AEGEE-Lublin – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Sun, 08 Oct 2017 22:32:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png AEGEE-Lublin – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 ACTive LoM of May AEGEE-Lublin: “The Action Agenda and Strategic Plan Help Us to Build a Better Europe, Because They Set Out an Action Plan” ../../../2017/10/12/active-lom-of-may-aegee-lublin-the-action-agenda-and-strategic-plan-help-us-to-build-a-better-europe-because-they-set-out-an-action-plan/ Thu, 12 Oct 2017 06:00:36 +0000 ../../../?p=40971 Last May, AEGEE-Lublin organised the Aktywator project (Youth Employment Focus Area) and First Aid training (Civic Education Focus Area). For this reason, they were chosen as an ACTive Local of the Month. We spoke with Martyna Jarosz – Advisory Board, Honorary Member and previous Secretary of AEGEE- Lublin, to find out more!   ACT: Which emotions did you have when you… Read more →


Last May, AEGEE-Lublin organised the Aktywator project (Youth Employment Focus Area) and First Aid training (Civic Education Focus Area). For this reason, they were chosen as an ACTive Local of the Month. We spoke with Martyna Jarosz – Advisory Board, Honorary Member and previous Secretary of AEGEE- Lublin, to find out more!


19105521_1591443364233967_924158607304700698_nACT: Which emotions did you have when you know that AEGEE-Lublin was chosen as ACTive local of May?

Martyna: Thank you so much for the nomination! We still can’t believe it. We were very excited by knowing that AEGEE- Lublin was chosen for this designation. We’re pleased that our whole effort is noticed. This gives us even more motivation to act.

Why did you decide to organise Aktywator project and First Aid training?

We decided to organise First Aid training for many reasons. Firstly, I always wanted to promote civic education, so I was the originator and the main organiser of the First Aid training, because is there anything more important in the world than human life? However, there may be situations in which it is threatened. We should all acquire practical first aid skills so that, in difficult situations, we can respond quickly and effectively to save lives. That is why we organised a pre-medical First Aid training to make Lublin’s society aware of the importance of stopping and saving someone’s life. Secondly, there are many such training available but little practiced. Our training was practical, practical and much more practical. [she laughs, ed.]

Aktywator project is a training event aimed at young residents of Lublin, whose main idea is motivation for various types of extracurricular activities and self-improvement. We decided to organise Aktywator project because it is already at its 10th edition. This project was held every year for several years, after which it had a three-year break. A year ago, it got another chance and was reinstated. We hope we succeeded! In addition, it is a good opportunity to promote our antenna in the community of Lublin.

17191305_1487610387950599_534014051097869997_nWhat was the result of your activities?

The First Aid workshop was attended by 25 people. We heard only very good opinions in evaluation from the workshop participants. They liked the practical nature of the course, so I think our assumptions have been achieved. People learnt how important is First Aid thanks to this workshop. And most importantly – they can do it!

This year’s edition Aktywator project didn’t have a lot of participants, but the opinions about this project were very interesting and they want to participate in subsequent editions. Trainers received comments that they conducted very professional training. What’s more, we achieve new partners for cooperation, including a bakery, a cinema, a restaurant and a gym.

In the organisers’ opinion both projects were one of the best decisions we made. And from the results we are proud of it!


How do you inform your members about the Action Agenda/Strategic Plan?

Our members have been informed about the Action Agenda and Strategic Plan during main meetings, Local Training Courses and the general meetings just before both Agorae. We constantly encourage all the members to explore all of AEGEE’s communication channels and we inform them about every local activity. Furthermore, we talk about European events and inform new members about AEGEE-Europe.

Do you have any other activities related to the Action Agenda/Strategic Plan?

Recently, we organised a few Action Agenda activities, such as self-presentation workshops, workshops on how to effectively train, First Aid training etc. We love to talk about it during our weekly meetings. We strongly want to encourage everyone in Lublin to participate in Network Meetings, Agorae or European Planning Meetings, where you can learn more about the Action Agenda or Strategic Plan. In addition to this, you can meet amazing people with whom we develop exciting relationships and make an exchange of experiences which help us grow even further. I see that this year our members are even more interested in active activities, they have a lot of innovative ideas. I hope we will surprise you again soon!

17991054_1532687210109583_4400505843645042095_nWhy should other locals organise activities related to the Action Agenda/Strategic Plan?

