
Getting to know Enes Furkan Kurt, a Network Commissioner’s passionate candidate

Network Commissioner for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe Enes Furkan Kurt couldn’t help being mesmerized by AEGEE when he went to his first Summer University, just like it happens to many of us. Since then, Kurt began to develop himself inside his antenna and also internationally, attending events and becoming a crucial part of his board. Now he dreams of becoming the… Read more →

“My aim is to bring AEGEE to the next level” – Kutay Kaya

Network Commissioner for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe Kutay Kaya was interested in AEGEE’s spirit as soon as he went to his first meeting and it didn’t take him much longer to fall in love with our organization. After gaining valuable experience through local and European events, Kaya feels ready to present his candidature for Network Commissioner to Agora Bucuresti 2019. The… Read more →

“The most important quality and most difficult thing is neutrality” ~ Natascha Jürgens

Mediation Commissioner for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe Natascha Jürgens believes in the power of conflict solving in order to improve situations. Empathy, active listening, and neutrality are some of her musts when it comes to mediation. Although she joined AEGEE last year, she’s already a member of the YDWG and very enthusiastic about our organization. Let’s see what motivates Jürgens to… Read more →

“The European Union is a unique room where values/ideals can be realized” ~ Anne Kautzschmann

Summer University Coordinator for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe With the Agora right around the corner we at The AEGEEan are interviewing the candidates to give you an small insight into who the person is behind the face. Here we have with us Anne Kautzschmann, running for the SU coordinator position of AEGEE Europe. INTERVIEWER: Welcome to this interview, Anne! What’s your… Read more →

“I want to work for opening up new opportunities for our network” ~ Zeynep Ozan

Civic Education Working Group Coordinator for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe With the Agora right around the corner we at The AEGEEan are interviewing the candidates to give you an small insight into who the person is behind the face. Here we have with us Zeynep Ozan, running for the CEWG coordinator position of AEGEE Europe. Can you say something about yourself?… Read more →