
Miljana Vulevic for Chairperson: Her motto? “Work hard, play hard”

As the Agora is approaching, new candidates are coming: Today we are meeting Miljana Vulevic (AEGEE-Beograd) who is running for the position of Chairperson of our upcoming General Assembly. Active member and HR responsible of her local, Miljana is also engaged on the European level as former Secretary in Patra and current Vice-Chairperson of Agora Cagliari. See if she is… Read more →

Andrea Ugrinoska for Chairperson: She ‘knows how to laugh hard on a good joke, but sit at the table and do its work at the same time’

Time for Agora Cagliari, time for new candidates. Today we are meeting Andrea Ugrinoska (AEGEE-Skopje), who is running for the position of Chairperson at the upcoming Autumn Agora 2014. Former Human Resources responsible and current president of her antenna, Andrea considers herself as a hard-working and reliable person, who gives her contribution and energy both on the local and on… Read more →

Olga Rivero for NetCom: “Working as a Netcommie requires two important ingredients: commitment and experience”

Olga Rivero, member of AEGEE-Oviedo, is currently subcommissioner of NetCom Assistant Carmen María López, but in Autumn Agora Cagliari she’ll be taking the stage to present her candidature as Network Commissioner. She has many ideas on how to improve our Network in mind, and she is sharing some of her thoughts with The AEGEEan. Please, first of all, introduce yourself!… Read more →

Rubén Puras for NetCom: “There is a secret ingredient, motivation, that can move the world!”

The AEGEEan is currently meeting all the candidates for the different positions that will be elected at Autumn Agora Cagliari 2014. One of these motivated members is Rubén Puras, president of AEGEE-Burgos and coordinator of the upcoming European Planning Meeting in the Spanish city, who is now running also to become Network Commissioner! The AEGEEan asked him some questions in… Read more →

Ioana Duca: “If I’ll ever candidate for CD, it will be for Financial Director”

The Comité Directeur still has one available place: Financial Director. Ioana Duca applied for this possition, currently being the interim Financial Director. She is a proud member of AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca and always willing to discover more of the AEGEE mystery. Read the answers she gave to The AEGEEan to find out more about her! The AEGEEan: Ioana, you started in AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca… Read more →

Georgia Grolliou for SUCT: “If it’s not you that you love to work for this amazing organisation, then who would do it?”

Georgia Grolliou joined AEGEE about two years ago during her Erasmus in Aachen. She is the current president of AEGEE-Thessaloniki and she is running for Project Manager of Summer University Coordination Team (SUCT). Let’s find out more about her and her plans for SUCT! The AEGEEan: Who are you? How did you find out about AEGEE? Hello to everyone!! I… Read more →

Suzan for SUCT: “I want to be a brick in the wall of AEGEE in the name of Summer University Coordination Team!”

Suzan Dilara Tokac from AEGEE-Eskisehir is not a fresh member in AEGEE. In fact, she joined the association 7 years ago and, after a break, she came back even more enthusiastic and excited to not only attend main statutory events but also to organize successful Summer University by AEGEE-Eskisehir this summer. Now Suzan applies for of Public Relations Responsible in… Read more →

Mario Galea for NetCom, ready “to serve and support all my locals to develop themselves to their full potential”

Mario Galea (AEGEE-Valletta) is an experienced member who became subcommissioner for NetCom Mattia Abis last year. Now, he is running for the Network Commission of AEGEE, showing a strong passion “to serve and to protect”, as the NetCom’s motto says, and help with the development of his locals. The AEGEEan got to know Mario Galea better, while he shared his… Read more →

Andrea Schmelz for Network Commission: “It is the perfect position for triggering and pushing networking”

Agora Cagliari will take place really really soon, so the applications for each possition have been aproved. For the Network Commission there are five candidates until now. One of them is Andrea Schmelz from AEGEE-Passau, Subcommie of the German-speaking locals since Agora Zaragoza. The AEGEEan asked her some questions about her plans as Netcom to be. The AEGEEan: First of… Read more →

Ksenia for SUCT: isn’t it a pleasant thing, to spend a whole year working for happy SUmmer?

Ksenia Lupanova from AEGEE-Moskva is one of this year’s candidatures for the Summer University Coordination Team. She applied for Publication Responsible and confessed that she always dreamed to work for the project, but only now feels she’s ready to take this challenge. The AEGEEan interviewed Ksenia and talked about her brightest ideas, best and worst experiences as organizer and participant and… Read more →