AEGEE-Ioannina – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Fri, 22 Sep 2017 10:29:19 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png AEGEE-Ioannina – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Vasiliki Andrioti for Member of SUCT: “I Think that Quality Should Be a Priority When It Comes to a Project like Summer University, and I Am in the Position to Offer This Quality as Content Manager” ../../../2017/09/23/vasiliki-andrioti-for-member-of-suct-i-think-that-quality-should-be-a-priority-when-it-comes-to-a-project-like-summer-university-and-i-am-in-the-position-to-offer-this-quality-as-content-manager/ Sat, 23 Sep 2017 06:00:03 +0000 ../../../?p=41010 Vasiliki Andrioti, member of AEGEE-Ioannina, main organiser of a Winter University and of a NWM, is one of the most active members of her Antenna. She also collaborated as SubCommie with Network Commissioner Spyros Papadatos.  Now she wants to share her passion for the SU project and improve it. Furthermore, Vasiliki shares some proposals about the 30th anniversary of the… Read more →


Vasiliki Andrioti, member of AEGEE-Ioannina, main organiser of a Winter University and of a NWM, is one of the most active members of her Antenna. She also collaborated as SubCommie with Network Commissioner Spyros Papadatos.  Now she wants to share her passion for the SU project and improve it. Furthermore, Vasiliki shares some proposals about the 30th anniversary of the SU. We interviewed her about her candidature and her programme. 


The AEGEEan: Why did you decide to run for a position in the Summer University Coordination team?

Vasiliki: Summer University is the project that changed my life. Even if it sounds cliché for an AEGEEan to say so, this is the truth. I consider myself a totally different person before and after Summer 2016. Using this SU’s title BBS, I am Bigger, Better, Stronger after it. I am very passionate about SU. So my will to get involved on the European level (other than The AEGEEan, that matches myvasiliki4 academic interests) is an absolute extension to my passion for Summer University. Through this year that I have become actually active by organising and participating to various events (SUPS, SU, NWM, Agora, etc.), I have gained skills and I have come up with ideas that I can see now visualised in the Summer University Project. This is my main motivation for running for Fundraiser and Content Manager. I would like to give back to AEGEE and SU, specifically, what I have been gifted on experience and knowledge. I would consider myself really proud to be part of this team.

You are in the board of AEGEE-Ioannina, appointed main organiser for upcoming events, already active at the European level. How do you plan to balance your committments with SUCT?

The last year I admit that it has been very active for me. As I usually say, my life is all about AEGEE now. Actually I owe this motivation that keeps me moving to Summer University. It wasn’t hard for me to decide that I wanted to involve myself on the local and, after a while, on the European level, as I was seeking a medium to express myself. Until now, I have managed to cooperate very well and to live up to the expectations in every position. I am the perfectionist type of person [she laughs]. I always give 100%+1 vasiliki5of myself in everything I am involved. And this is what I am planning to do with SUCT as well. I am very passionate about this project and I am absolutely ready to be devoted and work for it. As for my other commitments, on the local level I am only busy on a demanding level up to the 5th of November, that NWM-Ioannina finishes its circle.

Other than this, my fellow board members and NetCom Spyros Papadatos are aware of my decision and they support me with any potentially increased duties. My first priorities this year are two: SUCT and The AEGEEan. I am finding myself to have ideas that I would really like to put in practice for both projects. This year I feel the need to create and give back to the association the knowledge and competences I have gained all this time. To conclude, I do not believe in neither quitting nor over-taking responsibilities. I believe on being able to put duties in hierarchy and trust me, I know this well. If it is on stake, SUCT will never come second.

What is your most relevant experience when it comes to Summer University?

In the last two years I have participated in four Summer Universities (Ioannina 2016- helper, Cagliari 2016- participant, Ioannina 2017- organiser & trainer, Cagliari 2017- helper). Ioannina-Cagliari, 2-2 [she laughs]. I have covered pretty much every position available in a Summer University project and I am really thankful for the experience of getting to know this amazing AEGEE spirit. Other than this though, I have gained a series of competences and skills, such as project management, public speaking and communication, risk assessment, delivering sessions, leadership, FR, being the ever happy reader of the gossip box, cooking for fifty people [she laughs], etc. But above all, I would put teamwork. A SU is a teamwork project, from whichever point you may see it, and I consider this my most valuable gain from it.

