
Meet the ‘mommy’ of our network: Svenja van der Tol is our Member of the Month

Red hair, blue eyed Dutch-German girl with a really positive personality: Guess who? We are talking of course about Svenja van der Tol (AEGEE-Nijmegen), in three words: hyperactive happy and caring. No doubt about that! We can confirm her hard work just by taking into account her engagement both on the Local and the European level of AEGEE. She has… Read more →

Anna Gumbau: “In AEGEE you don’t know which opportunities will be knocking at your door”

In the past year, The AEGEEan was in the hands of Anna Gumbau Martinez (AEGEE-Barcelona), who was a very caring Editor-in-Chief. Although Erika Bettin (AEGEE-Venezia) was elected to take over, this doesn’t mean Anna will become inactive! While she will stay active for The AEGEEan, she is also a member of the board of AEGEE-Barcelona, the Anniversary Team and the… Read more →

AEGEE-Dresden founder Jorge Sánchez Hernández: “The most valuable thing that AEGEE has given me is all the amazing people I have met on the way”

During the Autumn Agora in Cagliari, Jorge Sánchez Hernández took the stage to present AEGEE-Dresden, which was at that moment still a contact. After his speech however, he signed the Convention d’Adhesion, transforming his contact into a contact antenna. Looking at the endless amounts of time, work and motivation he put into re-founding a local in Dresden, The AEGEEan thought… Read more →

Member of the Month Anna Pykhtina: “You get inspired when you see real devotion to the work you do”

The closing plenary of Autumn Agora Cagliari 2014 will definitely remain one of the most special AEGEE moments for Anna Pykhtina (AEGEE-Kyiv), when she gave her first speech as Main Organiser of the upcoming Autumn Agora Kyiv 2015. “Smailikova”, as everyone calls her, is the current president of AEGEE-Kyiv and Training Manager of the upcoming Summer University Project School that will… Read more →

Member of the Month of October Sabina Guja: “The most difficult thing is trying to hold on to a high standard”

Like every month, The AEGEEan elects a member who stand out for his or her contribution to our association. In October this person was Sabina Guja from AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca, rewarding her for being the Public Relations (PR) responsible of the Culture Working Group (CWG) and having been part of two proofreaders team (The AEGEEan and the Key to Europe), a job… Read more →

Boudewijn Steenhof for NetCom: “Being SubCom was like a first peek into AEGEE-Europe, and I would love for that window to become bigger!”

After having been a board member of AEGEE-Leiden, main organiser of two Network Meetings in a row and last but for sure not least Subcommissioner to Lia Tuska for the Dutch-speaking locals, Boudewijn Steenhof (AEGEE-Leiden) decided to take the step and run for NetCom himself. Read on to find out more about him, his motivation and plans! The AEGEEan: First… Read more →

Szabina Hellinger for MedCom: “MedCom work is not only about the intervention in any possible conflict”

Szabina Hellinger, Hungarian but from AEGEE-Brescia, is the last candidate to have applied for a spot in the Mediation Commission. The AEGEEan had a talk with her to discover more about her, her motivation and her plans. The AEGEEan: Please, introduce yourself. Szabina: I met AEGEE in 2009 through my first Summer University and got immediately the wave of it. I started my… Read more →

Erika Bettin for Chairperson: “good communication and good cooperation is the key to deliver a good job”

Active member of the Culture Working Group, Agora responsible for the Election Observation project, Editor for the AEGEEan and co-Editor-in-Chief of the Key to Europe 2013-2014, but also terrified by clowns and mangos, Erika (AEGEE-Venezia) is one of the candidates for the position of Chairperson for the next term. The AEGEEan met her to ask her few questions to know… Read more →

Tom Simons for Chairperson: “I needed a position which I would find challenging”

Active member on local level, Member of the Mediation Commission, Tom (AEGEE-Enschede) is one of the candidates for the position of Chairperson for the next term. The AEGEEan met him to ask him few questions to know more about him and his plans. The AEGEEan: Tell us about Tom in few words. What we don’t know about you? Tom: hm,… Read more →