Human Library – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Thu, 18 Aug 2016 11:03:13 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png Human Library – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 European level focus – Local of the Month AEGEE-Debrecen ../../../2013/06/11/european-level-focus-local-of-the-month-aegee-debrecen/ Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:23:39 +0000 ../../../?p=18121 This month’s Local of the Month is AEGEE-Debrecen. In the month of May, this Hungarian antenna hosted a well-organised Information Technology European School (ITES). This and regular months of hard work makes AEGEE-Debrecen deserving of the title Local of the Month in July. The AEGEEan interview Balázs Kovács from AEGEE-Debrecen to hear more about his antenna. Can you inform us… Read more →


This month’s Local of the Month is AEGEE-Debrecen. In the month of May, this Hungarian antenna hosted a well-organised Information Technology European School (ITES). This and regular months of hard work makes AEGEE-Debrecen deserving of the title Local of the Month in July. The AEGEEan interview Balázs Kovács from AEGEE-Debrecen to hear more about his antenna.

Can you inform us a bit about your antenna? How many members do you have? What is special about AEGEE-Debrecen?

An important re-establishment of the currently-operating solid local dates back to 2009 but our antenna was originally founded in 1991 with the help of Dutch students.

AEGEE-Debrecen has around 40 members but the core team of the most active ones is smaller. What we think is special about us is that we aspire to turn our relative shortcoming of having a small team into advantages. Having a small group leaves us with a clear understanding of each other’s competences. Allocating responsibilities and tasks accordingly makes us able to turn each other into real assets for the antenna and for each other.

Another essential thing is the fun element. Although we are creative and challenge-takers, we do not forget about monitoring ourselves and each other from an outsider’s point of view and we have a great sense of criticism. We do not take ourselves too seriously and prefer not to forget about enjoying participation.

Did you expect to become Local of the Month?

We have not even thought about it. It has been a very pleasant surprise.


Last summer you took up the challenge of organising the European School & Summer University

Indeed. Imagine the first summer ever in AEGEE history when AEGEE Academy encouraged locals to organize a balanced mixture of a European School and a Summer University by merging them into one Summer Event. It was super-challenging for the organizers, trainers as well as for the participants. Yet, “European School: 4 Elements 4 You!” has been an amazingly unique experience for all of us. We rarely visit the same café the first ESSU meetings took place in, but when we do the memories still instantly put us back into that same hyper-enthusiastic mood.

Will your SU be thematic this year too?

This year we are organising a Travelling Summer University together with AEGEE-Sibiu. “The HungaRomanian Adventure” will be an excellent opportunity for our participants to discover the beauties of two countries: Hungary and Romania. Apart from letting participants discover true Central-Eastern-European hospitality, we will focus on introducing Romanian and Hungarian culture, more specifically by sightseeing and other outdoor activities, by trying traditional cuisine and providing insights into our languages and history. Both Northern-Eastern-Hungary and Transylvania are wonderful and we are all very excited to welcome an exceptionally diverse group of participants here.

Recently you took up the challenge of organizing ITES. Why did you want to organize it and how did it go?

Even though there is a great deal of invaluable personal and professional practical experience one can gain through getting involved in the Information Technology Committee (ITC), it does not belong to the most popular AEGEE bodies in terms of the number of its new members. Two of our local board members are IT students and thought we could contribute to making a change.

Thus, when the Comité Directeur and the ITC issued an open call to find a hosting antenna to organize an Information Technology European School, it came naturally to apply. After our multicultural New Year’s Eve there was time to prepare. The low number of participants also further multiplied the good, cozy team spirit and enthusiasm. We believe that all the opportunities and benefits of working in the field of IT in AEGEE have been clearly presented by our guest trainers, Pavel Zborník and Maurits Korse and we hope that AEGEE-Debrecen has contributed to inspiring potential ITC members. We enjoyed the event and we would gladly do it all over again!

Another big project for Debrecen is the Human Library. Why do you find it important and will you repeat the success?

As a focus area in the Strategic Plan of AEGEE-Europe for the period of 2011-2014, Inclusion of Minorities aims at confronting young people with the reality of minority groups by involving them in direct personal encounters in order to create mutual understanding.

Knowing general local realities as well as witnessing the influence of recent years’ global economic and moral crisis in Hungary, we think that such projects are relevant and should be promoted. With the rise of populism and dogmatic thinking, certain minority groups are often falsely blamed for the common bad. Capitalizing on citizens’ lack of knowledge and an increasing xenophobia is pretty frequent nowadays. We hope that we will be able to organize Living Libraries in Debrecen regularly in the future to promote understanding and respect for diversity.

You also have some members really active on the European Level (EL) of AEGEE. How do you promote the EL to your members? Do you do a lot of work with it?