Your application is very focused on content. Do you have any idea on how to develop a fundraising strategy for SUs?

My application is mainly focused on content, because my primary interest in SUCT is Content Manager. In my years in AEGEE I have mostly worked on this direction on the local and European level. In my local, AEGEE-Ioannina, I have been working as main organiser or organiser for events, meetings,vasiliki6 presentations being mainly responsible for the content. I believe that content is what builds the basis on which every activity can be further developed. As for the European level, I have been a member of The AEGEEan for almost a year now and I have gained experience on communicating with various people across the Network for interviews, writing interviews and getting involved with a wide range of subjects that concern AEGEE. Lastly, since Agora Enschede I have been a SubCommie to NetCom Spyros Papadatos (on the field of Thematic Events). I think that quality should be a priority when it comes to a project like Summer University, and I am in the position to offer this quality as Content Manager with my knowledge and experience.

Despite this, being a main organiser twice (“Our Big Fat Greek Winter University”, on behalf of my antenna, and NWM-Ioannina), I also have experience on Budgeting and Corporate Fundraising, which is the strategy that we mainly follow in AEGEE-Ioannina. Therefore, I have realised that, on the field of Corporate Fundraising, it is easier for a company to offer funds to a contentful event or project that means to have an impact. This is the reason why I am insisting that much on content and I am running for the position of Fundraiser as well.

If I am going to be elected, I would like mostly to collaborate with CIRC, the European Body responsible for this. My aim is to bring locals closer to an actual assistance on fundraising, other than providing them only with models, that sometimes can be proven unrealistic or difficult to be adopted. I feel very challenged to achieve this composition between Fundraiser and Content Manager, even if I believe deeply that fundraising for SUCT is the product of teamwork among all SUCTies.

Do you have previous experience in fundraising for associations? As Main Organiser of the upcoming Autumn NWM Ioannina 2017 (main organiser) and “My Big Fat Greek” Winter University 2017 (main organiser for AEGEE-Ioannina), did you use some sort of fundraising strategy (i.e. for goods, gadgets, funds or grants)?

The experience I have on Fundraising is mainly focused, as I have said, on Corporate Fundraising. In AEGEE-Ioannina we mostly follow this strategy because it is more realistic on its goals and more suitable to the current economic situation in Greece. For the upcoming NWM-Ioannina, for which I am the main coordinator, I have chosen this strategy, in collaboration with the Fundraising Director of AEGEE-Ioannina, asking for goods that cover all requirements (meals, logistics, transportation expenses, etc.) of a four days event as NWM is. As for Institutional Fundraising, during “Winter University” we managed to make some steps by contacting and establishing a potentially fruitful relationship with the Municipality of Ioannina.

What would you like to organise for the event for celebrating the 30th anniversary of Summer University Project and why?

vasiliki7Summer University is the biggest and longest running project in AEGEE. As this year is celebrating its 30th anniversary, I believe it should be honoured with a celebration that will recognise and pay its respects to all organisers, participants, SUCTies and every person that has contributed to it. I have two ideas right now in my mind. The first proposal would be an exhibition with the history, photos and memoirs from all year’s of Summer University Project in next Agora. My second thought would be to contact The AEGEEan’s Editor-In-Chief and begin a new section, which will be dedicated to the 30th anniversary. Of course though, if I am going to be elected, I would like to cooperate with current SUCT and CD about the work that has already be done and the aspirations that they both have on the anniversary.

Questions from the Network

During the SUs we ask organisers with no previous experience on how to deliver a session to deliver workshops. Could you elaborate on how you would like to develop the booklet with interactive ways for delivering the compulsory sessions?

I share the same concern about what you are refering to. I have participated in four SUs (and many other events) and if I have to be honest, I have rarely seen organisers or participants enjoying or getting the most out of the knowledge they are being provided with. This is from where I got my idea about the booklet of interactive ways to deliver a session. I would like to mostly work with SUpporters and European Bodies for creating and publishing it.

In extent, I would like to hold an open call for the Network, so that people with relevant experiencevasiliki3 on delivering sessions in both formal or interactive way can share their knowledge or experience. This booklet is going to involve specific guidelines and examples on how to deliver a workshop (compulsory or of any other subject). Having participated in Erasmus+ projects, which develop in a large scale this system, I have witnessed that non-formal education can be more efficient than traditional ways of knowledge transfer.

