Many things have changed about AEGEE during its thirty year existence. However, instead of looking back at its rich history, this article will take a look at five things concerning AEGEE, and by extension Europe, from 2015 that you might not already know. Improbable spelling. Everyone who is participating in the Agora in Kiev in October may have noticed that… Read more →
Tag Archive for agora
Claudio Armandi for Chairperson: “I Have the Energy and the Willingness to Commit to Another Task in AEGEE”
Claudio Armandi has been active on European level in many different positions. Besides his local activities, he has been a Network Commissioner and a member of the Mediation Commission for two terms. Now he is striving for something new, and is running for Chairperson. Read on to find out about his previous experiences, his motivation and aims. The AEGEEan: Claudio,… Read more →
AEGEE-Kyïv Is Ready to Rock Your Autumn with Their Agora
At Autumn Agora Cagliari 2014 the Ukrainian local AEGEE-Kyïv was announced as the organiser of the Autumn Agora 2015. The dates have already been announced, the team is organisers is full of enthusiasm and soon AEGEEans will be able to apply, so it’s time to find out a bit more about this local and the upcoming Agora! We spoke to… Read more →
Paolo Ghisleni for MedCom: “I Want to Focus My Activity on Promptness of Intervention and Physical Presence”
Paolo Ghisleni (AEGEE-Bergamo) is running for Mediation Commission (MedCom). He is a member of AEGEE since 2009, he was a member of the Corporate Relation Committee and now is a trainer of the Academy. We interviewed him and he told us what is the main job of the MedCom and much more. The AEGEEan: Can you tell us more about… Read more →
Balázs Kovács for Comité Directeur: “I see an endless potential for every member in becoming a multiplier of all that we have to offer”
As many time in our lives, those unexpected decisions, seconds fast as blink of an eye, can change our life. There it was Balázs, night in a London and sudden application for Summer University, where everything started. Now Balázs is an active and well known member of AEGEE. On his way to improve himself more, and contribute to AEGEE more… Read more →
Andrea Ugrinoska for Secretary General: “I am a Person Who Likes to Think Outside the Box”
It was a run for three, but, after the current Secretary General (SG) withdrew her candidature, only two will present themselves and both are currently in the Chair Team. Vice-Chairperson of the Agora/European Planning Meeting (EPM), Andrea Ugrinoska, is a Macedonian 22-year-old who believes AEGEE is a gift. We interviewed her to learn more about her programme. The AEGEEan: Please… Read more →
Proposals for Dummies 5: Statutory Meetings
As the Agora Asturias 2015 is approaching at a high speed, our ‘Proposals for Dummies’ series is still ongoing! Today we are taking a look at three proposals which mainly concern Statutory Meetings, namely Agorae, European Planning Meetings and Network Meetings, and which aim at introducing some changes to the Antenna Criteria and the Working Format of the Agora. The… Read more →
Proposals for Dummies 4: Antennae Criteria and Statutes
Just like we did for the last two Agorae (namely Spring Agora Patra and Autumn Agora Cagliari) this year again we want to provide you with a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted for Spring Agorasturias. In this round, we will explain you three proposals that will affect the Antennae Criteria, one of them specifically clarifying what happens… Read more →
Proposals for Dummies 2: Improving the Network
The second roud of Proposals for Dummies deals with three proposals regarding the Network, aiming to make it more efficient and organised. If accepted, these proposals will be affecting not only the Network Commission, but also the AEGEE antennae. Firstly, we will deal with the proposal ‘Upgrading and Deleting locals’, secondly we deal with ‘Fixing a Date on which the… Read more →
Proposals for Dummies 1: Changes to the CIA
Just like we did for the last two Agorae (namely Spring Agora Patra and Autumn Agora Cagliari) this year again we want to provide you with a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted for Spring Agorasturias. In this first round, we will be explaining you three proposals that are aimed at improving the CIA, namely ‘Improving the CIA… Read more →