
Pablo Palazon for Network Commission: “The Twin Antennae Program Needs a Little Bit of Extra Pushing”

Five Network Commissioners will be elected this Spring Agora and currently only four people are running for this position. Pablo Palazon, founder of AEGEE-Manchester, is one of them and we asked him some questions to get to know more about him and his plans for the network.   The AEGEEan: Tell us something about yourself. Pablo: I am Pablo Palazon!… Read more →

Maryana Semenyak for Member of the Comité Directeur: “People can Confirm That I’m Full of Energy, Positive and Smiling Person”

Maryana Semenyak is a candidate for a position of Member of the Comité Directeur (CD), preferred task External Relations Director. She is 28 years old and joined the organisation almost eight years ago (also being the President of AEGEE-Lviv for three years). Nowadays our current CD member is responsible for our Network Development and is willing to stay in office for a second term,… Read more →

Aliénor Pirlet for Civic Education Working Group Coordinator: “AEGEE Needs Civic Education As a Focus Area”

Aliénor from AEGEE-Bruxelles/Brussels is part of the ECI task force and CEWG (Civic Education Working Group) and has been in her local board as a secretary, even after she moved to Groningen in the Netherlands. Obviously able to juggle various positions on local and European level, she is now running for the position of CEWG Coordinator. Despite being not that experienced, she… Read more →

Joanna Pankowska for Member of the Comité Directeur: “Training for Future European Bodies Members”

During the Spring Agora Bergamo, the new Comité Directeur will be elected. The candidatures had been submitted and Joanna Pankowska is one of the candidates as regular CD member. We asked her some questions to know more about her and her plans as a candidate for the Comité Directeur.   The AEGEEan: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Joanna: At… Read more →

Luca Bisighini for Member of the Audit Commission “My idea is to set up a common register of every AEGEE body we are going to audit”

Let us introduce you Luca Bisighini from AEGEE Brescia, candidate for a Member of the Audit Commission. Luca is eager to put his international experiences, gained while studying in Italy, Turkey and Poland, obtaining MBA and actively working in his antennae, into serving AEGEE Europe for its better financial future. We’ve decided to ask some questions, so enjoy reading answers below.  The AEGEEan: Please, present yourself. Luca: Well, I don’t want… Read more →

Matteo Lai for Juridical Commission: “Without a set of rules we couldn’t do anything”

Matteo Lai has been a journalist in the AEGEEan magazine since October 2015, but he is also active locally by serving his antenna, AEGEE-Cagliary, as its IT Responsible. His experience and passion for Law, though, motivated him to run as a member of the Juridical Commission for the upcoming term. Here are all the questions, that the AEGEEan and the Network had… Read more →

Kristina Reshetova for Network Commission: “Together We can Literally Move Mountains”

Kristina Reshetova from AEGEE-Moskva is currently running for the position of Member of the Network Commission. To get to know who this relatively new, but very active member of AEGEE is, the AEGEEan decided to interview her in our ongoing coverage of the various candidates for elected positions at the Agora. The AEGEEan: What would you like your fellow members… Read more →

Maarten de Groot for Member of the Comité Directeur: “Bringing AEGEE-Europe Closer to its Locals”

Today we are meeting Maarten (AEGEE-Amsterdam). Member since September 2013, Maarten covered several positions on the local and European level. He is currently running for Member of the Comité Directeur, so let’s get to know him and his program a little bit better! The AEGEEan:  Who is Maarten de Groot? Tell us a bit more about yourself. Maarten de Groot is… Read more →

Monika Mojak for Juridical Commission: “When I decide to get Involved, I am Engaged for 200%”

Monika Mojak, a Subcommissioner of the Juridical Commission, is ready to become a fullfledged member of the JC at this Spring Agora in Bergamo. She states that she is hard working, and possesses a very keen and nuanced interpretation of the law. To find out more, read the following article in our ongoing coverage of the various candicates for elected… Read more →

Spyridon Papadatos for Network Commission: “I Am Highly Motivated and Enthusiastic About This Position and I Want to Commit Myself 100% to It!”

He has been active in his local for almost two years. After his first Summer University in 2015, he was elected as Public Relations Responsible in the local board, organising the Local Training Course and Summer University of 2016 as both main organiser and treasurer. But that’s not all, he also coordinated local volunteering events such as Let’s Do It… Read more →