AEGEE-Canterbury – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Wed, 16 Mar 2016 15:39:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png AEGEE-Canterbury – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 ACTive Local of the Month of December AEGEE-Canterbury: “We Are Fighting for the European Vision in the Heartland of the Brexit Movement” ../../../2016/03/17/active-local-of-the-month-of-december-aegee-canterbury-we-are-fighting-for-the-european-vision-in-the-heartland-of-the-brexit-movement/ Thu, 17 Mar 2016 15:39:05 +0000 ../../../?p=33708 Drink your tea with milk today, because the next ACTive Local of the Month we want to present to you is based in the UK. Congratulations to AEGEE-Canterbury! The Contact Antenna organised an interesting debate about UK’s membership of the European Union. We spoke to James Kelly to find out more about their event. ACT: Congratulations! As we would like… Read more →


Drink your tea with milk today, because the next ACTive Local of the Month we want to present to you is based in the UK. Congratulations to AEGEE-Canterbury! The Contact Antenna organised an interesting debate about UK’s membership of the European Union. We spoke to James Kelly to find out more about their event.

AEGEE-Canterbury 3ACT: Congratulations! As we would like to get to know this month’s winner, could you tell us a bit more about your local?

James: We are based at the University of Kent, which stylises itself as ‘the UK’s European University’. Our university quite rightly deserves this title, being recently placed as the 66th most internationalised university in the world by THE. You can easily see why by just walking around the campus a short while and hearing the myriad of languages spoken; something that is reflected in our group! However, we are also placed in one of the most Eurosceptic counties in the entirety of the UK. For this reason, our antenna is in a unique position to fight for the European vision in the heartland of the ‘Brexit’ movement. Though still quite small in size, we have ambitions to grow more and become one of the most dynamic AEGEE locals out there!

You organised a debate about UK’s membership of the European Union. Can you tell us more about the debate?

The debate was really our keystone event of the last term. Together with four other societies on campus, we orchestrated a highly popular and successful debate with teams representing the interests of four of the UK’s major political parties. Aside from the debate, our antenna has been highly proactive and has been involved in a wide variety of activities in a comparatively short amount of time. Aside from our many social gatherings in the quintessentially British pubs of Canterbury, we have been very active in campaigning for the EU in Kent. From holding a campus referendum on EU membership to canvassing in the city of Canterbury itself, we have firmly established ourselves as a hands-on European group in our local community.

AEGEE-Canterbury 1​Why did you decide to organise the debate?

It has been confirmed that the UK shall have a referendum on EU membership, and because of this it is highly important that students are adequately informed on the issue and engaged in the topic. What better way to do this than through a debate? It provided the best means to spread the message from both sides of the argument and also provided an opportunity to us to work with the Eurosceptic student societies. Though our political views may differ, it was highly reassuring to know that we strive for adequately informed students to enable them to make educated decisions. As the referendum approaches closer, I am sure our encounters will become even more spirited and rewarding!

What was the result?

The event was highly popular both in the university and beyond as we had many guests come to visit from outside the campus community. The debate was well structured and balanced, with the quality of oratory from the speakers being of the highest standards. All in all it was a highly successful event that crucially got people talking about Europe and the future role of the UK within it.

AEGEE-Canterbury 2Why do you think the Action Agenda is important for the Network, and what would you say to other locals that are thinking about organising something related to the Action Agenda?

The Action Agenda provide locals with clear objectives for themselves to achieve within the local community, with the knowledge of the Europe wide goals they are striving towards. I can think of few, if any, student organisations that have the same sense of purpose. For this reason, what I would say to other locals is to find your own specific goal to aim towards and achieve it in the most creative and engaging way possible. If you can do this whilst working with student and non-student groups outside of AEGEE all the better!

Do you have any other big plans for the upcoming months?

As the UK’s referendum on EU membership comes ever closer, so too does the necessity for us to further expand our campaign! We shall be actively involved with the ‘Stronger In’ movement and shall be meeting with local communities and schools in order to expand our reach.

AEGEE-CanterburyAEGEE-Canterbury has certainly shown to the Network that it can be an example to other locals. What would you say to other locals that want to be as awesome as you?

Euroscepticism is by no means singular to the UK, so I would advise other locals to take an equally active role in raising awareness and campaigning across Europe! Be it through debate, hosting referendums or whatever other creative events you might come up with, be sure to establish a constructive dialogue in an engaging and welcoming environment.

