Autumn Agora 2017 – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Sat, 23 Sep 2017 22:05:20 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png Autumn Agora 2017 – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Dermanşah Yalin for Member of SUCT: “I Think it’s Time to Pay Back for All the Experience that I Gained” ../../../2017/09/24/dermansah-yalin-for-member-of-suct-i-think-its-time-to-pay-back-for-all-the-experience-that-i-gained/ Sun, 24 Sep 2017 06:00:09 +0000 ../../../?p=41085 Being part of the big AEGEE family makes you want to discover more, learn and share as much as you can. The same happened with Dermanşah, from AEGEE-Istanbul, and he is taking his knowledge to the next step by being a candidate for SUCT. We asked him some questions, and below you can find out more about his candidature. The… Read more →


Being part of the big AEGEE family makes you want to discover more, learn and share as much as you can. The same happened with Dermanşah, from AEGEE-Istanbul, and he is taking his knowledge to the next step by being a candidate for SUCT. We asked him some questions, and below you can find out more about his candidature.

The AEGEEan: Dermanşah, describe yourself in 4 words, using the SUCT initials. 

20170807_145851Dermanşah Hazar Ersoy Yalin: Solution oriented, Upstanding, Challenge oriented, Tolerant.

What does the Summer University Project mean to you?

For me the Summer University Project is something – does not matter if you are a participant or an organiser – that makes you leave your comfort zone sometimes by going to a country that you never imagined you could visit, by communicating with a mayor that you never thought yourself talking to or being the only one speaking your language in a group of people who are close to your age. For me the Summer University Project is an opportunity to learn a lot of things that you can never learn in any university, plus there’s no other way to learn things by having that much fun.

You’ve been organiser of the SUs of your local for the past four years. What gives you motivation now to be part of SUCT?

First of all in the past four summers, I always tried to take on different responsibilities in our SU every year and I always worked for organising a better SU. And apart from being an organiser I also wanted to be a participant in order to see this project from a “participant”’s point of view [he smiles, ed.]. And for me it would have been a miss if I didn’t see the “helper” point of view, which is between being an organiser and a participant: thanks to AEGEE-Beograd, last summer I also had opportunity to try that experience. At the end I felt like there are few things left that I haven’t done for this project and there is a lot of knowledge and experience I have gained so far. So when I connected these two facts I realised that member of SUCT is the position where I should be.

You mentioned in your programme feedback meetings with local organisers of SUs. How do you see20689536_10212316936771880_1539383899106144381_o this happening? How much time do you think it will take and what is the actual idea behind these meetings?

Dermanşah: It will happen directly and indirectly. Directly – we will have Skype meetings and also we might contact locals individually according to the evaluation forms. And indirectly – since locals in the same areas have usually similar issues, we might collect feedbacks through Network Commissioners. The reason is of course to help the locals in order to improve their SUs and it will take maximum until the beginning of application period of SUs for the organisers.

Tell us more about the increasing of number of participants on SUs.

Dermanşah: I think if thematic parts are properly implemented on SUs it will bring better fundraising opportunities to the locals and as a result of this we will have SUs with either lower fees or better facilities. As a candidate for member of SUCT I am planning to help the locals in the cases – which I stated above – with the whole team.

You mentioned the visibility of the SU Project and the cooperation with other student organisations. In your opinion, how will that be beneficial for the development of the SU project?

Dermanşah: Different student organisations have different perspectives. In this case with the cooperation by sharing best practices, contacts, different thematic contents etc. And increasing visibility of the SU Project among private companies will create better fundraising opportunities for the locals, because from my experience with local companies, they are quite interested in our work, on cultural integration and also having members from different kinds of disciplines.

1555333_10204735588459599_6538699986743763439_nWhy should you be a member of SUCT and members should vote for you?

Dermanşah: As I stated on your third question, I have been very active on the local level and now I feel like it’s time for a new challenge for me, which is working on the European Level for the SU Project. On the other hand I always try to be a good team member and what I mean is that I never insist on titles, names, positions or anything but I am always focused on tasks, always try to help achieving team’s goals. Last but not least in the past three and a half years, after organising and attending many events, especially after being part of eight SUs, having several golden moments, feeling almost every emotion, now I feel like I gained a lot of experience and it’s time to pay back for the things I gained and that’s why I would like to help the locals and to offer the members the possibility to enjoy this project and experience as I did.