Other than this, I am of the opinion that an organiser who has never delivered a session will find it easier to adapt an interactive way to their personality, enrich it with their own experience and therefore, be able to hold the workshop successfully. Make it theirs! Professional trainers or even experienced ones are not always a solution for every local, and besides this everybody starts from somewhere. Moreover, such sessions can be held at any time and any place, which is a big advantage to the overall result. This booklet will be available before SUs and even explained and introduced in the SUPS.

In your programme you refer to a forum/session in the SUs that will aim to provoke discussion on everyday issues. What exactly are you aiming with this?

Thank you for making this question to me, as this is one of the most challenging aspects of my programme. The idea begins from the Open Space that already exists in NWMs. I have participated in two NWMs (Cagliari 2016 and Thessaloniki 2017) and I have been inspired the most during this specific session. This is the reason why I would like to see it implemented in a SU.

vasiliki1SU is the most successful and recognisable project in AEGEE, which attracts hundreds of participants every year. Therefore, I think it is fit to have a forum/session that matches the ever moving world we are living in. The current political, social and economical situation in Europe provokes a sense of instability among every citizen, let alone young people like us. The very successful title of last year’s EPM, “Populism: Europe Under Siege”, describes in the best way possible the reality we are living. In this forum/session young people (participants and organisers) will have the space to express their thoughts and fears regarding AEGEE and beyond AEGEE issues. For me this is a form of public discussion and communication.

Other than compulsory workshops on what AEGEE is and the Focus Areas, we need to listen to the voice of our Network. My aim is to achieve a wider integration to society’s issues and to prepare young people to face the challenges of our era. Finally… IDEAS. Ideas that will lead to future projects/groups in AEGEE and will transfer these problematics from theory to practice. Summer University inspires us all and I believe it is the right place for such a forum/session (whichever the name) to exist.

What do you hope to achieve through the collaboration with European bodies and external partners?

I can only sum it up in two words. Rich content. Through a close collaboration between European bodies and external partners, locals can have an efficient assistance on finding and establishing the core, the basis, around which they can organise their SU. As an organiser, I know that it can be proven difficult to come up with an idea about a SU.

vasiliki9As a potential Content Manager, I would like to help this become easier and also, taking it one step further, support and motivate locals to get out of their comfort zone and create a SU that will challenge them. Moreover, locals can also cooperate with European bodies by asking trainers on that specific theme they choose as content. Content is not to be feared by organisers or participants. It can offer a solid structure to the SU and help with all aspects (FR,PR, etc.). It can be implemented in various ways and have different forms that will appeal on organisers and participants.

We do not share all of the same interest, but we need to make our own the project we are organising. I am very willing to help locals through this process and achieve a wide range of Summer Universities for every interest.

You said in your application that you want to keep SUpporters and activate them more. Do you have programme for that? What exactly and how they can support you? In our opinion, why right now SUpporters are not so active?

I am absolutely in favour of the idea of SUpporters, as I can see a good potential in it. Even if I have not been part of SUpporters this year, I have been informed about the advantages and disadvantages regarding the team and I believe that it was mainly the lack of a certain delegation of tasks, that has prevented SUpporters from working on their full possibilities. This is the reason I would like to establish a more concrete format and activate SUpporters further. Specifically, my intention is to reorganise the team and delegate positions for SUpporters. Through this I would like to achieve creating a team around each SUCTie, which will work close with them on reference to their various and particular responsibilities.

You can read her full candidature here.


Written by Matteo Lai, AEGEE-Cagliari

Our Big Fat Greek Winter University: Wanderlust Around Greece ../../../2017/02/28/our-big-fat-greek-winter-university-wanderlust-around-greece/ Tue, 28 Feb 2017 06:00:03 +0000 ../../../?p=39078 One event. 13 days. Six cities. 23 participants and almost 25 organisers. “Our Big Fat Greek Winter University” was the New Year Event organised by the greek speaking antennae of AEGEE-Athina, AEGEE-Peiraias, AEGEE-Patra, AEGEE-Ioannina, AEGEE-Thessaloniki and AEGEE-Kastoria, between the 28th of December 2016 and the 9th of January 2017. This NYE was one of its kind! An ambitious plan and… Read more →


