCom already in the past year. We spoke to him to find out more about his motivation, experience and plans.  The AEGEEan: First of all, can you tell… Read more →

Glòria for Juridical Commission: “The Tasks Are as Important as the Team You Are in”

After having been Sub-commissioner (SubCom) and Commissioner of the Juridical Commission for one year, Glòria (AEGEE-Heidelberg) wasn’t finished yet and decided to run for another year as Commissioner. We spoke to her to find more about herself, her plans and motivation!  First of all, can you tell us a bit more about yourself? Glòria: I come from my beloved Barcelona, I… Read more →

Claudio Gennaro for Juridical Commission: “I’m Looking Forward to Start Another Term With Even More Motivation And Enthusiasm”

After having been in the Juridical Commission (JC) for one year already as Commissioner and before that another year as Sub-commissioner, Claudio Gennaro (AEGEE-Cagliari) was not ready to leave and decided to run for another term. We spoke to him to find out more about himself, his motivation and plans! The AEGEEan: First of all, can you tell us a… Read more →

Andrea Ugrinoska for Secretary General: “I am a Person Who Likes to Think Outside the Box”

It was a run for three, but, after the current Secretary General (SG) withdrew her candidature, only two will present themselves and both are currently in the Chair Team. Vice-Chairperson of the Agora/European Planning Meeting (EPM), Andrea Ugrinoska, is a Macedonian 22-year-old who believes AEGEE is a gift. We interviewed her to learn more about her programme. The AEGEEan: Please… Read more →

Svenja van der Tol for Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe: “Just Like Me, My Programme Is All About Appreciating the Good and Improving What Can Be Better.”

From local to European. This is the journey that every active AEGEEan dreams about and this is what Svenja van der Tol is trying to realise applying for the position of Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe. Read on to discover more about her candidature, but also about her life, experience and personality. The AEGEEan: Introduce yourself. How old are you? Where… Read more →

Teo Šarić for Financial Director: “I Think That AEGEE Has Much More Potential Than We Usually Think”

At the upcoming Agora, Teo Šarić, President of the new contact of AEGEE in Split, Croatia, and member of AEGEE-Zadar, is running for the position of Financial Director (FD) of the European Board. The AEGEEan spoke with Teo about his candidature, his different fields of interest within AEGEE and his motivation to become part of the new Comité Directeur (CD)! The AEGEEan: Teo, even though you have already been… Read more →

Ander Guerrero Ruiz for Financial Director: “It is the Perfect Timing, I Feel Prepared and Motivated”

Since a few weeks ago, Ander Guerrero Ruiz, AEGEE-Zaragoza, is living in the house of the Comité Directeur (CD) in Brussels as an assistant. Apparently, he likes it so much that he now will run for the position of Financial Director (FD) for the next term. The AEGEEan talked to Ander about his candidature, his qualifications and his future plans.… Read more →