You can read his full candidature here.

Written by Raluca Radu, AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca

Lorenzo Ligas for Member of SUCT: “No Matter How Hard it Could Be, No Matter the Failures, I Run for My Goals!” ../../../2017/09/23/lorenzo-ligas-for-member-of-suct-no-matter-how-hard-it-could-be-no-matter-the-failures-i-run-for-my-goals/ Sat, 23 Sep 2017 07:00:05 +0000 ../../../?p=41060 As the time passes, we are getting closer and closer to Autumn Agora Catania. The candidates are getting ready and of course we would like to know more about them and the reason why they want to represent us. Lorenzo Ligas is one of the candidates for SUCT, this being his second time to candidate, but he says that “the… Read more →


As the time passes, we are getting closer and closer to Autumn Agora Catania. The candidates are getting ready and of course we would like to know more about them and the reason why they want to represent us. Lorenzo Ligas is one of the candidates for SUCT, this being his second time to candidate, but he says that “the decision to candidate again was quite natural”, so below you can find out more about his plans.

The AEGEEan: Lorenzo, describe yourself in four words, using the SUCT initials.

AEGEE-Cagliari SU 2017Lorenzo: Supportive – I am always willing to support and help team mates.

Unique – Can you find another #PRbear in the Network?

Creative – Writing, designing, managing social media is my daily bread. I can’t imagine my life without it.

Tenacious – Being a candidate for the second time, after the result of Autumn Agora Chișinău, and after a very active year in the association, it’s the proof that no matter how hard it could be, no matter the failures, I run for my goals.

What does Summer University Project mean to you?

Lorenzo: Summer University is love and passion for me. Being an organiser twice in Cagliari as PR Responsible and Content Manager gave me countless emotions, thanks both to my amazing antenna and to the incredible participants we had. I really think that through the Summer University Project young people can experience freedom. Especially for youngsters, it’s a playground where you have fun, get to know people in a very friendly and respectful environment.

You are no stranger to the Summer University Project, but tell us, why do you want to continue in this field and what gives you motivation?Autumn Agora Chisinau 2016 - on stage

Lorenzo: When I decided in 2016 to candidate at Autumn Agora Chișinău, I knew chances to be elected were low. At that time I had been in AEGEE for about eight months. Current SUCTies were really supporting, and I decided, even before the voting rounds, that in case of ‘’negative’’ results I would become a SUpporter. During this year thanks to Claudio, Lucia, Philipp and Ralitsa I had the chance to be involved in the project with graphics, PR tasks and being trainer in SUPS Skopje 2017. The decision to candidate again was quite natural I would say!

You mentioned in your programme that you would create viral contents. How do you see that helping in increasing the participation of members to the SU?

Lorenzo: As for any brand or company, the Summer University project needs to be more active into social networks. This could be done by both increasing the amount of contents in Summer University social networks and encouraging antennae and bodies to share and create their own contents. The more people you reach, the higher is the possibility to attract new members and to increase the participation to the events.

AEGEE-Cagliari SU 2016Tell us more about how would you motivate antennae to promote the SU Project.

Lorenzo: By increasing the understanding that thanks to the Summer University antennae could recruit a higher number of new members, as well as activate more members that are mostly active locally. I would like to share my experience as PR Responsible of two Summer Universities, create specific guidelines on how to promote the project during the different stages of the event: preparation, application period, during the event, after the event. Having an active promotion during the whole stage leads to visible results.

How do you foresee your cooperation with CD to promote SU as a project to possible interested companies (like Small Medium Enterprises or Start-Ups eager to have a large European project to promote their products/services)?

Lorenzo: As I also wrote in my programme, I would collaborate with CIRC for global fundraising and with the Netcom for local fundraising. My goal is to create a network of partners which could provide materials and goods to the antennae, as well as discount codes and services, depending on the partner. Agorae as well could be a good opportunity for partners of the project to distribute their sponsored goods.

Questions from the Network

22 yrs of AEGEE-Cagliari partyIn your programme you refer to a new format about the collaboration with SUpporters. How can they support you? In our opinion, why SUpporters are not so active right now? Can you explain to us how your new system will resemble the one of the subcommies?

