EaP2 – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:24:15 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png EaP2 – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 NWM Lviv Look At Me People: Family meeting ../../../2014/06/02/nwm-lviv-look-at-me-people-family-meeting/ Mon, 02 Jun 2014 13:51:07 +0000 ../../../?p=23202 After many changes to the initial plan, moving from one local to another and lots of discussions, the Spring Network Meeting was announced to be organized by AEGEE-Lviv, who organized the NWM a year ago too. To be honest, there were no discussions anymore, only happiness that this event would finally happen. It was important for our Network to meet… Read more →


After many changes to the initial plan, moving from one local to another and lots of discussions, the Spring Network Meeting was announced to be organized by AEGEE-Lviv, who organized the NWM a year ago too. To be honest, there were no discussions anymore, only happiness that this event would finally happen. It was important for our Network to meet and discuss many issues, due to the situation in Ukraine. Despite having not as many participants as could be, the event was just as amazing, as this time quality beat quantity!


More than fifteen AEGEEans from Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Çanakkale and even Las Palmas gathered in the hostel at the Market Square, the heart of Leopolis, on the 16th of May. It was Friday and the weather was just perfect (at that exact moment, as it rains every few hours in Lviv). Everyone, those who had been to Lviv before and those who were there for the first time, already felt like at home. There is something about this charming city: you don’t want to rush, you do not need to worry and the best thing you can do is to taste a delicious coffee in one of the thousand cafes  and relax. 

Katia Alekseeva, fresh member of AEGEE-Kyiv shares her emotions and memories: “Nine members of AEGEE-Kyiv went to Lviv for the Network Meeting. We spent an incredible time there, and I want to share it with you in order  to join us next time! It was my first European event and my first time in Lviv, so I warn you: you have to suffer a little from my satisfaction.

The program was very fluent, so we didn’t only socialize and have fun, but were also discussing the problems and achievements of our region and sharing ideas and knowledge. The meeting was attended by members from AEGEE-Kyiv, AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk, AEGEE-Kharkiv, AEGEE-Çanakkale, AEGEE-Las Palmas and also guys from Palermo and Milan who are not yet members of AEGEE (but not for long).

On the first day we visited the press conference at City Hall on the Market Square, where the organizers introduced basic knowledge about our organization and its goals to the participants and the board members of AEGEE -Kyiv and AEGEE-Lviv gave interviews to local journalists. After this, we had a city tour and the official opening in the most beautiful university of our country. During the opening, members had to present their antennas and we can say with a clear conscience that AEGEE-Kyiv was on the top. We also enjoyed the presentations of  AEGEE-Lviv and AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk.

Saturday was the most efficient day. We spent it at the university from the morning till the evening, interrupting only for lunch, several breaks for coffee or tea and energizers, of course. The day started with a presentation about AEGEE’s structure, history and Working Groups. Than we were talking about the new Visual Identity criteria for AEGEE logos and project planning at an European level. Next to this, we got very interesting information about the HR-Strategy.

We talked about the problems and advantages of our region and created several new solutions and plans for future development of our region. During each session, participants were encouraged to take part in the discussion. Saturday ended in a hot party (I have to trust the words of others, because I wasn’t present there). 

On Sunday we listened to a presentation about the Eastern Partnership, represented by Victoria Horiachko from AEGEE-Lviv, who also is a member of Eastern Partnership Project, and  we learned what took place during Agora Patra from Aleksandra Kluczka, future Comité Directeur. One of the most interesting presentations was prepared by Anna Pykhtina (Smailikova). Anna knows almost everything about Summer Universities, because she is a part of SUCT – Summer University Coordination Team, so she told us how to organize a SU and take part in it with minimum of problems and a  lot of fun.

In conclusion, I would like to say that AEGEE-events always manage to inspire me. After an event I always have a desire to get out of my bed and do something worthy! Despite the fact that sleep is generally something beyond the AEGEE reality, I’m probably dreaming right now!”

