AEGEE-firenze – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Sun, 26 Mar 2017 15:16:57 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png AEGEE-firenze – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 RTC Season : Let’s Talk about it with AEGEE Lviv, AEGEE Touluse, AEGEE Firenze and AEGEE Pisa ../../../2017/03/27/rtc-season-lets-talk-about-it-with-aegee-lviv-aegee-touluse-aegee-firenze-and-aegee-pisa/ Mon, 27 Mar 2017 06:00:52 +0000 ../../../?p=39609 It is already that magical season of the year! No, we are not talking about Spring and the rebirth of nature. Of course we are talking about the RTC season. RTCs (Regional Training Courses) are meetings among members and their aim (according to what is written on the AEGEE Europe member’s portal) is to prepare them to take responsibilities in… Read more →


It is already that magical season of the year! No, we are not talking about Spring and the rebirth of nature. Of course we are talking about the RTC season. RTCs (Regional Training Courses) are meetings among members and their aim (according to what is written on the AEGEE Europe member’s portal) is to prepare them to take responsibilities in board positions. We have asked for some opinions of the organisers of three RTCs all over Europe from the antennae of AEGEE-Lviv, AEGEE-Touluse, AEGEE-Pisa and AEGEE-Firenze.


toulouseAll the hosts are very excited and for them this is a great opportunity to grow as antennae. AEGEE-Toulouse told us that “this RTC is one of the only events that will take place in France this year, it happens before important elections for us, so it is a great occasion to discuss the importance of Europe in French people’s life. We have 15 participants, our members will host them to allow the fee not to be too huge (because hostels are incredibly expensive in Toulouse). We really want to make this RTC unforgettable: we willl be chasing a treasure during our visit of Toulouse. The sessions will be, among others, about how to organise local events such as the European Student Festival of AEGEE-Toulouse, and about EVS!”.       

LVIVIn addition, AEGEE-Lviv said RTCs are also an opportunity to create strong relationships between antennae from different countries that are part of the same Network. “Since we have become one network with Polish antennae, we planned to organise a regional event. By evaluating the abilities of our antennae we decided that an RTC would be the best option. Together with the other locals, we decided that the HR topic would be the most interesting for everyone. Due to a lack of applications, however, we decided that we would organise an LTC for our members and invite foreigners to it. We will make typical LTC sessions, but HR will still be a leading topic.” 

RTCs are also an amazing way to became closer to another antenna. For instance, AEGEE-Firenze and AEGEE-Pi
sa have decided to organise an RTC together. “We decided to apply for hosting an RTC because both the boards of AEGEE-Pisa and AEGEE-Firenze knew that the new members needed an opportunity to learn more about AEGEE, the possibility to join the board, organise international events and the overall structure of the association.” They also gave us some spoilers about their programme: “We will start with a double session about the structure of AEGEE: one for the newbies, one for more advanced members. Then we will talk about the organisation of European events, teamwork and conflict resolution. The next session will be about managing a local: recruiting, fundraising, how to organise thematic activities and management of a local in general.

firenze_panoramicaThe “European events organisation” workshop will be held by AEGEE-Pisa founder, honorary member of AEGEE-Firenze and current member of Les Anciens Paolo Santoni: “This is going to be a huge opportunity for all the participants. But let’s talk about the serious stuff: the programme will be filled with the Regional Night (which, with all the nationalities of the participants, will actually be a real EN) and we are organising games and party also for the second night”.



Written by Paola Letizia Murru, AEGEE-Cagliari

CD on Track: Zvonimir and Tekla are in Firenze and Milano ../../../2017/02/19/cd-on-track-zvonimir-and-tekla-are-in-firenze-and-milano/ Sun, 19 Feb 2017 15:11:50 +0000 ../../../?p=39200 Tekla Day 4 and 5 – Milano (17th-18th February) After parting again to continue my journey, my next stop was Milano for the evening after a rather short train ride from Torino. We spent a nice dinner together with some of the Board members and the active members of AEGEE-Milano, when we discussed several topics: first of all, how to manage… Read more →

Milano 1

Tekla with AEGEE-Milano Members

Tekla Day 4 and 5 – Milano (17th-18th February)

After parting again to continue my journey, my next stop was Milano for the evening after a rather short train ride from Torino. We spent a nice dinner together with some of the Board members and the active members of AEGEE-Milano, when we discussed several topics: first of all, how to manage a local next to having a full-time job, as the majority of the members and the Board are already working in a full-time position, and they organise their events and activities next to their jobs. Second, we also talked about the upcoming Summer University of AEGEE-Milano, with AEGEE-Bologna, AEGEE-Treviso, AEGEE-Pisa and AEGEE-Bari. It will be the first Summer University in Milano after a long time, thus providing an opportunity, but also a challenge at the same time for all the locals, as the SU will cover both the Northern and Southern part of Italy.