The Action Agenda and Strategic Plan help us to build a better Europe, because they set out an action plan.  These activities motivate members to actively engage in projects for common success and development. A Strategic Plan shouldn’t be understood as a restriction or an obstacle. We should all use it, since it is a help for us to work effectively. It’s our inspiration for our ideas to be realised. Every action is beneficial, even the smallest, because it will always leave its sign and will be an inspiration to others. In addition, thanks to the Action Agenda and the Strategic Plan, we can be described as a stronger local, we have goals and we set the course of action.

Do you have any tips for organising thematic activities?

The key is to take action -capital A! Most people do nothing because they are afraid of the problems or challenges that they will face or they are just lazy to do anything. But the way to organise activity is to make one decision. This decision is to ACT! The most important thing is to move on from one place to another without thinking about this as another obstacle to overcome. Then it’s just getting better and better!!!

You should also cooperate according to your plan, which will help you not to get lost during the organisation of a project. We should be open to help others, work with them, listen to ideas, activate and motivate them. This makes work more easier and enjoyable.

Remember! In organising activities, it’s not about being successful but even about getting the satisfaction of what you do, having pleasure and get to know fascinating people. 

19030673_1591443170900653_7924920718141199531_nCan you tell us a bit more about your local?

AEGEE- Lublin was founded in 1993, so this year we celebrated our 24th birthday. Every week we try to spend time together, both preparing projects and having fun. For us every new member is a new idea. However, every new idea can turn into a fascinating project. We get to know each other better organising such projects, and this creates a great atmosphere between us and generates a lot of positive energy. We learn from each other’s experience and work.

That’s what AEGEE- Lublin is all about.

We currently have about 15 very active members. That doesn’t stop us from doing brilliant things. We create this small Polish Antenna, but we have a lot of passion to work and new ideas to involve. We try to participate to events like Network Meetings and Agorae. The projects that we implement are based on the needs of our members and their ideas. We have a few events which have a continuation. We will not let them die. In May we prepare the Aktywator. This is one more edition of the training project – a few days of practice, workshops and training. Moreover, we want to repeat the First Aid training.

In a small but well-integrated TEAM there is power to work! That’s us!

Characterise your local in one sentence.

We’re the local of inspiration. Just like Lublin has a motto – the city of inspiration. You don’t feel it, unless you come to us.


Written by Elena Efremova, behalf of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee.

“An Agora Seldom Comes Alone”: Discover the Pre-events of Autumn Agora Kyïv 2015 ../../../2015/10/09/an-agora-seldom-comes-alone-discover-the-pre-events-of-autumn-agora-kyiv-2015/ Fri, 09 Oct 2015 11:48:40 +0000 ../../../?p=31860 From the 14th to the 18th of October, one of AEGEE’s most important events, the Autumn Agora, will be held in Kyïv and as any seasoned AEGEE member knows: an Agora seldom comes alone. The main event is always accompanied by several pre-events that are organised  especially by dedicated antennae. This years participants had the opportunity to choose from five creative… Read more →


From the 14th to the 18th of October, one of AEGEE’s most important events, the Autumn Agora, will be held in Kyïv and as any seasoned AEGEE member knows: an Agora seldom comes alone. The main event is always accompanied by several pre-events that are organised  especially by dedicated antennae. This years participants had the opportunity to choose from five creative events in four different countries and a thematic conference that addresses the recent political and economic events in Ukraine.
Follow the AEGEEan on a quick tour through Eastern Europe’s most interesting locations and best autumn events.

image2Our first stop is “AEGEE-Warszawa: Tear Down this Wall”, where a group of lucky participants will be able to pledge freedom and transparency by tearing down past and present walls. As they find themselves travelling through time, the participants will discover the historic roots of Warszawa, full of charming places, Polish dreams and unique cultures. Back in present time, where modern youth spirit meets old traditions, the organisers are planning to take everybody on a stroll through old Warszawa in search of the most potent shot bars.
image5With no walls left to stop our journey, the next halt is with AEGEE-Lublin in a city that participants are definitely going to fall in love with. The organising team of “LUBLINove LOVE – Fall in Love in Lublin” is hoping to make everybody feel the magical atmosphere of the city where different people, cultures and religions mix into a unique style of living. A highlight of the event will be the Slavic night with traditional music, dances and a fiery bonfire that will warm up the coldest hearts.