One event. 13 days. Six cities. 23 participants and almost 25 organisers. “Our Big Fat Greek Winter University” was the New Year Event organised by the greek speaking antennae of AEGEE-Athina, AEGEE-Peiraias, AEGEE-Patra, AEGEE-Ioannina, AEGEE-Thessaloniki and AEGEE-Kastoria, between the 28th of December 2016 and the 9th of January 2017.

ioannina (2)This NYE was one of its kind! An ambitious plan and a profoundly challenging event with one and only aim: to emphasise the diverse beauty that Greece has to offer to its visitors during the winter. Usually, when people think about the country, the first thing that pops automatically in mind, is the S triplet: sun, sand and sea! The journey followed a different path this time. Participants got to travel and see both the urban everyday life of the big cities and harbours, as well as the picturesque, suburban areas with the vivid student life.

As for me, this was a self-discovering and an amazing experience. When I joined AEGEE a year ago, trying to find my footsteps aside from school and my comfort zone, I would never imagine that I would be mainly responsible for such a thing. This is why, when my antenna proposed to me to be in charge of AEGEE-Ioannina part in this event, I felt it like a challenge.

No matter the difficulties that the organisers had to face considering it was a collaboration between six antennae, we managed to make the dream of many people, even before us, come true. We definitely surpassed the Greek stereotypes that want many people when working together, arguing with each other with no result. The biggest proof is what one of our participants, Leyla Gasanova from AEGEE-Moskva, said:“In general I want to say big thanks for this event! We could see a reeeally good job and a lot of preparation”.

ioannina (3)The NYE started in the Greek capital Athens, of course. During the time in Athens, the participants had the opportunity to see our cultural inheritance. They visited the National Archaeological Museum, the state-of-the-art Akropolis Museum and Akropolis Rock. This was a life dream for many AEGEEans, who added a check to their to-do lists. They also paid a visit to the Ancient Agora and Pnika, the place where the ancient Athenians were gathering to discuss and vote. As Athens is a modern city, which combines perfectly the old with the new style, we could not miss an opportunity to walk in the alleys of the centre with full of bazaars, as well as shops with a modern and alternative essence. Lastly, the organisers of AEGEE-Athina took a good care of the social nightlife and partied along with the participants in various clubs. Everybody agreed on the fact that Athens had the best and craziest parties of the event.

The participants left with a great first impression to move to Patras, the second biggest harbour in Greece. The most enjoyable moment was during the city tour and the city rally when they visited, among others, the orthodox church of Saint Andrew and closed the day in the lighthouse near the marina, where we saw the sunset by the sea! It was a serene moment during this trip, perfect to meditate, as one of our participants did. The NYE party in Patras was a typically Greek celebrating meal, late in the evening. After we welcomed 2017, we ate the New Year’s Pie, a custom in the country. The pie was cut into pieces and served to guests. In it, there is a coin and whoever has it in his piece, is the lucky one for the year that has just arrived. It is connected to the orthodox Santa Claus, who is called Saint Vassilios, and he was the first to offer such a pie to the poor. Foteini, president of AEGEE-Patra, was the winner. After the meal, it was time for the party in the local bars!

ioanninaFollowing destination… Ioannina! It is the small town in the north-west of Greece, as known mostly for lake Pamvotis and the mountainous sceneries. The time here is like stuck in the past, in the era when the Ottomans ruled. This impression was increased by the byzantine castle, the remaining mosques and the legends still alive in every corner. Travelling through places of the Medieval Age astounded the participants. We also visited the island in the lake, the one with its permanent inhabitants. We had a dance workshop there with local dances from Epirus and the Ionian Islands.

