afterparty – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Mon, 23 Jan 2012 12:27:00 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png afterparty – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 The Afterparty Golden Rules ../../../2012/01/23/the-afterparty-golden-rules/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 17:20:23 +0000 ../../../?p=3354 At 4.30 A.M the music was over, the club was closing and organizers brought you back. But sleeping doesn’t look like an option. So if you haven’t found a nice boy/girl to spend time with, well, it is time for AFTERPARTY! So what to do? Coming back from AEGEE-Valletta, where afterparty was as important as the party itself, I will… Read more →


At 4.30 A.M the music was over, the club was closing and organizers brought you back. But sleeping doesn’t look like an option. So if you haven’t found a nice boy/girl to spend time with, well, it is time for AFTERPARTY! So what to do?

Coming back from AEGEE-Valletta, where afterparty was as important as the party itself, I will try to give you some suggestions.

Karaoke time!First of all, find some food: that is a necessity! If you have amazing organizers like the Maltese, it will not be a problem! If not, you can undertake an expedition to the closest kebab shop, or take your savings for European night, or ask for charity from other hostel guests, or just start biting the legs of that fat participant.

Anyway, how can you eat without drinking? Food will stop in your throat and you will stop breathing! Luckily, we had our Czech guy who seemed to have a distillery in his wardrobe! If you don’t have such a co-participant, poor you! You need to be farsighted and go shopping before.

And then, the music! A computer is useful, but karaoke is more fun especially when you left your voice at the party! Italian classics, Spanish drinking songs or Backstreet Boys are just some of the alternatives to brighten up your night!

It will be painful and shameful, but having a camera is also an afterparty requirement. Deserved sleep (notice the huge peluche!)The pictures will be trembling, half-body and technically imperfect, but will also ensure fun the following morning and give you a clue on why you have that bruise!

As for the bruises, one of the best way that we found to make them was to sing as a signal and then jump all together on the selected unfortunate. The downside were some broken beds, but among the advantages there was the possibility to get really close to the person you liked!

If you want to use your energy in a less “violent” way, children games are a solution. Avoid hide&seek because people may fall asleep in inappropriate places and be rescued just the day after. Instead, you can play one-two-three star (while someone is pronouncing this sentence, players have to run towards the finishing line, but be perfectly motionless when he stops talking) or witch-touch-colour (touching an object of the commanded colour before the “witch” touches you).

And when your batteries are running down, the classical “I have never…” is an idea to get to know fellow participants better and postpone the sleeping time.

Believe it or not, these techniques worked for us and we had an awesome time! They may not be rules, but the beauty of afterparties is that there are no rules. Everything is up to your fantasy!

Written by Martina Zanero, AEGEE-Torino