image3Tea sceptics within AEGEE will definitely acquire a taste for the diverse drink after participating in AEGEE-Moskva’s pre-event “Moscow Tea Time: A Hidden Part of the Russian Soul”. In a traditional Russian tea ceremony with legends to spice things up, participants might awaken their hidden Russian soul within their bodies. AEGEE-Moscow will then introduce the attendants to traditional Russian culture, crazy spirits and other strong drinks in a city that never sleeps. The organisers are particularly proud to offer a workshop on lifehacks for surviving in a Russian train. A course that no AEGEE member should miss.
image1The event by AEGEE-Chișinău “Taste the Moldavian Hospitality” is going to be a definite treat for neglected taste buds. According to the organisers the participants will experience the tastiest pre-event of Autumn Agora Kyïv that will lead them on a discovery trail through Moldavian culinary culture by tasting delicious wine and traditional food such as Placinte. On a visit to the Orheiul Vechi monastery AEGEE members might trace back ancient civilisations.
image4Before arriving in the heart of Ukraine, Kyïv, let us make a last stop in the soul of Ukraine with “Oops! We Lviv it again!” organised by AEGEE-Lviv. As the cultural capital of Ukraine, Lviv has a lot to offer its visitors. From the local musicians to its unique streets and cozy coffee houses, with this event the participants have a chance to experience the true spirit of the city and to get to know the Ukrainian culture through its language, cuisine and traditions.
For members who just cannot get enough, AEGEE-Kyïv has planned a special thematic conference on October the 13th, just a day before the start of Agora Kyïv 2015. “The #YoungUA Conference: Defending, Acting, Investing” marks the successful conclusion of the project “reBuilding Democracy” that was launched by AEGEE-Kyïv six months ago and encourages participants to dicuss the political, economic and social future of Ukraine within Europe. The event is divided into three panels with high-profile speakers discussing European values, economic investments and youth participation within transformation movements in Ukraine.
image6The conference aims to boost cooperation on youth policy matters between the Ukrainian and youth organisations by creating a memorandum at the end of the conference that will be sent to important stakeholders in Ukraine as well as abroad. According to main organisers Alla Resheten and Armenak Minasyants, the conference is a perfect opportunity for AEGEE members to get engaged in an explicit thematic context that has been missing during Agoras.

Which pre-event will you be visiting?
Written by Alev Özdemir, AEGEE-Frankfurt

Jakub Oleksy: from EBM Main Coordinator to Juridical Commission Candidate ../../../2014/04/18/jakub-oleksy-from-ebm-main-coordinator-to-juridical-commission-candidate/ Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:38:21 +0000 ../../../?p=22486 Jakub Oleksy has been in AEGEE for many years and, he started his AEGEE journey with Network Meeting Lublin and has recently organized EBM Lublin, and he still continues being motivated. This is why he wants to join Juridical Commission (JC). It is something he has wanted to do for years, so his candidature for JC, which he will present… Read more →


Jakub Oleksy has been in AEGEE for many years and, he started his AEGEE journey with Network Meeting Lublin and has recently organized EBM Lublin, and he still continues being motivated. This is why he wants to join Juridical Commission (JC). It is something he has wanted to do for years, so his candidature for JC, which he will present at Spring Agora Patra, can bring him one step closer to fulfilling his dream.

The AEGEEan: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? What do you do you for a living? How old are you? Where are you from?

Jakub: I am Kuba, I am 23 years old and I have been a member of AEGEE–Lublin since October 6th 2010. I am at my fourth year of Law, which is my passion. Since I was seven I knew what I wanted to become in the future. I study in Lublin and come from Silesia, the area close to Katowice. Law and motorization (mainly Formula One) are my two passions. I also love travelling and my greatest dream is to visit Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. While being there, I would love to watch the F1 race in Abu Dhabi.

The AEGEEan:  How did you learn about AEGEE?

Jakub: Since 2010 I have had many occasions and possibilities to learn what AEGEE is. I could enumerate many of them but I mainly learned from other members of AEGEE who had belonged to the organization for a longer time. The first person I learned a lot from was the coordinator of the Network Meeting in Lublin – Olga Targońska. For three years I have participated in many projects and events and I met a lot of very positive people. Thank to them I am in AEGEE now and I applied for the Juridical Commission (JC) member.

One more opportunity for me to learn about AEGEE was the Key to Europe, Members Manual and of course Corpus Iuridicum Aegeeanse (CiA). I gained a lot of information about the organization while being an organizer of various projects and participating in different working groups. Here, I learned more about how the organization works, teambuilding, gaining funds and many other aspects.

The AEGEEan: You have organized many different events, recently the EBM in Lublin, and have been part of Agora Zaragoza. How does this prepare you for the Juridical Commission?