Lorenzo: I think that it’s difficult to be active for the SUpporters because the current system doesn’t include higher responsibilities, or somehow an official position. My idea is to have a subcommies-like task force, with SUpporters divided into expertise (Project Management – PR – FR – Content) supervised by the SUCTies. In my opinion, giving tasks, deadlines, and higher responsibilities such as “mandatory” participation to the SUpporters work could lead to higher results as well as empowering possible future SUCTies.

You can read his candidature here.

Written by Raluca Radu – AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca

Vademecum: How to Write a Motivation Letter for the Upcoming Agora Catania ../../../2017/07/04/vademecum-how-to-write-a-motivation-letter-for-the-upcoming-agora-catania/ Tue, 04 Jul 2017 06:00:59 +0000 ../../../?p=40700 Spring Agora Enschede was over not long ago, but Autumn Agora Catania is approaching very fast and there is just one thing between being an applicant and a participant: the application. The first thing to know is: who is going to read your applications? The Chair Team, in cooperation with the Comité Directeur, is the one in charge of selecting… Read more →


Spring Agora Enschede was over not long ago, but Autumn Agora Catania is approaching very fast and there is just one thing between being an applicant and a participant: the application.

18740497_1884032241821556_6118562142350642316_nThe first thing to know is: who is going to read your applications? The Chair Team, in cooperation with the Comité Directeur, is the one in charge of selecting participants. And in case you are wondering, yes, the Chair Team will read ALL your motivation letters. Despite the fact that in the team we speak more or less a dozen languages, and ironically two of us are Italian, all your motivation letters should not be in the language of the hosting local of the Agora. The working language of our General Assembly is English, therefore while writing your application remember to use English, and English only. Do not worry if your written English is not the best, as long as you will be able to put a sentence in the right order subject + verb + complement(s), we will definitely understand you.

What to write in it? The application system is helping a bit by giving some outline questions that can help you in drafting the text.

1. Why do you want to participate in this Agora?

2. What do you know about the Agora?

3. How can you contribute to this Agora?

4. What is your AEGEE experience?

5. Since when are you an AEGEE member?

bloggingYou don’t necessarily have to answer in that order. For example, you can start by describing the highlights of your AEGEE experience and when you joined AEGEE. If you are a new member and you did not have a chance to be active in your local, explain what are your expectations towards the association and the Agora. When asked to explain what you know about the Agora, do not write “enough to attend” or copy and paste what the CIA says about it. What does even mean “enough”? Each Agora is different, so try to go more in depth and describe what Agora means and is to you, what the General Assembly is for AEGEE.

What if you never attend an Agora? Don’t worry, usually up to half of the participants are at their first statutory event. Here you can write how you discovered about Agora, what do you expect the Agora to be. You can also talk with more experienced members, your local boards or even the Network Commissioners and ask what our General Assembly looks like, thus having a better picture of it. Don’t write that you never been to Agora and that’s all, but show that, even if at your first experience, you are eager to learn and participate.

How you can contribute to this Agora is a subjective questions, but in this field you can specify if you are thinking to hold a workshop or a progress meeting, if you are thinking to present something in the plenary, if you would like to help other delegates or visitors with your knowledge or even if you want to run for an elective position. After answering all these questions, why you want to attend the Agora will come easily. And no, getting fatter with heavenly delicious Sicilian food will not be considered a good motivation, even thought we all know that Local organisers are working hard to have the best food possible [Of course, no pressure on you here! she winks, ed.].

Don’t leave it empty, don’t type random words or don’t put just smiles on it. Especially empty applications mean automatical rejection if you are a visitor. Even if you are most likely to be accepted – if you are a delegate or member of a European body – writing a good motivation letter is always a plus. Definitely, it would be perfect to state at least the body you are representing or what you are going to do during the Agora.

What you SHOULD NOT write on it. Avoid having the desire to visit Sicily as your only motivation to go to the Agora. You can book some days before or after the Statutory Event will take place to do that. Don’t say that you will go to the beach instead of attending plenaries, don’t use as your main engine coming to Catania with the intention of meeting friends, discovering a new culture or being a party animal. Those things are nice, but they are not in line with the purpose of our statutory events.