Milano by Night

Milano by night

We also discussed how recruitment faces challenges in big international cities such as Milano, where there are many opportunities and huge competition regarding students’ organisations and NGOs – again we agreed that the power of people and having a friendly environment can keep the members within AEGEE. Last, but not least, I mentioned some opportunities for Erasmus+ and how the locals can use the programme for their activities.

The evening continued with a special night edition of the city tour in Milano where the guys showed me the city centre in a nutshell – it was a really special experience as I was able to get a less touristic view of the city and more the inhabitants’ perspective of the sights and the nightlife. The next day started with packing and departing as usual for the next stop, Brescia – but not before getting useful tips about how to cook pasta the best way [She smiles, ed.].

Zvonimir Day 5 – Firenze (17th of February)


Zvonimir with AEGEE-Firenze members

After very long travels to Leon and Torino, and after talks and activities with those locals, it is time for shorter travels. The third local  I visited was AEGEE-Firenze. Shortly after I arrived to the city, I met with Marella, president of AEGEE-Firenze. After a conversation with her and a city tour around the beautiful city of Firenze, we met with the rest of the members.

AEGEE-Firenze has around 100 members, but we discussed that not that many members of the local are active. Firstly, we started discussing potential solutions on how to tackle this problem and involve more people, because this is not something that is universal and that is not easy to implement.


Zvonimir with Marella

The local is doing quite a lot activities with Erasmus students in the University, such as parties, trips  and other local activities. In the group there were also Isidora and Nico, presidents of AEGEE-Beograd and AEGEE-Pisa, but two potential members of AEGEE-Firenze, too. We all shared our experiences: why we joined, what motivate us to work in AEGEE, and we manage to get two new members for AEGEE-Firenze. Guys, welcome in our big family!

Lastly, we concluded our meeting with a chat with Marella, Nico and Gabriele about the structure of AEGEE, antenna criteria, and how we can make our structure more flexible regarding decision-making and engaging for members, concerning Network Meetings, European Planning Meeting and Agoras. You can also check the interview with Marella and see what she has to say about AEGEE and what is her message for you!

The next local that I will visit is AEGEE-Bologna, so stay tuned for more information from them.

Written by Tekla Haydu and Zvonimir Canjuga, Comité Directeur

The Road to the Agora ../../../2016/03/26/the-road-to-the-agora/ Sat, 26 Mar 2016 11:25:57 +0000 ../../../?p=33837 Spring Agora Bergamo starts on the 18th of May this year, and its arrival is solemnly heralded by its many Facebook invites and by those of the Pre-Agora events. If you go to the Agora, you can go directly or you can go via one of the six Pre-Agora events (or just go to one of the six Pre-Agora events,… Read more →


Spring Agora Bergamo starts on the 18th of May this year, and its arrival is solemnly heralded by its many Facebook invites and by those of the Pre-Agora events. If you go to the Agora, you can go directly or you can go via one of the six Pre-Agora events (or just go to one of the six Pre-Agora events, no obligations). Regardless of which, the deadlines to apply for these six events are approaching soon, that’s why we, at the AEGEEan, have decided to make a list of all the six pre-events. This… is the road to the Agora.


Sail Forward

AEGEEan1 GenovaThe Pre-Agora event that starts first is AEGEE-Genova’s “Sail Forward”, continuing from the 12th until the 18th of May. It is both the longest and most expensive of the Pre-Agora events, encompassing almost an entire week and costing €120. The event will take place in both the city of Genova itself, and Cinque Terre (Five Lands), a collection of five villages and tourist hotspot on rugged bit of coastal area on the Italian Riviera between Genova and La Spezia. “Sail Forward” is also perhaps the most sportive of the six pre-events, because the hills of Genova and especially Cinque Terre are perfect for hiking and exploration.

Deadline 29th of March. Application here and here.