Jakub: Organizing various projects is very useful for a JC member. Maybe it is not very obvious at first sight, but the JC is a commission which members should be responsible, keep up with the deadlines, correctly analyze current and future situations, have well-developed skills of time and self-management and be stress-resistant. It is impossible to learn those skills while only being a student and not being an active member of any organization or any social life unit. Being part of several projects within the organization is very helpful for developing those abilities.

The AEGEEan: Usually many see it as an advantage to know French when being part of the JC. Do you consider it an obstacle that you do not have a high level of French yet?

 Jakub: English and French are the official languages of the European Students’ Forum, however the English language is used during official meetings, for presentations and motions. Of course, a good knowledge of French would be a considerable advantage, however a basic knowledge and learning more seems to be a good choice as well. It proves your willingness to develop and gain new skills every day. The JC should cooperate with the Comité Directeur and other commissions, and also with the Language Working Group (LWG) who have many active members.

The AEGEEan: Will you ensure that you can go to the statutory events in case you are elected for the JC?

Jakub: If I become an official member of the JC, I can guarantee my participation in statutory events. For me it’s obvious that being a  JC member requires responsibility, high motivation and confidence for one’s right decisions. The JC is one of the most responsible commissions, if not the most important (without diminishing the value of other commissions). I would like to emphasize the fact that its members are obliged to participate in the organization’s statutory events, as they supervise the running of the meetings and all the procedures, and they monitor if the provisions of the European and country’s laws are respected, together with the internal legal laws, such as Corpus Iuridicum Aegeeanse.

The AEGEEan: You have been in AEGEE for many years, what keeps you motivated?

Jakub: Since 2010, when I joined AEGEE, I have not had any decrease of my level of motivation. My first project was Network Meeting in Lublin and thanks to this event I applied for the position of JC member – the commission on the European level. Being a board member of AEGEE-Lublin, taking part in many projects, events such as Network Meetings and Agorae, and coordinating the EBM Lublin are the best examples of my high motivation for so many years. After the EBM Lublin I have even more motivation, especially for being active on the European level. Would I apply for the JC member if I was not motivated enough?

The AEGEEan: What difference do you believe it makes that you have not been a JC subcommissioner?

Jakub: In 2011 I applied for the position of JC subcommissioner. At that time, according to the JC, I was not an appropriate candidate. However, now, in 2014, after over three years of my active participation in the organization, it is the right time to go for a higher level and that is why I applied for the position of JC member. Not having been chosen for the JC subcommissioner does not seem to me as an obstacle to become a JC member. I talked to experienced members on the European level connected to the JC, I watched the work of the JC during the Agora, as well as my knowledge of CIA – that all made me decide to apply for the position of JC member.

The AEGEEan: You have many things that are part of your program for the JC and are very ambitious, how will you ensure that you can realize all of it?

Jakub: In my opinion, the points in my program are feasible and possible to be put in practice. I think they are ambitious. Also important are my good will, motivation and good argumentation, so that each point from my program can be realized. I do not want to cover every point here as the answer would take a long time – even the whole interview. But a short example: 1) proposals for amendments to CIA in different languages – a simple solution – a cooperation with LWG and the translation of the proposals – that would be an easy thing to do (the JC – legal knowledge, LWG – linguistic knowledge). Yet another example – the actualization of CIA in one month. In this case it is enough to take a look at the voting results, final decisions or particular proposals to be approved and then putting them into practice in CIA.

The AEGEEan: What do you find most important of your program?

Jakub: The crucial points of my program are to verify that antennae’s statutes are consistent and agree with the CIA (Corpus Iuridicum Aegeense), a diligent observation of the legal documents of generally and internally applicable provision, legal support of AEGEE in contact with other non-governmental organizations and institutions and creating a working format for the Juridical Commission.

The AEGEEan: How would you like to bring the JC closer to the Network?

Jakub: This is a very good question. I observed that the JC is a commission of a vital importance to AEGEE and, therefore, it should be more appreciated and make its works more visible to the organization members. That is why my program also covers points like a bigger activeness on Facebook, promoting the law and the commission, the Juridical Commission European School and a CIA for dummies (maybe some feel discouraged and do not understand everything, especially legal aspects). My other proposal is to organize online meetings with the purpose to explain different aspects of CIA, legal situations and different interesting legal aspects.


