>Some more interesting differences with BEST (Board of European Students of Technology). – Their Network Update lasts nearly 1 hour per local. The local gives a presentation on why they should/shouldn’t be upgraded/downgraded and the whole plenary asks questions. – They have fixed seats, so the delegates get a strict eye if they are late in the plenary. It’s a… Read more →
>Where anarchists have a point
>Working full-time in an organisation makes me aware of many things. In the first place of course of all those things that fail, don’t work, go wrong. And it makes me think about “being organised” itself… Anarchists claim that any hierarchy, any form of authority, and this also includes any form of written regulation, are a threat to human nature… Read more →
>CD exposed! Today: Agata and her idealism!
> You always hear about them, some gossip here, some mails there, butwho are these people that are sitting in an office somewhere inBrussels? Network Director threatening to downgrade your antenna?Financial Director refusing reimbursement? Is the Comité Directeurtruly made out of people from flesh and blood? Yes, they are and nowyou will get the unique opportunity to get to know… Read more →
>Restructuring communication in AEGEE: step one – a new platform for discussions
>For a long time mailing lists have been the main communication channel in our association. Some longer time ago aegee-l, as the main place for anything related to AEGEE was moderated and the subscribers and people actively taking part in the conversations were always reminded to follow the rules of the mailing list. For example it was common to redirect… Read more →
>Debate by Margot Wallstrom about Irish ‘ No ‘
> Today i have attended the debate leaded by Margot Wallstrom, the vice-president of the European Commission, under the topic of ” EU Communication After the Irish “No”. Mrs. Wallström generally talked about the effect of Irish ‘ No ‘ in to other European Union countries, the elections in United States and the power of Internet for the PR of… Read more →
How I lived the European elections: ze Belgians
Replying to (or continuing) Tena’s e-mail on AEGEE’s main mailinglist, Read more →
>Results of the Transfer Knowledge
>Learning how to use Photoshop, ImageReady and other cool programmes is a must for all PR knowledge transfer. Read more →
NWM Barcelona: AEGEE-Bilbao, AEGEE-Malaga, AEGEE-Granada!
Ay! Barcelooooona… Recipe of happy life? carrying a suitcase and a frowned face from rainy Brussels, I got picked up at the train station in scooter (!) and had the most magnificent city tour in sunny, enchaunting Barcelona… all problems were swept away. Further destination: Mora la Nova, on the Ebro river, where the NWM took place. The cooperation and… Read more →
Policy debate by Margot Wallström
Today i have attended the debate leaded by Margot Wallstrom, the vice-president of the European Commission, under the topic of ‘’ EU Communication After the Irish “No”. Mrs. Wallström generally talked about the effect of Irish ‘ No ‘ in to other European Union countries, the elections in United States and the power of Internet for the PR of future… Read more →
¡Democracia Real Ya!
>In nearly all European countries, democracy is our system, it is the structure of our society. But it is not the essence of our society; the essence are we ourselves, the people. In a real democracy, we must constantly remind ourselves of the fact that “democracy” is not a magic formula that generates justice and good governance, but that it… Read more →