ImmagineLocals’ boards are important too. They have the faculty of creating a ranking for visitors and assign the participant type (when it is not decided by the local agora) and to leave comments. In this cases, the best thing to do is to be honest. Do not copy and paste the motivation letter of other applicants from your local, but also do not copy and paste board comments for every single member who applied, especially if you do not make an effort to at least change their gender. If you think that several people are promising and more or less equally good, change the words you use for each one of them, personalise your comment. Indeed it is true that boards do not know all the members personally, especially with big locals. In case this happens, and you do not know the applicants, then find a moment to talk with them in order to understand better their motivation to go to the Agora. Locals’ Boards are important also to prepare a bit members who are coming to the Agora. Treat our General Assembly as a Summer University when it comes to the applications. How much effort do we put in making sure that all the members who applied for a SU have a solid motivation letter? Then, try to check also what members of your locals are writing for the Agora. It’s a good way to have all the applicants coming from your local accepted, and an occasion to prepare them already for the event to be.

You can apply for Autumn Agora Catania till the 21st of July here. Locals’ Boards can set a participant type and add board comments until the 25th of July using this link.

For any questions, you can reach the Chair Team here or send an email at


Written by Erika Bettin, Chairwoman of Autumn Agora Catania 2017

And the Autumn Agora 2017 goes to… AEGEE-Catania ../../../2016/10/16/and-the-autumn-agora-2017-goes-to-aegee-catania/ Sun, 16 Oct 2016 06:00:24 +0000 ../../../?p=37332 On the picturesque banks of the Mediterranean, on the island of Sicily, lies the beautiful city of Catania. It is the home to a very energetic local that has the distinct honour of organising the Autumn Agora 2017. We had the pleasure of interviewing Daniele Ricevuto, current Treasurer of AEGEE-Catania and Main Organiser of Autumn Agora Catania.   Why did… Read more →


On the picturesque banks of the Mediterranean, on the island of Sicily, lies the beautiful city of Catania. It is the home to a very energetic local that has the distinct honour of organising the Autumn Agora 2017. We had the pleasure of interviewing Daniele Ricevuto, current Treasurer of AEGEE-Catania and Main Organiser of Autumn Agora Catania.


10-annoWhy did you apply to host the Autumn Agora 2017?

After experiencing Spring Agora Bergamo, I was so inspired, that it felt like it was my antenna’s turn to manage the organisation of the next Autumn Agora. I, along with the Board of AEGEE-Catania, had a vision, a dream and we are looking forward to show you what it is made of.


How would you describe AEGEE-Catania?

I would describe AEGEE-Catania as a part of my life. It used to be an association, but now it is a family, my family. We call ourselves “The Burning Heart of Europe” and I guess that it could not be more true. They are the most warm-hearted people I have ever met and that is something that all of us are able to show to all the people who join our events.


bergamoWho will be the main organisers of Autumn Agora Catania?

The Main Organiser of Autumn Agora 2017 is going to be me, Daniele Ricevuto, treasurer of AEGEE-Catania, treasurer and organiser of five Summer Universities and several other events organised by AEGEE-Catania. I’m an expert in complex electronics, but most of all, I’m an AEGEEan with a dream: to organise the Agora in Catania.


Does AEGEE-Catania have any past experience in organising an event similar to the Agora?

We organised so many events, like incredibly successful Summer Universities, Winter Events, Gastronomic Events, European School of Entrepreneurship, SUPS, 30th Anniversary Night of Seven Antennae and NWMs. We have never organised an event as impressive as an Agora before, but we are ready and determined to do so.


taorminaWhat will be your biggest challenges in hosting the Agora?

That’s an easy question, that requests a complicated answer: when you organise an event like the Agora with so many details that you have to think about, and consider throughout, the entire organising process is a challenge; both before, during and after the event. Human resources, fundraising, accommodation for the participants, the location where the plenaries and prytania will take place, the transportation, etcetera. The challenges are countless, and that is just what motivates me to give the best I can do.


What makes Catania an attractive city to visit?

Catania is attractive for so many things! We live close to the most active volcano in Europe, our beloved Etna. We have beaches close to the city centre. You can find a mix of architectural styles that can just make people fall in love with it. Our culinary traditions make us so proud of our food, which is more than pizza, pasta, and so on. It is a city that is culturally very active and has a magic atmosphere. Catania is definitely the pearl of the Mediterranean Sea.


Written by Willem Laurentzen, AEGEE-Nijmegen