Amusic Mi(lano)

AEGEEan2 MilanAEGEE-Milano’s pre-event could be considered to be the most exclusive of the Pre-Agora events: it is one of the shortest (lasting only five days), the most expensive per day (€19,80 or €22,80, including the costs for the optional fee), together with “All EU need is Love” takes in the least amount of people (only 20), and the culturally most sophisticated (the programme includes, among which, a visit to at least one museum, as well as a live performance of classical music). As mentioned before, there is an optional fee to visit Como, on the shores of lake Como, which has an interesting connection with dictators. There was Julius Caesar, who, in the first century B.C., came, saw and decided that the settlement of Como should  move to its current location, and Benito Mussolini, who was captured and promptly executed on the northern banks of lake Como.

Deadline 3rd of April. Application here and here.


25 and Looking Forward!

AEGEEan3 FlorenceAlso starting on the 13th of May is AEGEE-Firenze’s “25 and Looking Forward!”, a pre-event combined with a celebration of their twenty-fifth anniversary, which they promise will be “epic”. Part of this Pre-Agora event will be spent in a country house in the Tuscan hills, while the other part will be spent in the city of Florence itself. There will be a tour of the city, which is arguably most famous for its citizens like the artists, Donatello (1386-1466) and Botticelli (1445-1510), the writers, Dante (1265-1321) and Machiavelli (1469-1527), half of the De’ Medici family, and some people you might not even realise were born in Florence. These being explorer Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512), nurse Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), and fashion designer Guccio Gucci (1881-1953).

Deadline 30th of March. Application here and here.


All EU need is Love

AEGEEan4 VeronaAs mentioned before, AEGEE-Verona’s All EU Need Is Love might contend with AEGEE-Milano’s “Amusic Mi(lano)” to be one of the most exclusive 2016 Pre-Agora events: both accept only 20 participants, and both last relatively short. That being said, AEGEE-Verona has one of the lowest fees of all the six Pre-Agora events. Its participants sleep in a gym, and, instead of museums and classical music, AEGEE-Verona offers workshops about Italian cooking, and language & gestures workshops. They also offer a trip to lake Garda (in between Verona and Bergamo), transportation to Bergamo that is included in the fee, and a city tour at night in a city (so nice) where Shakespeare set his plays thrice.

Deadline 5th of April. Application here and here.


Feel sLOVEnija

AEGEEan5 Lake BledAnother local that’s tying into the love motif is AEGEE-Ljubljana with their “feel sLOVEnija” Pre-Agora event. It is the only pre-event that does not take place in Italy, and it’s the only one that allows for up to thirty participants to enter. It has some similarities with “All EU need is Love”, in that both take place on the same dates (14-05 till 18-05), offer local drinks, delicious food, a visit to a stunning lake, and provide transportation to Bergamo that is included in the fee. AEGEE-Verona teaches you Italian gestures, whereas AEGEE-Ljubljana teaches you how to flirt in Slovenian. It just comes to show that love comes in many varieties.

Deadline 31st of March. Application here and here.


AAAB: Amazing AEGEEan Adventure Brixiæ

AEGEEan6 BrixiaThe final Pre-Agora event is AEGEE-Brescia’s “AAAB”, or “Amazing AEGEEan Adventure Brixiæ”, which sounds funny, because of the letter ‘B’ ends a series of ‘A’s, but also because the name of the city, Brescia, is written in Latin, Brixia. This may have something to do with the city’s rich historical heritage, which can be seen during this pre-event. ”AAAB” is also unique in that it’s the shortest of the six pre-events, lasting from Monday evening on the 16th till Wednesday morning on the 18th. It also has the cheapest overall fee, which is in part, because, like in Verona, you’ll sleep in a gym, and it’s the pre-event that is closest to the Agora itself.

Deadline 3rd of April. Application here and here.


So there you go… if you go, take a pick of your road to the Agora.


Written by Willem Laurentzen, AEGEE-Nijmegen

Friends from the First Bite Never Say “Goodbye” ../../../2015/11/30/friends-from-the-first-bite-never-say-goodbye/ Mon, 30 Nov 2015 10:30:05 +0000 ../../../?p=31527 Firstly, take a wonderful country, then scatter some beautiful cities on its surface. Mix three antennas and sprinkle them. Finally, add 26 participants from all over Europe and bake under the Italian sun for two weeks. In the end, you’re gonna taste the most spicy, delicious and delightful Summer University (SU) you could ever imagine!   The Pisa Part The… Read more →


Firstly, take a wonderful country, then scatter some beautiful cities on its surface. Mix three antennas and sprinkle them. Finally, add 26 participants from all over Europe and bake under the Italian sun for two weeks. In the end, you’re gonna taste the most spicy, delicious and delightful Summer University (SU) you could ever imagine!


gran tourThe Pisa Part

The first stop and first impression of what would follow was Pisa. The organisers greeted the participants with cold beers and snacks, and as the participants were settling in the gym, an exciting atmosphere was promising new friendships. By dinner time, the ice was already broken and everybody was ready to live this adventure to the maximum. The next day was dedicated to discovering Pisa, and especially the secrets of the Square of Miracles, which is full of strange things: a leaning tower, devil’s nails on a wall and some crazy people running around after city rally hints. After such an eventful day, a BBQ party recharged everyone’s energy, and emptied many bottles.