Written by Patricia Anthony, AEGEE-Zaragoza

Fundraising for a Statutory Event ../../../2013/08/28/fundraising-for-a-statutory-event/ Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:32:33 +0000 ../../../?p=18694 The dates are set. From February 13th until February 18th 2014, AEGEE members will gather in Lublin to take part in EBM. An event organised not only by AEGEE-Lublin, but in cooperation with other Polish antennae. The AEGEEan interviewed the main coordinator Jakub Oleksy to get an update on the event.    The AEGEEan: What have you been doing since… Read more →


The dates are set. From February 13th until February 18th 2014, AEGEE members will gather in Lublin to take part in EBM. An event organised not only by AEGEE-Lublin, but in cooperation with other Polish antennae. The AEGEEan interviewed the main coordinator Jakub Oleksy to get an update on the event.


 The AEGEEan: What have you been doing since the announcement at the Agora Rhein-Neckar that EBM would take place in Lublin ?

Jakub: We have done a lot of things concerning particular logistics, including finding accommodation and meeting places for the workshops, as well as developing promotion and a database of potential partners.

The AEGEEan: What are the next steps in the organisation of the event?

Jakub: The next step is to get further funding for this big project, including the Visegrad grant. We will also deal with the promotion of the project, social program and other organisational matters. Promotion of EBM will not only be through Facebook, but also through our website, YouTube and other media. In Zaragoza we will show up with a strong team, and do promotion there as well.

What is on most people’s minds when talking about organising a statutory event is fundraising (FR). Chema Rueda mentioned how the crisis is making it more difficult to gather funds and EBM coordinator Jakub Oleksy agrees. “Fundraising is a difficult task, but the scale of a project, a steadfastness of purpose, and eligibility make it easier than it would seem at first.”


Photographed by Roel van Engelen

Seeing that this task is so difficult, we decided to ask former Agora organisers to share their experience with gathering funds. Jannes Rupf and Alex Sieber from the organising team of Agora Rhein-Neckar were ready to answer all our questions.

So we asked them what the main obstacles were, when dealing with FR for Agora Rhein-Neckar and how they overcame them.

Jannes: The biggest obstacle was to find the first sponsors. Once we found them, we could use them as a reference and attract other new sponsors. But having none at the beginning was the most difficult bit.

Did it help that you had many antennae helping with the matter?

Jannes: Actually you would expect it to help having a lot of antennae involved in the FR, but as long as there are not any direct contacts to the companies it is quite difficult to do fundraising successfully.

Have you discussed this in the Knowledge Transfer to AEGEE-Zaragoza?

Alex: We had already discussed some issues during Agora Rhein-Neckar. There has also been some communication after the Agora, but I expect that most of KT will take place during the two months before Agora, as this is also the period during which we had a lot of questions to the organisers of Agora Budapest.


Following the interview with Agora Rhein-Neckar organisers it was time to go further back in time and talk with the main organiser of Agora Budapest: Márton Demeter. Márton gave us more details on the same topic but also how organising such a big event has affected AEGEE-Budapest as an antenna.  

Márton: FR does not only mean that there is a huge, rich and nice company that you just have to call and then they give you a pile of Euros. It is a bit more complicated: you can get cash, you can get products (FR ‘in kind’), you can get services, discounts, private donations and checks paid by someone else. We had all of these and thank God it was enough. It sounds easy, but it is not. Definitely not.

In the meantime the crisis is going on and the companies do not have enough money even for their own needs, so it was a really tough job. Usually if you have a list of 100 companies, you try to contact them, and 10 out of 100 will tell you that they might be interested. Usually 1 of these 10 will give you something. It is really demotivating that you get a lot of negative answers, but once you got a supportive one, that really rocks!

What really helped us was that we organized calling days, meaning the Agora team gathered in the office and called every single company we got in our contact database. Plus we recruited a lot of helpers for FR, not only experienced AEGEEans but also very fresh members! Any time we had any success in FR we posted it on Facebook so our members saw that we are doing something with tangible results and the very hard work of FR team members was also appreciated!

What did the Agora mean to your local financially?

Our budget was around €55.000. Around 50% was covered by the participation fee and the rest was covered by other sources.
In our partnership list we had non-governmental organisations, governmental organisations, universities, EU institutions, embassies, small local companies, state companies and also huge multinational corporations. Plus, it was very nice that we had private donations as well. The Agora team got a very decent amount of seed money from the board in order to start to organize the Agora and at the end we closed our budget with positive balance, which can be an indicator of success.


We hope the same will happen for AEGEE-Zaragoza and AEGEE-Lublin.


Written by Patricia Anthony, AEGEE-Koebenhavn