​Which sentence would describe your local and your event?

British and European students on the front line of keeping Britain in the EU!

Written by Action Agenda Coordination Committee

Meet Emily Zerling Who “Always Felt Very European” ../../../2015/12/11/meet-emily-zerling-who-always-felt-very-european/ Fri, 11 Dec 2015 14:14:23 +0000 ../../../?p=32485 Do not be afraid, the isle is full of noises, sounds, and students, that express their delight for AEGEE. Sometimes a thousand young people in Britain will speak about Europe, and sometimes these voices will form an antenna that seems so natural that it looks like it had been awoken from a long sleep. After being founded almost half a… Read more →


Do not be afraid, the isle is full of noises, sounds, and students, that express their delight for AEGEE. Sometimes a thousand young people in Britain will speak about Europe, and sometimes these voices will form an antenna that seems so natural that it looks like it had been awoken from a long sleep. After being founded almost half a year ago, AEGEE-Canterbury is now a full-fledged antenna. That is why the AEGEEan decided to interview Emily Zerling again, and see what has happened in these past few months.

AEGEEan5The AEGEEan: Could you tell us something about yourself?

Emily: I’m half French and half English, so I’ve always felt very European. I’m really happy about my double nationality, because it has given me the opportunity to benefit from a double culture, and has helped me broaden my horizons.

When did you guys decide to set up a local in Canterbury?

We decided to set up a local in Canterbury almost a year ago but it took a few months before we were able to get it fully started.

AEGEE-Canterbury was officially ratified as a contact antenna about two months ago. What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome in order to achieve this goal?

I think that the most difficult obstacle to overcome was to try and find ten members, because we set up our local in Canterbury in March, which was nearly at the end of the year for students in the UK. And then we had to convince people to join us and become members during the summer and September, which wasn’t always easy. However, we managed, and I’m really glad that we have so many committed members this year, and a lovely committee on whom I can count on. So I’d like to thank them for their help again.

Of which activities or events that AEGEE-Canterbury organised are you most fond?

AEGEEan2I really enjoyed the European dinner that we did at the beginning of term, the food was so lovely and everybody participated. It was a nice way to start the year and get to know people.

I was also very pleased with the mock referendum that we organised at our university. A lot of people came to vote, and the result was really encouraging, 82% of students in favour of the UK staying in the EU. Also, I appreciated the work that had been done preparing the event. Thank you again Roland for being in charge of organising the referendum, and James, Marlène, Emir, Rebeca, Ian, Chiara and all the others. You all did a great job!

What (kind of activities) has AEGEE-Canterbury planned for the future?

AEGEE-Canterbury will organise a student-led debate about UK membership in the EU at the beginning of December at the University of Kent, where all societies representing political parties in the UK will be debating. It is going to be interesting to see all the arguments of each political party, and it is a good way to raise awareness about the upcoming referendum and it might help people that don’t know how they should vote.

Otherwise, I hope we’ll organise events with other AEGEEans in the UK next year.

Could you tell us a bit about Euro-Optimism in Canterbury and the UK in general?

AEGEEan4Canterbury is located in Kent, which is in the South East of England. It is a very Euro-Sceptic area, so therefore it is important to concentrate the “Yes campaign”, to stay in the EU, in this area. Students and young people are more Euro-Optimistic, so it’s not a problem for us, but we are also trying to target other groups by joining alliances with other pro EU groups, such as the East Kent European Movement, or the Young European Movement in Canterbury.

I feel that the UK in general has always seen the EU, or even the European continent, as something very distant and foreign, because it is an island. So I feel that there is a lack of European identity, which is a shame. I think it has also to do with the fact that the UK was a colonial power before and seems to think that it’s influence doesn’t have to be limited to the EU only.

How do you feel about British Prime Minister Cameron’s upcoming referendum in 2017 for Britain to leave the UK?

AEGEEan1I don’t know if you know, but there has already been a similar referendum in 1975 with a positive result that led to the UK to stay in the EU.

So having a referendum again, before the end of 2017, has more to do with the recent rise of Euro-Scepticism, especially inside the Conservative party. I feel that it might be more of a political calculation that Cameron did in order to satisfy his own party. I think that if the result is that the UK will stay in the EU, then the EU will gain more legitimacy and more credibility for UK citizens. So this referendum can’t be such a bad idea.

Written by Willem LaurentzenAEGEE-Nijmegen
