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Diana Tupchiienko is from AEGEE-Kyïv and we meet her among the candidates for Juridical Commission (JC) at this Agora. Currently she is a subcommissioner since Agora Alicante. She has been part of the team, who elaborated the Data Privacy Statement (approved by Alicante) and has been a valuable member of the JC since she has become a member of it. She has an extended knowledge of the rules, which run the whole association as well as a good grasp of the legal matters and procedures. Her opinion is indispensable for every enquiry, which comes to the JC.

Diana is already a year working as subcomissioner
Diana is already a year working as subcomissioner

AEGEEan: You are currently a  subcommissioner and candidating for the member of the Juridical Commission for a term of one year. Isn’t it too much work?

Diana: It really is. But I don’t consider all the commissioners do as a work but as a good, everlasting experience. All the time you are involved in resolving different legal matters it absorbs you so much then one year of being a subcommie becomes nothing comparing to the prospects which can be opened before acting the role of commissioner. Also there is much more responsibility. And it’s also one of the reasons why I’m so in to join JC team in a new status. Responsibility organizes me, makes me really vigorous at work and directs me to search new solutions aiming to challenge old problems.

What has your wok in Juridical Commission taught you?

Be quick and precise while answering questions and giving the interpretation of CIA rules. Always mind overwhelming JC practice, especially JC archives, in cases when the CIA is silent or fixed norms are not clear enough. Never, under any circumstances, forget that you are working in one team, gaining one results for the associations benefit. Remember that what you can or succeeded is not your limit and normal night sleep is not an option for you.

 Do you think all this work will be recognised afterwards or can be put  into general law practice?

"AEGEE system could work as well organized mechanism"
“AEGEE system could work as well-organised mechanism”

I’m not just thinking I know and am confident that it will be the result of my work. That’s also why I’m running the post. My subcommissioners practice showed me that there is much room for improvement of AEGEE system and thus it could work as well-organised mechanism. My aim has a lawyering scent. I believe that rules and other kinds of norms make the system work, thought, at the same time, I’m certain about the fact that people make the rules and they can be good in making them comfortable for their use. To be a part of AEGEE also means to belong to the system and not the people, members, inside should be adjusted to it but the associations mechanism should be clear, simple for usage and thus attract new members, new flows of partnership support etc.

Do you know some parts of CIA by heart already?

Only my lap knows it by heart. I have a good enough overview of CIA provisions to help members get legally substantiated answers.

Which was the most interesting case you worked so far?

I’m not sure I can reveal such kind of information. I guess all worked on cases had something new and thus captivating for me. Each question, each occurred matter has its own specific taste. Even common elections procedures within Working Groups can become exciting because of lots of members questions, sometimes tricky ones.  Same goes to locals’ statutes. They all look quite similar though you shouldn’t forget the law system difference and count it each time, so you need as well to investigate the case-by-case legal background. In this course, I remember my first statutes checking experience, it was AEGEE-Ploiesti, I remember the night when together with its current president we were talking over Romanian legislation on the associations matter, existing in AEGEE rules and as well EU practice, to fit their statute in accordance with all mentioned public orders and so on.

And what do you plan to change if you are elected?

Sounds pretty bold, I mean to change. Now I’m more confident what I can improve and adopt some modifications. First of all I want to bring some changes to the model statutes for locals, improve the mechanism of updating their current status not only within the AEGEE but also inside their own country, hence, be confident that AEGEE-Europe has constant CdA like connection not with a ‘bubble’ local but with real, legally registered institution. Also, have plans for the Working Groups. My aim is to draft a model statute for their internal use and also to amend existing statutes to keep all members aware of the accepted rules. Though, it’s just a part visible for me right now. It’s not the limit, as I said before.

What are you passionate about in AEGEE besides Juridical Commission?

Oh, that is a tricky question, but my answer always will be – people around! Those great one, active, non-sleeping persons, with sparkling eyes brought me to AEGEE and they as well keep my fire burning.

What do you do in your free time?

I’m working as a teacher in the university where I’m studying as well (graduate program), assisting in JC matters, helping whenever I can on the local AEGEE level, consequently no free time for me.  And even when I had it in past I filled those gaps with many different hobbies I have – painting, singing to the accompaniment of the piano or just playing it, also I adore winter skiing, summer and autumn climbing etc.  Though, I believe that a person who wants and is interested in some activities will find place and time for everything.

I’m enjoying living my life to the limit – try to fill all empty spaces in my timetable. And I found a big, roomy place for the JC work, so it would look just perfect for me!

Well, good luck in Enshede!

Written by Liliya Buyukliyska, AEGEE-Sofia