Apart from everything mentioned by Katia, I have to agree that the content of this Network Meeting was really seductive and interesting. The program, that contained of several sessions from different speakers – Aleksandra Kluczka, future Comité Directeur, Vira Kakhnych, NetCom and Viktoria Horiachko, Eastern Partnership Project – was wide, exciting and what’s more important, very interactive.

Our NetCom, Vira Kakhnych was really good prepared and her sessions about the HR-circle were really inspired and interactive. As all of the locals presented have different approaches to gain new members it was interesting to listen to the ways they accept newbies and techniques they use to attract them.

Participants were divided into four groups and had to create a HR-strategy to attract four different types of future AEGEEans: Traveler, Careerist, Idealist and Party Animal. We didn’t only have to present  our ideas, but also answer tricky questions from the audience. That’s what I love about NWMs: the possibility to ask, to answer, to doubt and to persuade, to discuss and to find common ideas about anything.

 And the possibility to ask a CD-member about anything – it’s worth going as newbie and as experienced member as well!  The great thing about Network Meetings is sharing, in my opinion. Sharing of experience, sharing of problems and innovative ways – all this is so inspiring that after coming back you rush to the computer full of new ideas and start to work! And this NWM wasn’t an exception, at least for AEGEE-Kyiv members.

Apart from serious things, the parties, food and city were perfect. This event was not like others, as many members know Lviv’s centre and the main places to visit. Most of the participants visited Lviv many times before, that’s why organizers could effort themselves hanging out with participants – and it was more like meeting of good old friends who experienced a lot together. It’s always so nice to come back to the place where people you love will be happy to meet you!


The Network Meeting was indeed the best place for gathering after so many challenging and terrifying events that took place in many Ukrainian cities and still do in the Eastern part of Ukraine. This Network has to be united and strong more than ever and it was really sad that no one from the Russian and Belarus locals could join us.

 However, we know that no matter what happens between politicians, AEGEE-members are trying to stay apart and respect each other opinions, and stay really good friends no matter what.

Written by Anna Smailikova, AEGEE-Kyiv.
Special thanks to Katia Alekseeva (AEGEE-Kyiv) for the pictures. 

The Eastern Partnership Project Prepares for A Second Edition ../../../2014/03/08/the-eastern-partnership-project-prepares-for-a-second-edition/ Sat, 08 Mar 2014 13:59:36 +0000 ../../../?p=21682 The Eastern Partnership Project concluded last November in Autumn Agora Zaragoza, where their results were presented. But that does not mean it is over. The latest developments in the countries of the Eastern Partnership, and especially the EaP Summit in Vilnius, have shown that there is still a lot of work to do, and so The AEGEEan has spoken to… Read more →


The Eastern Partnership Project concluded last November in Autumn Agora Zaragoza, where their results were presented. But that does not mean it is over. The latest developments in the countries of the Eastern Partnership, and especially the EaP Summit in Vilnius, have shown that there is still a lot of work to do, and so The AEGEEan has spoken to Adrian Browarczyk (AEGEE-Poznan), Project Manager of the new Eastern Partnership Project, about their future plans.

The AEGEEan: Adrian, the Eastern Partnership Project concluded in Zaragoza with a standing ovation to the team. Now is the turn for the EaP[2]: why was it decided to launch a second ‘edition’ of the EaP?

Adrian Browarczyk: Since 2010 many things have changed. The EU program developed into an important diplomatic tool in frames of the Neighbourhood Policy. A significant number of binding agreements has been signed between interested sides and the level of bilateral cooperation between EU and EaP countries is quite gratifying even though some of the target countries proved their independence of choice in a surprising way (i.e. Armenia suddenly assigned to Customs Union roadmap at the end of 2013). Nonetheless, internally we also managed to step further by bringing the issue closer to an ordinary AEGEEan by means of a series of conferences, workshops, trainings and cultural events. In total we did a great job we are still proud of. Such backpack filled in with valuable experiences made us feel that we cannot leave the matter that quickly – it appeared that many crucial challenges are still far ahead which obviously means we are obliged to keep going with the undertaking Alla Resheten and others are parenting.

