
“I want to make sure that the Audit Commission is always represented during fairs, even online ones” ~ Thomas Meekel, Candidate for the Audit Commission

The Audit Commission will have a new Commissioner after being elected at Spring Agora 2020, which will take place online this year because of the coronavirus crisis. One of the candidates for that position is Thomas Meekel, member of AEGEE-Leiden since 2015, Subcommissioner of the Audit Commission since 2020, Subcommissioner of the Network Commission during the period 2018-19 and non-formal… Read more →

“Being a netcommie interested me from the start” ~ Saramijn Luijken

Network Commissioner for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe Since Saramijn Luijken joined AEGEE, she has committed to our organization in several ways, occupying important roles and organizing events that could improve members’ education and values. Now that Agora Bucuresti is approaching, Luijken feels like challenging herself once again. Let’s discover why she wants to be the next Network Commissioner. Read more →