hangouts – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Wed, 16 Mar 2016 21:56:53 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png hangouts – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Create the SUmmer of Your Life! ../../../2016/01/09/create-the-summer-of-your-life/ Sat, 09 Jan 2016 15:35:30 +0000 ../../../?p=32912 2016 has officially started! Some people now get ready for Orthodox Christmas or still enjoy the New Year events, it is also the time to think about summer 2016, which appeals to be the SUmmer of your life. Since 1988, thousands of AEGEEans have been enjoying non-typical, mind-blowing vacations during summertime. Exploring, traveling, parties, fun, love, friends, nature – that… Read more →


2016 has officially started! Some people now get ready for Orthodox Christmas or still enjoy the New Year events, it is also the time to think about summer 2016, which appeals to be the SUmmer of your life.

12305906_909614105789508_1945995661_nSince 1988, thousands of AEGEEans have been enjoying non-typical, mind-blowing vacations during summertime. Exploring, traveling, parties, fun, love, friends, nature – that may be the top assosiations with the name of the project. We are sure that lots of you have participated in SUs – maybe even more than once – and the spirit of AEGEE and Summer University brings you to the next summer to check a new country, new people, new sights, attractions, captions… And the next summer. And the next. Or maybe not.

Some time ago I talked to one girl with whom we went to the only SU I’ve been participant at. I know for sure that she enjoyed our SU so much that she may be willing to reveal this experience. However, when I asked her which Summer University she was applying to, she answered “none” and told me that she wants to see something focusing more on self-development and getting professional skills, and thus she would like to organise one. I was surprised by her initiative and supported the idea very much.

12312398_909614099122842_1764105731_nThis year, we as SUCT 2015/16 worked quite a lot to develop this concept. There are so many options to cooperate with AEGEE-bodies (find them on our website) that we want to incorporate in every SU. Can you imagine? – Summer University on climate change, Europe’s history or refugees (such an important topic now), management or entrepreneurship, a language Summer Course, healthy eating and lifestyle or Democracy in Practice Summer University, Summer University which deals with project management in AEGEE or a European School Summer University run by professionals from the Academy! What is more, there is an option to organise a Summer University for journalists or future ones. In this variety of options it seems really hard to choose, but when it is done, we cannot imagine how valuable this experience will turn out to be: you will show the secret or most popular sights of your country, will raise the potential of your motivated participants (since they will want to get the skills you have in SU description), will party and become friends with them – we love all of that so much, but there is even more!

12319283_909614102456175_1929166804_nOverall, this project is so loved just because it creates an opportunity for everyone to find something that is needed at the moment. Another atmosphere, climate, new places, long-lasting friends or even the love of your life, new skills, new experiences… It is up to you! Even if you just want to lay on the beach, there is the Leisure category of SU this year. We encourage you to plan the SU of your antenna and submit it until 15th of January to change the lives of 20-50 AEGEEans which may become your new family.

P.S. We will be extremely happy if someone from future participants writes us in some time and tells that due to the best Summer University 2016 he got a job or partner of his dreams. We work for you, people, and wish you all the best in the new year.

Join Hangouts with SUCT on the 10th of January, 18:00 CET, where we will answer all of your questions and share some ideas.


Written by Yevgeniya Gagarkina, Summer University Coordination Team 2015-2016