Which points is this edition going to have in common with its predecessor?

First of all, I would like to emphasise that even if we decided to keep the name of the project, we share the logo in a refreshed version and the team structure to a certain point resembles the previous one, we are basically a new creation issued by people who significantly didn’t contribute to EaP before. Nevertheless, as for the points we do share, I am proud to state that some of the members of EaP, namely Alla Resheten, Daryna Skryl and Armenak Minasyants, granted us with their support and advice – they form today a consultancy body which i.e. points out things we could focus on and motivates us to work further on things they find important. Furthermore, regarding the thematic sphere, a new project crew came up with the idea of centering on civil society development in six program countries as well as on promotion of active citizenship and raising awareness of its importance within our network, mainly in the EaP area. These points coincide with the priorities EaP had before, yet we aim at developing them by adding the value of structured dialogue and studies on gender equality in target societies.

And which new things are you planning to introduce?

I would like to begin with the team structure. Firstly, we introduced a position of the Impact Measurement Manager. This move was motivated mainly by our willingness to examine the impact we have in a structured way, keeping it transparent and helpful for generations to come. Secondly, when I was thinking about the strategy our project should implement, I realized that we need a group of people helping us in seeking for materials, analyzing resources and supporting in content creation. These are the reasons our Research team was constituted. Thirdly, as for the project’s plans, I would see us closely cooperating with locals from EaP region in terms of promoting liaison relations, organizing events related to main project aims and also sharing an overview on things we may not be aware of. Being visible externally by strengthening links with our partners (i.e. Civil Society Forum) and taking active part in shaping policy AEGEE-Europe strives for are among goals I would like to achieve with our team.

Can you tell us about activities that you are currently planning?

As we are currently brainstorming about the action agenda I am only able to name these ones we really would like to happen. Apart from organizing a series of trainings on youth participation and related topics, we are planning to help locals in hosting Active Citizenship Action Days. The event formula will be chosen in cooperation with hosting antenna, nonetheless we would like to follow the example of the convention YVote 2014 Project has created. Moreover, as we do see the importance of democratic processes, we have established already a link with the Election Observation Project which allows us to contribute to a wide range of election observation missions. Some of our members participate in the Short-Term Observer E-Learning course organized by OSCE /ODIHR in order to gain the knowledge that will allow them to legally examine elections’ reality mainly in the Eastern Partnership region. Regarding other initiatives we plan to undertake I would mention a two-week long “Bus/Train tour” through Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova with participants from the Eastern Partnership area and other European countries. The event will target the promotion of the structured dialogue at all levels and  will also underline the importance of being an active citizen in mentioned countries. Panel discussions with experts, different workshops and trainings will be organized in order to achieve the main project goals. As for the activities we would like to hold in a bigger external perspective I would name the ones where we are considered as partners: the side event of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum that will take place this autumn in Tbilisi and a series of initiatives mentioned by Armenak Minasyants, the Policy Officer on European Integration, in his Action Agenda. Eventually I am sharing with you our current action achievements: apart from publishing a couple of articles, participating in EaP Young Leaders Forum, organizing workshops at Zaragora and NWM Poznan, we recently supported the conference on recent Ukrainian events in Lille and we set up a cooperation with AEGEE-Bratislava in order to provide them with content during their SU organized along with AEGEE-Lviv and AEGEE-Odessa. Two other ‘work-together’ suggestions appeared lately from Europe On Track 2 and EuroArab sides – stay tuned and do not miss updates on our brand new website!

At the same time, the protests in Ukraine struck short after the Agora in Zaragoza. Has it influenced the ideas of the project in some way?