Next station was the small city of royalties, less than half an hour by train from Pisa, Lucca, full of churches and legends, which were narrated in a very vivid way by the best guide a participant could ever ask for, Luca from AEGEE-Pisa!


The Firenze and Tuscany’s Countryside Part

The second stop was the main part of this extraordinary trip: almost six days right in the heart of Tuscany’s culture to admire romantic bridges, grandiose sculptures, marvellous paintings and, of course, probably the most fascinating sunset in Italy, from Piazzale Michelangelo. Maybe this was the reason why so many couples were created during these days and why the gossip box was on fire, full of confessions. This flirting mood was enhanced by some salsa and bachata dancing lessons by the master of salsa, Matteo from AEGEE-Firenze. Furthermore, there were Italian language courses so everyone could learn some useful phrases to charm others, by talking in the most seductive language.


If the days were full of activities, the nights were full of relaxation and entertainment, so the time spent in the hostel was limited. The perfect mix between calm evenings at lakes, pubs with BBQ, karaoke nights and crazy parties in the clubs was definitely a sign of a perfect organising team. Every evening was unique, but everybody agreed that the swimming pool party was a night to remember: cold drinks, warm water and hot bodies dancing around.


gran tour 2The next days were spent in Tuscany’s province. The calm scenery of the countryside was interrupted by the most amazing European night that could ever happen. Tables full of food and beverages anywhere from Spain to Russia. One could try Spanish paella, Greek tzatziki, Russian oladushki, Polish pierogi, Hungarian ragout, and many more dishes from all over Europe. But, of course, there’s no European night without drinks, so everybody cheered at least in fourteen languages, while trying typical drinks from each country.


A piece of advice for you: be careful while drinking Georgian cha cha, because then you’re going to try some Hungarian palinka too, and the combination will drive you crazy! Also, if you have the guts, do not resist releasing the dragon living inside you, by drinking Sambuca the Roman way.


After this grand night, Siena and Castiglione della Pescaia were the next destinations. City tours were followed by elegant aperitif dinners with prosecco, beach parties and many kisses. Tuscany’s highlight was the trip to Giglio and Giannutri islands: blue sea, sandy beaches, a jacuzzi inside the boat and as a participant from AEGEE-Patra, Ellie, said “Holidays inside holidays”!


Everybody returned totally tanned or sun burnt to the camping from where a bus transferred all the participants and, sadly only one organiser from AEGEE-Firenze, to Grosseto in order to take the train to the eternal city. So many goodbyes were said and so many hugs were exchanged that one would assume that these people are going to meet each other again, somewhere in Europe.


The Rome Part

The trip to Rome was full of happiness and expectations. Actually, nobody realised how quickly the time passed on the train, because some people were playing games, while others were sleeping. However, Rome’s greeting was an unexpected incident which delayed the metro, but a great gym with air-conditioning compensated for everything. The days in Rome were full of food: endless buffets with six meters of pizza and pasta.


gran tour 3Later two great guides took over the city tour. Dino presented the Vatican City and Matteo, from AEGEE-Roma, showed every unexpected aspect of this magnificent city. It felt quite cool walking next to the place where Caesar was murdered, or watching three different states from just one keyhole. But, of course, Rome has not only landmarks to see, but also a spectacular volcanic lake and a long beach full of people.


Nights were dedicated to parties, even inside the gym, and of course the nominations: nominations for the best kiss, the best couple, the best smile, the drunkest, the laziest, and anything else one could imagine. Federico from AEGEE-Firenze was voted as the best organiser for this Travel SU, and Alisa from AEGEE-Voronezh as the best participant, as they were always ready for everything with a huge smile on their faces!


The goodbye day was the hardest for everyone, but wait… with AEGEE there are no goodbyes, just “see you soon!”.
To conclude, this is exactly what it takes to make an incredible grand tour! So now you know that some well-prepared organisers, some fresh participants from all over Europe, who are travelling in one of the most beautiful European countries, are the right ingredients to carry out an unforgettable Summer University.
Written by Katya Galiandina, AEGEE-Peiraias