Of course, we did not miss the chance to dance the syrtaki as well. It would not be a Big Fat Greek Winter University without it, anyway! The highlight of the day: other visitors were passing by and staring at us. However, who really cared at that moment? Another workshop given by Netcom Spyros Papadatos was both interesting and fun. It was about “An interactive way to introduce AEGEE so that both the new and the old members could contribute and enjoy”. Ioannina ended its part with the European Night, which was organised in accordance with the guidelines of the “Drink-wise Project”. As the main organiser on behalf of my antenna, I had the “Eurotrip” through all the tables of different nations and opened the night with Spyros. And yes! I am able to say we survived!

patrasNext in the row was Thessaloniki, “The Nymph of the North”, as locals proudly call the city. Thessaloniki is the second largest city in Greece and an eternal competitor with Athens. The participants had an amazing time in the city tour. One of the highlights was the byzantine castle, which was built in the 4th century. It offers a breathtaking and panoramic view from the highest point of the city to the beach and to the White Tower. During the two nights that they spent there, they got a taste of the legendary nightlife in Greek style tavernas with local foods, drinks and music. The pub crawl was a social activity which they also enjoyed much. In Thessaloniki, the organisers from other locals gathered together, created a lovely feeling to be all together for the final days of the NYE.

The event was meant to finish in Kastoria. The phenomenal snowstorm, though, that stroke Greece this winter, had another opinion on this. Under extremely low temperatures, AEGEEans took part in Ragoutsaria, a carnival that has its origins to the bacchanalian ceremonies that were exercised in the area. In Kastoria, the organisers also introduced them a real Greek night. The best part was definitely the moment that the participants tried to sing the mainstream Greek music. Unfortunately, the weather was a constant enemy and Murphy’s law “If something can go wrong, it will”, worked exceptionally well. With the whole country entering in a freezer, problems in the accommodation came up and the event had to finish ingloriously. This made us all disappointed, as we were all looking forward to the three-days party with the wine and the unstoppable dancing with the rhythm of Balkan music all around the alleys. Yet, every bad situation comes out a good result…or at least a funny incident.

We made it to the news! Two brave AEGEEans, during their visits to the frozen lake, walked on a very thin sheet of ice. Next day they became viral as the Kastorians who walked on the lake! Of course, we knew otherwise!!! To sum up, this NYE has been a pleasure and an adventure for everybody. As all NYEs, it was the perfect start to a year with full of travelling, meeting new friends and getting to know another country. kastoriaMore specifically, it was a chance to visit many Greek cities from the north to the south, learn about the culture and the particular cultural characteristics. Even though it might have been a little tiring swapping between six destinations, we were very happy to be able to show a different and more representative aspect of Greece. This would have been impossible without the friendly atmosphere we managed to create among the group of organisers. It was a surprise to me to get closer with our fellow antennae in such a way. We also owe this all to the most challenging and patient group of experienced AEGEE members that helped us to make it happen. And as once said… why not? Let’s turn this into a tradition!!!

Written by Vasiliki Andrioti, AEGEE-Ioannina

Two NYE You Cannot Miss in Greece and Belgrade ../../../2016/11/19/two-nye-you-cannot-miss-in-greece-and-belgrade/ Sat, 19 Nov 2016 06:00:32 +0000 ../../../?p=37851 In addition to the previous articles about the New Year’s Events, we would like to present you with some additional opportunities which are going to be organised by really experienced Antennae like AEGEE-Belgrade and the Greek Antennae. In this article, the journalist Matteo Lai will explain you why you can choose one of these events to spend the last hours… Read more →


In addition to the previous articles about the New Year’s Events, we would like to present you with some additional opportunities which are going to be organised by really experienced Antennae like AEGEE-Belgrade and the Greek Antennae. In this article, the journalist Matteo Lai will explain you why you can choose one of these events to spend the last hours of 2016, with the contributions of Vasiliki Andrioti and Aleksandra Icić.


athensOur Big Fat Greek Winter University

This NYE event is organised by Greek speaking Antennae (Athens, Peiraias, Patra, Ioannina, Thessaloniki and Kastoria). The general themes of this NYE are Greek history and culture, therefore they are also the focus of the social programme. Starting the journey from Athens, the participants will get to witness how the capital can perfectly combine its historical past with the present. Participants will visit the Akropolis and Parthenon, and stroll around the Plaka with its alleys and little shops. Moving to a nearby neighbourhood , members of AEGEE will see Peiraias, the biggest harbour of the country, with its own nautical and merchant tradition.


thessalonikiOn New Year’s Eve, the participants will find themselves in Patra, the third biggest city of Greece, where the organisers are planning to have a party to welcome 2017. In Ioannina, the fourth destination, participants will visit the first of the two lake towns in their journey. A day trip will be set up to an island inside the lake, where everyone will get to know the local life. Thessaloniki, the so-called capital of the North, will reveal its stunning beauty from the top of its castles, which are the highest point in the entire city. And do not forget the must-do walk to the White Tower.


