
Ander Guerrero Ruiz for Financial Director: “It is the Perfect Timing, I Feel Prepared and Motivated”

Since a few weeks ago, Ander Guerrero Ruiz, AEGEE-Zaragoza, is living in the house of the Comité Directeur (CD) in Brussels as an assistant. Apparently, he likes it so much that he now will run for the position of Financial Director (FD) for the next term. The AEGEEan talked to Ander about his candidature, his qualifications and his future plans.… Read more →

Responsible, Understanding, Workaholic: Meet Ruben Navarro, Member of the Month of February

The latest recipient of our Member of the Month award is a member of AEGEE-Tarragona, but also speaker of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee (ACT): Ruben Navarro. His efforts did not pass unseen and we spoke with him to discover more about this guy (who is also one of the latest additions in The AEGEEan Team). The AEGEEan: First of… Read more →

Outcomes of the Public Relations European School in Poznań Directly from Zsófia Komáromi

Did you miss the Public Relations European School (PRES) event which took place last year between 23rd and 30th November in Poznań? Read this article and find out more insights about the project from the training manager, Zsófia Komáromi. We also talked to her about her overall impression of PRES, how it was like to be in the position of… Read more →

Meet EPM Burgos Content Managers: Adrian and Nikolay

The European Planning Meeting (EPM) will officially start on the 18th of February and the topic choosen during Autumn Agora Cagliari is “Europe and Russia, view from the youth prospective”. In order to develop the topic in the best way possible, two content managers were appointed, with the help of Lavinia Manea (AEGEE-București), Content manager of EBM Lublin 2014 (European… Read more →

Member of the Month Pablo Hernández Rodríguez: “Motivation is having fun with what you do and with the people you work with”

Pablo Hernández Rodríguez, former president of AEGEE-Alicante, Policy Officer, team member of Democracy in Practice and member of AEGEE-Thessaloniki, is the member of the month for January. Pablo thought we were joking when we informed him that he’s the member of the month. He is currently working on his position paper on Youth Employment focusing on the Transition from Education to… Read more →

Meet the new Speaker Team of the Public Relations Committee!

Since the beginning of January, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of AEGEE-Europe has a new team of speakers. Read the interview with speaker Jelena Stankovic (AEGEE-Beograd) and vice-speaker Gerardo Garcia Diaz (AEGEE-Oviedo) and find out about their field of work, their aims for the upcoming term and their plans for the Fair at the European Planning Meeting(EPM) in Burgos and… Read more →

Looks like we have a new Chair Team!

The Chair Team is changing its members during every Autumn Agora. The newly elected team is preparing for the statutory events that are coming, because preparation is the key to a successful event, in this case first of all for the European Planning Meeting (EPM). They have responsibilities that need to be respected so that the event goes on as… Read more →

Meet our new Editors on the Block!

With a new year, come new team members or roles for current members, like the two new Editors for our People and Projects and Working Groups sections! Journalist Katja Sontag (AEGEE-Aachen) will be responsible for all our interviews with AEGEE members from now on, while Larisa Smajlagic (AEGEE-Verona) will make sure you hear all the news about AEGEE bodies!  The… Read more →