We feel much more motivated and eager to follow the thematic direction we have chosen. Recent events in Ukraine proved that the state of active citizenship there still remains a challenge to work on. Both sides of these clashes showed that Ukrainian people are not fully acquainted with the model of civil society other European countries share. Therefore, we would like to contribute to changes that will surely happen not only in Ukraine but also in the whole region. We would like to support the EaP youth in their call for democracy and the rule of law. I feel that with our project we are able to have an impact to a certain extent on the birth of the societies completely aware of their rights.

What about you, Adrian: what motivated you to be the Project Manager?

Adrian Browarczyk

Adrian Browarczyk

It was a conjunction of different circumstances. The main reason I considered becoming the Project Manager was Alla’s suggestion at the previous EaP live meeting in Brussels last spring. I was thinking about it a lot during summer holidays, noodling over whether my leading skills and strengths are sufficient for such task. When I counted up the possibilities this challenge brings along I decided on stepping further and taking the responsibility of managing the project. From the very beginning I had people around who supported me with so much needed advice at that time. With Roland Papp (AEGEE-Budapest) and Marta Wnuk (AEGEE-Poznań) we dealt together with the first tasks and shaping the idea we would like to implement straight after Spring Agora Patra. I would also like to mention my personal interest in the Eastern Partnership issue, which has been developing since I was accepted as a member of the project’s team in 2012. My motivation grew when I had a possibility to represent AEGEE-Europe with Armenak Minasyants at Eastern Partnership Youth Forum in Kaunas last October. Since then everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

During your time in the first Eastern Partnership Project, which were the most valuable lessons that you learnt?

I finally got used to function in the international environment of youth activists who really did see the importance of the matter they worked on. We faced many quaint questions which I liked a lot as at the same time I was developing my interest in specific areas (I did research on Moldovan and Transnistrian youth and topics related to the internet freedom in Azerbaijan). We used to work late with grant applications and other tasks which actually determined my further work profile – EaP team mates receive my emails even at 4 in the morning. Another lesson I learnt is that while cooperating with partners from EaP region you must be very patient because some of the topics you touch are sometimes differently perceived. Nonetheless, over one year of active membership made me feel that I acquired enough knowledge to work on my own from now on.

Which are the outcomes you would like the project to have?

As a team we are certain that adding a youth perspective to the Eastern Partnership initiative of the European Union will be a significant contribution to building a united European society. I believe that we will be able to influence the recognition of youth power in target societies and that our work will contribute to establishing a strong civil society based on youth engagement. Consequently, I do hope we will successfully raise awareness on the role that active citizenship has in the transition states and that we will obtain young people with knowledge and tools regarding citizens’ rights and duties. I also believe that, by means of our actions in cooperation with the Election Observation Project, we will prove the importance of the participation in voting processes. Finally, I wish we will effectively promote and therefore increase effectiveness of Eastern Partnership program youth involved in the structured dialogue led with EU and regional stakeholders


Team structure of the Eastern Partnership Project:


  • Project Manager – Adrian Browarczyk, AEGEE-Poznań
  • Content Managers – Roland Papp, AEGEE-Budapest and Marta Wnuk, AEGEE-Poznań
  • Impact Measurement Manager – Léa Hannaoui-Saulais, AEGEE-Lille
  • Financial Manager – Claudio Armandi, AEGEE-Napoli
  • FR Manager – Zoltán Hradszky, AEGEE-Budapest
  • PR Manager – Mert Can Yilmaz, AEGEE-Ankara


  • FR Support team: Izawetta Manuel, AEGEE-Poznań and Cerem Çavdar, AEGEE-Ankara
  • PR Support team: Clemens Adler, AEGEE-Karlsruhe and Alice Nitsch, AEGEE-Bamberg


  • Damiano Deidda, AEGEE-Cagliari
  • Saskia Heller, AEGEE-Hamburg
  • Mara Bubberman, AEGEE-Groningen
  • Ferran Huidobro Casamitjana, AEGEE-Tarragona
  • Ivan Bielik, AEGEE-Brno


Written by Anna Gumbau, AEGEE-Barcelona