Last but not least, in Kastoria participants will attend “Ragoutsaria”, a local custom to welcome the new year. “Prepare yourselves for a different kind of carnival with much dance and alcohol!” adds Vasiliki Andrioti, from AEGEE-Ioannina. In addition, the social programme will involve traditional dances from different regions all around Greece, language and culture workshops, parties and many more.


patraA Winter University on this scale has never happened in the past. Participants will have the chance to travel through Greece, and the organisers from Athens, Peiraias, Patra, Ioannina, Thessaloniki and Kastoria await them to show them the original Greek spirit, six of the main cities of Greece and examples of Greek history and culture. It will be like a journey from the past to the present, meeting people from various regions and experiencing all the Greek customs, local life and hospitality.


So, if you have ever wanted to visit Athens and Akropolis, dance Syrtaki, eat Souvlaki and drink ouzo, get ready for a really “kefi” [fun, ed.] event! Vasiliki invites all members to apply on the intranet page here, and by filling in the Google form here. The deadline is the 20th of November. Thirty participants will be accepted.


img_0217Frozen in Belgrade: Oh deer, another year!

The topic of this NYE in Serbia is Tradition and Culture. Through workshops provided by AEGEE-Beograd, the participants will get the chance to explore Serbian traditions related to Serbian food and its preparation, and to the Serbian famous drink “Rakija” [a fruit brandy, ed.] and how it is made. During the city tours, the participants will see the most famous parts of Belgrade such as the Kalemegdan fortress, Saint Sava’s Temple, Skadarlija (the bohemian quarter), Knez Mihailova street and much more. Other activities include the Nikola Tesla museum, ice skating and trying to make it out of an Escape room on time.


Since Belgrade is famous for its night life, the organisers planned a pub crawl, an unforgettable European Night and, of course, something special for New Year’s Eve! “We are not going to tell you everything, you will just have to come and see for yourself”, adds Aleksandra Icić, the main organiser of the event.


img_0105“Balkan spirit is something you should experience – from our hospitality, warm and nice people who know how to enjoy life to our rich culture, monuments at every step and a buzzing nightlife” tells Aleksandra.


Twenty-five participants will be accepted for the event. The deadline is set for the 22th of November. Apply on the Intranet here and fill in the Google form here (both are required).


Written by Matteo Lai, AEGEE-Cagliari.

NWM Ioannina: “This October, the destination to motivation is Ioannina” ../../../2014/09/22/nwm-ioannina-this-october-the-destination-to-motivation-is-ioannina/ Mon, 22 Sep 2014 09:40:30 +0000 ../../../?p=25880 Located in the north-west of Greece, AEGEE-Ioannina is going to host the Autumn Network Meeting for the second time, after “Fire with Fire” in 2012. Constantly growing, the young local hopes to increase the level of motivation in participants. We asked Evi Topali (Vice-President) and Ioanna Papaodyssea (Treasurer) how they plan to do so. Can you tell us something about… Read more →


Located in the north-west of Greece, AEGEE-Ioannina is going to host the Autumn Network Meeting for the second time, after “Fire with Fire” in 2012. Constantly growing, the young local hopes to increase the level of motivation in participants. We asked Evi Topali (Vice-President) and Ioanna Papaodyssea (Treasurer) how they plan to do so.

Can you tell us something about your local?

Evi: Back in 2012 there was a boy called Dionisis Tzavaras, the current president, who had an idea: “Why not an AEGEE local in Ioannina?” After that simple thought, not more than ten friends started to create AEGEE-Ioannina. And since that moment, those ten friends have become more than 110 in just two years. Looking through these two years, we see a lot of outstanding moments: AEGEE-Ioannina as the Youth Representative selected by the Delegation of the European Commission, as participant in the conference “Croatia in Europe”, as organiser of the first successful TSU ranked on the top 10 of 2013 and as Local of the Month in September 2013… And more is coming!

Why did you decide to apply to host the NWM?

