
Member of the Month of April – Alice Bednářová

“She has been responsible for the successful revival of the Cultural European Night at the EBM”. Who is this mysterious person, you might be wondering? It is Alice Bednarova from AEGEE-London. The European Night during Autumn Agora Budapest raised many questions and gave way to many discussions. The Culture Working Group (CWG) has decided to take things under control starting… Read more →

New speaker of the AEGEE-Academy: Maartje Natrop

While Agora Rhein-Neckar took place, the new board of the Academy was elected trough online voting by the Academy members. Costas Deltouzos from AEGEE-Patras is the new secretary / IT-responsible, Patrick Scholz from AEGEE-Aachen is the new treasurer and Maartje Natrop from AEGEE-Utrecht,  whom I spoke to over a nice cake dinner, is the new speaker. Firstly, can you tell us… Read more →

Events Committee Competition Winner Encourages to Organise as Many Exchanges as Possible

Recently we published the article giving you an insight into the story behind 2nd place winner of the Events Committee’s (EvC) Facebook competition. Now it is time to reveal the winner which includes not only AEGEE-Oviedo but also AEGEE-Yerevan and the Eastern Partnership Project Team. The Peace Building in Europe took place in Gijón last year, and the EvC’s competition… Read more →

PRomoting The Best AEGEE Event Picture 2012

Recently, a competition took place on the Events Committee’s Facebook page in order to find the best AEGEE event picture of 2012. One of the people who took part in the competition was Balázs Kovács from AEGEE-Debrecen. His efforts in this competition were rewarded by a second place for the head picture of this article. Therefore, The AEGEEan took the… Read more →