We consciously try our best in keeping our members updated about all the relevant information on the many opportunities AEGEE offers. Weekly local meetings, info evenings at the university, newcomers’ camps, university-based or city-wide cultural and career fairs and summer festivals – these are the regular events at which we promote our local and international activities face-to-face internally and to the external world too. The fact that we have (former) board members currently active on the European Level (Réka Salamon in Public Relations Committee, Liliána Tóth in Events Committee, Diána Leskó in The Euro-Arab Project and Nóra Abdel-Salam in The AEGEEan) makes things a bit more easy when it comes to promotion.

It is claimed by some that the Hungarian locals doesn’t really work with each other. Does AEGEE-Debrecen do anything to fight this claim?

Although the, locally considerable, geographical distances make it quite challenging to have actual joint projects to work on and realize them together, we follow each others’ activities and help each other if we can. As it is one of the largest locals in the entire Network, we regularly have guest trainers from AEGEE-Budapest at our thematic events and at our Local Training Courses for years now. AEGEE-Debrecen members also frequently attend their events. Sharing best practices and striving for a closer national cooperation have also been among the aims of a recent Regional Training Course of Hungarian antennae organized by AEGEE-Piliscsaba in April.

What lies in the future of AEGEE-Debrecen now?

Hopefully further bright achievements and non-stop enthusiasm will pave the way until we become the Local of the Month again.

Written by Patricia Anthony, AEGEE-København

AEGEE-Debrecen’s first Human Library ../../../2013/01/23/aegee-debrecens-first-human-library/ Wed, 23 Jan 2013 13:17:00 +0000 ../../../?p=15375 Borrowing and having quality conversations with living books? Even though it sounds quite unrealistic this was exactly what AEGEE-Debrecen put into practice – presumably for the very first time ever – at the University of Debrecen. A short history of Human Libraries Having been invented for its visitors and also organised for the first time at the famous Danish Roskilde Festival… Read more →


Borrowing and having quality conversations with living books? Even though it sounds quite unrealistic this was exactly what AEGEE-Debrecen put into practice – presumably for the very first time ever – at the University of Debrecen.

A short history of Human Libraries

Having been invented for its visitors and also organised for the first time at the famous Danish Roskilde Festival in 2000, the “Human Libraries” (also called “Living Libraries”) have always aimed at helping to build social cohesion and a greater understanding for diversity in the community, locally as well as on a global level.

The “Human Library” Project has also been a part of the Council of Europe‘s youth sector’s priority program “Youth Promoting Human Rights and Social Cohesion” from 2003-2005. Human Libraries are similar to usual ones only in terms of the feature of the borrowing procedure.  Visitors are entitled to borrow books for a 40-minute one-on-one talk. The major difference is that these books are alive, they are actual persons thus they can be asked to provide answers on specific questions but the “books” can also ask their “readers” thus they can also “read” the visitors a bit.

Human Libraries intend to point out that human rights cannot be protected solely by legal documents. It is the responsibility of each citizen of a certain country to protect them for the sake of the common good.

AEGEE-Debrecen takes action

Since a Human Library has been organised for several times in Budapest, AEGEE-Debrecen decided to bring it to their city. December10th was chosen as the date as it is the International Day of Human Rights.

Prior to the event the antenna approached numerous individuals belonging to certain groups that are frequently treated in a discriminatory manner by the mainstream society or they have to cope with difficulties in daily life. Since discrimination is often present due to widespread stereotypes that are the direct results of the lack of knowledge about these groups of people, personal interactions deriving from genuine curiosity can contribute to a better understanding of each other on both sides. This is what the Human Library concept is based on.

Our “living books” were mostly highly-skilled professionals and/or talented citizens with outstanding communication and people skills in order to be able to provide visitors with a quality time/content during the conversations. Our visitors in Debrecen were finally given the unique chance of being able to freely talk to representatives of groups such as abstinent alcoholic, former drug addict, physically disabled, overweight, male nanny, policeman, social worker, youth/NGO volunteer, student of philosophy and mathematics, clergyman, religious, visually impaired and blind persons.

A great tool for fostering integration

It has been quite striking to discover the obvious fact how the lack of these kind of platforms for communicating with each other can lead to several misinterpretations about each other and ultimately to acquiring/accepting stereotypes while in reality we are similar considering our motivations.

Having been provided with an event venue in the University Church by the Debrecen Reformed University Congregation and being described as a great initiative by the chief psychologist of the University Centre for Mental Health and Equal Opportunity also confirmed us that we would like to return with a larger-scale event soon.

In order to be able to strengthen respecting human rights, citizens need to be reminded of the importance of mutual respect, patience, empathy, understanding and tolerance. Attending these events can contribute to supporting the desired aim to a great extent.

Here you can find a video (in Hungarian) about the event and here you can find a photo album of the event.

 Written by Balázs Kovács, AEGEE-Debrecen