Evi: Unfortunately, this summer we did not have the pleasure to organise a Summer University and spread our craziness abroad. The AEGEE wind still blew off on us through 22 members who chose to pass their summer “AEGEE-ing”. So, right now – refreshed and pretty motivated – we want to start our third year as dynamic as we can. We were considering the idea of organising a European event and we ended up applying for the NWM. But why a NWM?! Our very first event as an official local was a NWM where we got experienced with the AEGEE world. It was a way for our antenna and our members to dive into AEGEE. This is what we want to do now; to transmit and receive the AEGEE vibes!

How many participants do you expect to have? Only from your area or from other part of the network too?

Evi: We are expecting approximately 26-27 people, with among them three trainers and one CD member (Holger Schmitt). As you can easily understand the Greek element is going to color our NWM with participants from AEGEE-Athina, AEGEE-Kastoria, AEGEE-Patra, AEGEE-Peiraias and AEGEE-Thessaloniki . We are more than lucky to host AEGEEans from AEGEE-Barcelona, AEGEE-Bratislava, AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca, AEGEE-Moskva and AEGEE-Osnabrück, too.

The title of the NWM is Destination to motivation, can you explain the reasons behind it?

Evi: The proposal came from our Local Activities Responsible, Ingle Zlatkou. We were dealing with many titles and we ended up with this one. As Inge said and convinced the whole team “motivation is what gives strength to the weak, hope to the desperate and a goal to the ambitious ones”. And that’s the truth: people can achieve anything if they have a good motivation, if they are inspired! So, through our event our aim is to get the participants motivated about AEGEE’s goals and even more, to get active as young EU citizens… In other words: this October the destination to motivation is Ioannina.

Now that Arsenis unfortunately resigned as NetCom, who’s going to be the new appointed NetCom? How are you dealing with the situation?

Evi: That’s the charm of AEGEE: you get the pleasant chance to meet and co-operate with new people all the time. Lia Tuska is now the appointed Netcom. We know her for two years now – I think AGORA Budapest was the first AEGEE event for both of us and, speaking on behalf of AEGEE-Ioannina team, we wish her the best!

Do you have any local municipality or university support?

Ioanna: As an antenna which is directly linked to the University of Ioannina we were lucky enough to have its full support in all the events we have organised so far. The participants of the NWM will be hosted in the International Center of Hellenic Education-Culture and Vocational training ”Stavros Niarchos” which is a university facility. Furthermore, the meals will be provided by the university restaurant.

Which kind of fundraising strategy have you used, if any?

Ioanna: Our Fundraising Responsible, Vasiliki Apostolou, had the idea that, instead of trying to approach big well known companies as sponsors, we could focus on getting in touch with small, local shops and ask them for their support. This idea turned out really beneficial since the local entrepreneurs were eager to help us and promote their products at the same time.

What are your plans for the social program?

Ioanna: As far as the social program is concerned, our participants will have the chance to explore the city of Ioannina as well as some traditional villages in the surrounding mountains. While doing that, they will also take part in some special-surprise activities that we are currently planning. Needless to mention the parties at night, in a city with a well known night life due to its many students.

What are AEGEE-Ioannina upcoming projects?

Evi and Ioanna: For now and the upcoming months we are planning to work on a project about youth unemployment in Greece in comparison, in one hand to the Mediterranean countries, and on the other to the rest of Europe. Moreover we are working on the creation of a new working group and on a series of non formal education projects in cooperation with another Greek nongovernmental organisation, under the supervision of the University of Ioannina.

Written by Erika Bettin, AEGEE-Venezia

Local of the Month: AEGEE-Ioannina ../../../2013/09/21/local-of-the-month-aegee-ioannina/ Sat, 21 Sep 2013 13:14:08 +0000 ../../../?p=18920 Dear Network, the Local of this Month is located in the sunny Greece, the one and only AEGEE-Ioannina. The AEGEEan has interviewed Dionisis Tzavaras, the President, to see what is up with this young local.  So, AEGEE-Ioannina is the new Local of the Month. Congrats! Were you expecting that? How do you feel? Hello, lovely AEGEEan! Thank you very much… Read more →


Dear Network, the Local of this Month is located in the sunny Greece, the one and only AEGEE-Ioannina. The AEGEEan has interviewed Dionisis Tzavaras, the President, to see what is up with this young local. 

So, AEGEE-Ioannina is the new Local of the Month. Congrats! Were you expecting that? How do you feel?

