
Interview with Pavel Zbornik, EU Official and AEGEE Member

Back in December 2017, EPSO interviewed Pavel Zbornik, a EU civil servant and member of AEGEE since 2009. Pavel holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and Management at the Czech Technical University in Prague, and he’s currently a Business Analysis Assistant in DG Research and Innovation, working in Unit J5, Common service for Horizon 2020 information and data, in… Read more →

Gunnar Erth: AEGEE Needs Ideas, Inspiration and Skills to Put Ideas into Practice!

I’m sure that attending your first statutory event, especially Agora, was a great experience, but at the same time quite a shock; seeing 700 to 1000 AEGEEans gathered for the general assembly of our association, meeting your friends from all over Europe and of course making new ones. While every Agora is different, with a different location, different Chair teams,… Read more →

Suzan Dilara Tokac for Mediation Commission: “My Professional Background is Helping me to Understand Human Nature and Psychology, Which is Very Crucial for Mediation”

If you never heard her name in AEGEE, you might have been living on a different planet. Suzan Dilara Tokac from AEGEE-Eskişehir has been very active throughout the nine years of her AEGEE life, going from PRC to being PR for two editions of the AEGEE Day to a term in the MedCom starting at Spring Agora Enschede. She still feels… Read more →

Matteo Lai for Member of MedCom: “My key words: prevention, impartiality and knowledge of the rules”

One more application for the Mediation Commission was made by: Matteo Lai. He, amongst other things, has been the IT responsible for AEGEE-Cagliari and an active member of The AEGEEan. Now he wants to give back to our beloved association by joining the Mediation Commission with his juridical knowledge.    The AEGEEan: Hi Matteo, please introduce yourself for our readers!… Read more →

Francesca Zorcolo for Network Commission: “That’s what I would like to do: support locals, make them shine and be present for everything they could need”

When you meet Francesca Zorcolo from AEGEE-Cagliari, you can tell straight away that she is an active member of our association. She was vice-president and president of her local, main organiser for NWM Cagliari 2106, subcommie for the Rainbow for Netcom Gabriele Scollo. Now candidating for the Network Commission.    The AEGEEan: How would you describe yourself? Francesca: My name… Read more →

Alin Georgescu for Network Commission: “I can bring something new in AEGEE, because I constantly learn, reflect and share”

Few days are missing to Autumn Agora Catania, and one of the most important decisions we will make, is to choose the best people for the Network Commission. Alin Georgescu has already worked as a NetCommie for one year and would like to dare again and commit himself to the Network.  The AEGEEan: Who are you? For what do we… Read more →

Celia Riveres For Network Commission: “Every Time I Take Any Responsibility, I Fight Until The Last Moment And I Do Whatever Is In My Hand To Achieve My Objectives.”

The upcoming Agora is a place where a new generation of NetCommies is going to be elected. The Network Commission has always been one of the most crucial Commission we had in our Network, but now maybe even more than ever. Celia believes she is motivated enough and ready to take the job. She would like to lead by example her assigned locals,… Read more →

Laura Garcia Rueda for SUCT “I’ve applied for SUCT because for me the SU project has a lot of potential to make the association more known, get and motivate members””.

Laura Garcia Rueda is a very energic and positive girl from AEGEE-A Coruña, she has a lot of experience on the local level ( she is currently the secretary of her local) and she has already worked with SUCT becaming a SUpporter for it this past year.   The AEGEEan : Can you introduce yourself for those who don’t know… Read more →

Dermanşah Yalin for Member of SUCT: “I Think it’s Time to Pay Back for All the Experience that I Gained”

Being part of the big AEGEE family makes you want to discover more, learn and share as much as you can. The same happened with Dermanşah, from AEGEE-Istanbul, and he is taking his knowledge to the next step by being a candidate for SUCT. We asked him some questions, and below you can find out more about his candidature. The… Read more →

Lorenzo Ligas for Member of SUCT: “No Matter How Hard it Could Be, No Matter the Failures, I Run for My Goals!”

As the time passes, we are getting closer and closer to Autumn Agora Catania. The candidates are getting ready and of course we would like to know more about them and the reason why they want to represent us. Lorenzo Ligas is one of the candidates for SUCT, this being his second time to candidate, but he says that “the… Read more →