
Member of the Month – Maarten de Groot: “Once I Get Excited About Something, I Tend to Get Absorbed by It”

It is often said that the Member of the Month should be someone who “moved mountains” in our association, but there are several ways to contribute to it. Also, it is often said that there are no active people during our statutory events and boredom spreads through delegates and envoys. Our Member of the Month of March is Maarten de… Read more →

Aleksandra Kluczka for President: “AEGEE of My Dreams Is an Organisation With Strong Human Resources and Learning Opportunities”

Aleksandra Kluczka, but you can also call her Ola, is the Current Vice President & External Relations Director of AEGEE-Europe, originally from AEGEE-Kraków. 24-year old youth activist, with a passion for Europe, civic participation and gender equality, Aleksandra aims to empower the Association and to unleash the potential in its members. She is the sole candidate for President of AEGEE-Europe… Read more →

Paolo Ghisleni for MedCom: “I Want to Focus My Activity on Promptness of Intervention and Physical Presence”

Paolo Ghisleni (AEGEE-Bergamo) is running for Mediation Commission (MedCom). He is a member of AEGEE since 2009, he was a member of the Corporate Relation Committee and now is a trainer of the Academy. We interviewed him and he told us what is the main job of the MedCom and much more. The AEGEEan: Can you tell us more about… Read more →

Natalia Ivleva for Comité Directeur: “I Wanna Get My Phd in AEGEE ‘Science’.”

Spring AgoraAsturias is less than one week away, candidates are getting nervous, especially CD candidates, because there are only four vacant places and six candidates. The AEGEEan spoke with Natalia Ivleva to see is she can convince us that she’ll make a great CD member. The AEGEEan: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Natalia: I’m Natalia from… Read more →

Balázs Kovács for Comité Directeur: “I see an endless potential for every member in becoming a multiplier of all that we have to offer”

As many time in our lives, those unexpected decisions, seconds fast as blink of an eye, can change our life. There it was Balázs, night in a London and sudden application for Summer University, where everything started. Now Balázs is an active and well known member of AEGEE. On his way to improve himself more, and contribute to AEGEE more… Read more →

Réka Salamon for the Comité Directeur: “Driven, Meticulous and Perfectionist.” Three Words, One Candidate.

Spring Agora is approaching and new fresh candidates are coming! Today we are meeting Réka Salamon (AEGEE-Aachen) an experienced member of our network, who is currently running for the Comité Directeur (CD) and who considers herself more than ready for this role. Her motto? Life is good! The AEGEEan: Who is Réka Salamon? Réka: Réka is one of the few… Read more →

Maria Arends for Comité Directeur: “Having a Relationship Based on Trust With Your Team Mates Is One of The Most Important Factors for a CD to Work Well”

Right now, Maria Arends is a Network Commissioner until Agora Asturias, was Secretary of Health4Youth project and also an active member of the Language Working Group. She also job shadowed Mayri Tiido (Projects Director) in January 2015,  was a subcommissioner of Patricia Anthony for AEGEE-Durham and was Co-founder and Speaker of the Human Rights Working Group. Maria Arends takes it up… Read more →

Pablo Hernández, Candidate for the Comité Directeur: “I Feel Like I Fully Understand Which Are the Needs of This Association”

Pablo Hernández (AEGEE-Alicante/AEGEE-Thessaloniki) is a candidate for the position of External Relations Director of the Comité Directeur (CD). He has a bachelor and masters’ degree in law and considers himself to have a lot of experience in the field of External Relations, due to his professional practice and activity in AEGEE, both on local and European level. The candidate wants to… Read more →

Anna Gumbau for Comité Directeur: “I’m ready to improve the communications in AEGEE, to support and to motivate our members and to keep rocking together!”

A passion for communication and a love for AEGEE have convinced Anna Gumbau, AEGEE-Barcelona, to apply for becoming a new member of the Comité Directeur. Public Relations and Communications or Projects is the way! Read on to find out more about the candidate!  The AEGEEan: Describe Anna Gumbau. How old are you? Where are you from? What do you study?… Read more →

Tereza Tokmajyan for Network Commission: “it can be stupid to have a boring life with no changes in it”

From the landlocked plateaus high in the Caucasian mountains, on the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East and Russia and the borders of Christendom and the Muslim World comes a girl with an unmatched enthusiasm for AEGEE. Now AEGEE-Yerevan’s very own Tereza Tokmajyan is more than ready to become your next Member of the Network Commission. Hailing from one of… Read more →