Hello, lovely AEGEEan! Thank you very much for such a honor! Merci, grazie, gracias, danke, köszönöm, dziękuję, хвала, teşekkürler, спасибо and so on!

Well, let’s say – yes, we were kind of expecting it, since we know that we are extremely awesome! Actually, the last days we had some feelings about some awards and then your e-mail came! In fact, it feels very good, we were a bit shocked at the beginning (we are quite sensitive!) but now we are ready to enjoy it!

The first time we had an interview you were some of the ‘newborn’ in AEGEE, how is it like one year after you were upgraded in Budapest?

Was it a whole year ago?!   Wow, time flies! But this happens only when you have a great time. It was a year full of unexpected energy, full of joy and nice moments. But to tell the truth, one year after, we still feel as immature as that moment. We are still babies, we need a lot of AEGEE experience so as to say that we have become children, or adults, but still we keep growing up.

As we all know this year you had your first Travel Summer University with AEGEE-Patra. Can you tell us what it was like and the challenges you faced by organizing for the first time?

As we are babies, and babies fall in love with everything, this is exactly what happened to us. We fell in love with everything that had to do with our TSU. It was our best experience so far from the first moment of the cooperation agreement with AEGEE-Patra, until the last moment when we were in our beds and we couldn’t feel our legs! I can confirm that we got really tired, but it was the sweetest tiredness of our lives due to the sweetest participants in Europe…! We have so many things to remember, among them a very special moment for us was when during the European Night we had our very first birthday that we were lucky to share with many happy faces! We were really sad when all this came to an end. Actually, we should start thinking of extending the SU period from two weeks to a whole month!

After this TSU, are you guys thinking of doing one by yourselves next year?

This thought came to our minds even before the beginning of our TSU. We were so excited that we started making plans for our next year’s SU, although we know that we have a full year to think about it. So concerning the Summer University of AEGEE-Ioannina for the year 2014, we can say that there are many ideas in our mind, but we haven’t strictly decided whether two (or even more) antennae will take part. Of course, we remain also open to suggestions from other antennae as we believe that two do it better than one.

Tell us about some of the events you organized or took part the past year?

Well, almost a year ago, we had our very first event, the Network Meeting! It was our first step and our first contact with the AEGEE world. We spread out our ‘endless positive energy’, as Kathrin wrote in her article about her experience being with us.

Then we took part in  Autumn Agora Budapest, and later in Spring Agora Rhein-Neckar, where we prepared a video about the explanation of the origin of the word ‘Agora’.  Meanwhile many members of our -still- Contact Antenna took -and will take- part in some Youth in Action events, in some of which we are partners, such as the upcoming ‘YVote 2014’ conferences, hosted by AEGEE-Valladolid and AEGEE-Las Palmas. An amazing experience was the Youth Conference in Zagreb ‘Croatia in the EU’, and of course, the highlight, our TSU!

For this upcoming Agora in Zaragoza, according to the statistics per body, AEGEE-Ioannina had almost 3%, ranking the first one with 34 applications! How did you motivate your members, so many members, to apply?

Well, this was even a surprise for us! By giving lectures about AEGEE in every single faculty of our University, we tried to motivate as many students as possible to become -first- members and then even apply for the Agora! Actually, we also had an appeal-to-emotion motto, it goes like this: ‘if not now, then when? If not you, then who?’ and it seemed that it worked perfectly!

Please tell us about this year’s biggest achievement for you!

This past year, being our first one, had many obstacles and challenges, but it also had more great moments than we can remember. As we previously said, being the babies of our AEGEE family, we have to take baby steps, meaning that most of the things that other antennae take for granted, it is now our job to establish. However, we had of course or moments of glory, one of them being that AEGEE-Ioannina was selected by the Delegation of the European Commission in Greece as Youth Representative for the year 2013. We also feel proud that our antenna in less than one year has more than 120 members…and we still want more!

What is the next step for AEGEE-Ioannina?

Our exact next step is our participation in the upcoming Agora Zaragoza. So far it seems that it will be such a great Agora!

In fact, AEGEE-Ioannina is working on the creation of a new Working Group, a new Agora video, and a new Project.  If everything will go as we wish, we could even present some pieces of them in ZarAgora.

 And last, if you were to describe your journey from its inception thus far, in one word what would it be?


Written by Andra Toma, AEGEE-Bucuresti
