
What about Policy Officers?

As many of our members have realised, AEGEE is a youth organisation which gives young people the opportunity to try out their ideas, to develop their initiatives and, by these means, to become active citizens. Without a doubt, AEGEE can be proud of its singularity: we give young people the chance to try out their ideas in order to make… Read more →

Member of the Month: Armenak Minasyants plans to bring one of the statutory events to Yerevan

Dear Network, if you do not know his name yet than you have already missed out many extraordinary things that the member of this month has done during his membership in AEGEE. I will give you some tips: he is the Speaker of the International Politics Working Group (IPWG), former coordinator of the Conflict Resolution pillar of the Eastern Partnership… Read more →

AEGEE Fairies Getting Ready for Autumn Agora Budapest

At Spring Agora Enschede, The AEGEEan editor Patricia Anthony received the nickname ”AEGEE fairy” by fellow editor of The AEGEEan, Szabó Kata. A nickname that will stick, since she is taking up the challenge again. But this time, she will be joined by former “fairy” and current Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe, Anna Gots, as well as by the new “fairy” in town,… Read more →

Chair Team candidate Alla Resheten – “AEGEE people give me huge inspiration”

Quite often after being involved in AEGEE work on full-time basis, lots of AEGEE members are leaving AEGEE “to get some rest”.  However, the candidate for Chair Team Alla Resheten, whose name is usually followed by countless AEGEE titles, is not tired. “How you can be tired from something you thoroughly enjoy?”, says Alla. The AEGEEan was lucky enough to… Read more →

Ilona Bogomolova for Audit Commission – Ready to accept the challenge

A new AGORA is approaching, a new set of candidates are preparing their speeches and getting ready to impress our AEGEEans with their ideas, perspectives and views. One of these candidates is Ilona Bogomolova, from AEGEE-Kyiv, who is aiming for a position in the Audit Commission. Besides this, there is also a new country which is anxiously awaiting to accept… Read more →