Human Resources Comittee – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Tue, 19 Sep 2017 21:56:20 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png Human Resources Comittee – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Agora Mentorship Project: Back Again to Save Newbies’ Lives! ../../../2017/09/20/agora-mentorship-project-back-again-to-save-newbies-lives/ Wed, 20 Sep 2017 06:00:38 +0000 ../../../?p=41036 Do you remember the very first time you went to an Agora, and how overwhelmed you probably felt at all the new experiences, new people and new knowledge? Or are you going to your first Agora and curious to find out what will happen? The Agora Mentorship project is here to help you out!   Have you ever wondered why… Read more →


Do you remember the very first time you went to an Agora, and how overwhelmed you probably felt at all the new experiences, new people and new knowledge? Or are you going to your first Agora and curious to find out what will happen? The Agora Mentorship project is here to help you out!


Helpdesk @ Spring Agora Enschede 2017Have you ever wondered why some participants at Spring Agora Enschede 2017 had an “i” icon or a graduation hat on their badges? Well, those were mentors (“i” icon) and mentees (graduation hat icon), participating in the first re-launch of the Agora Mentorship project. Through this project, AEGEEans who were going to their first Agora were coupled with an experienced Agora participant, who could guide them through the chaos we call our general assembly.

Interesting idea, but did it actually work? If we look at the evaluation answers, yes! For the question: “Would you recommend the Agora Mentorship project to others, for example new members in your local?”, 100% of the people said yes, and a large majority (84,4% to be more precise) wanted to participate (and is now participating) in a future edition again too as a mentor.

HRC Fair @ Autumn Agora Chisinau 2016In the very first edition, 27 mentors took care of 63 mentees, and for Autumn Agora Catania 2017, we are back with 32 mentors and 64 mentees. A good reason to continue this growing project, which is organised by the Human Resources Committee (HRC) again after having its first edition during Spring Agora Asturias 2015, and another edition at Autumn Agora Kyïv 2015.

At Spring Agora Enschede 2017, the project was then officially re-established, and plans to continue in the future also thanks to the incredible hard work of Svenja van der Tol, Andrea Schmelz, Sonia Della Sala, Lyda Michopoulou, and Patrycja Figarska.

Agora Mentorship meeting @ Spring Agora EnschedeThe re-launched version of the Agora Mentorship project mainly consists of:

  1. Mentor-mentees couples or groups consisting of one mentor and up to four mentees, according to the mentors’ availability.
  2. The Agora for Newbies session, which is held in the shape of an Agora simulation.
  3. Online preparation of participants via Facebook page through explanatory posts.
  4. Live and online helpdesk during the Agora, meant to answer all doubts and questions. The live helpdesk is available during lunch and coffee breaks, while the online helpdesk can be reached through chat on the HRC Facebook page during plenaries.

HRC @ Spring Agora Enschede 2017Missed your chance to apply this time? Stay tuned for Spring Agora Kraków 2018, where we will prove that three times is a charm!


If you want to know more about HRC and have doubts about anything, please approach us during Agora at the Fair or at our Helpdesk.



Written by Sonia Della Sala, AEGEE-Salerno

Carmelo De Marco: “AEGEE Simply Needs People Who Want to Develop and Improve Themselves” ../../../2016/03/11/carmelo-de-marco-aegee-simply-needs-people-who-want-to-develop-and-improve-themselves/ Fri, 11 Mar 2016 10:12:26 +0000 ../../../?p=33632 There is a body in AEGEE that deals with what is most important in our association: members. It’s the Human Resources Committee, working on the wiki, knowledge transfer and mentorship system among others. We spoke with the soon-to-be-former speaker of the HRC, Carmelo De Marco from AEGEE-Agrigento, who was a Member of the Month nominee some time ago.   The… Read more →


There is a body in AEGEE that deals with what is most important in our association: members. It’s the Human Resources Committee, working on the wiki, knowledge transfer and mentorship system among others. We spoke with the soon-to-be-former speaker of the HRC, Carmelo De Marco from AEGEE-Agrigento, who was a Member of the Month nominee some time ago.


cagliariThe AEGEEan: Please describe yourself.

Carmelo: I am from Agrigento, Sicily, in the South of Italy. I am 1.78 metres tall, I’m 25 years old and what I want is world peace!

What? This is not a beauty pageant?  The AEGEEan’s interview?!?!  Oh… Ok! So… I’m a luthier (yes, I make guitars), a musician, an engineering student, a traveller, and an AEGEE addict!

… But I’m trying to quit, fortunately without any results!


What is your experience in AEGEE?

I discovered AEGEE in 2012: a friend of mine posted a video on Facebook about a cultural exchange organised by AEGEE-Agrigento in Belgrade. “What is that? Can I participate?” I wrote him, and now I’m here. It completely changed my mind about Europe, about integration, about friendship… It has completely changed me!

Since then, I have been to seven Agorae, six Summer Universities, a couple of pre-agora events, one EPM, one NWM, and I don’t know exactly how many RTCs, LTCs, official and unofficial “small” events around Europe as organiser, participant, helper or all of them together. I was HR responsible in my Antenna (Agrigento) in 2012 and 2013. In 2013 I joined the HRC as member. I quickly became Fair responsible for both Agorae and I was elected speaker one year later.


arancinoWhat is the best memory of your life in AEGEE?

In my head, I have a kind of big amazing puzzle made of all the experiences I had in AEGEE. That’s why I can’t choose only one piece of it as best memory. But I want to share a relevant moment of my life in AEGEE with you: it was during AgorAsturias, my first speech on stage as speaker of the HRC. I was really nervous, and I thought “they will all be there to listen to you, you will have a lot of eyes on you!”  On the stairs my legs were shaking… When I was on stage I looked at the people and I discovered that you can sleep on the chairs in so many different ways. I promised myself I will try them all!


What is the HRC?

HRC is the Human Resources Committee. Our role is to support and to help the development of Human Resources in AEGEE, in all fields. We worked on the Wiki, we created and modified documents and materials related to Human Resources and Knowledge Management, we are still developing some ways to help locals and new members of AEGEE. We want to create online trainings and a well prepared trainers database, that’s why we are collaborating, or we will, with the NetComs, the Academy, the ITC and all the bodies of AEGEE.luthier


On what the HRC is currently working?

Right now, we have two big projects that we are trying to develop. One is to directly help the locals, maybe with the collaboration of the NetComs, but we still have a lot to do about it.

The other one is the Mentorship System during Agora: if you were there at the last two Agorae, you saw some people with a big blue M on the badge for sure: they were Mentors! The HRC Agora Mentorship Programme aimes to support new AEGEEans during their first Agora through activities such as knowledge transfer, motivation, involvement and inspiration. All the new members that apply have a Mentor with great experience in AEGEE, ready to answer to all their questions (all the questions not related to AEGEE will not have any answer).


When speaking about Human resources, what is the most important thing AEGEE needs?

AEGEE in an association based on people, the most important thing AEGEE needs is the easiest at the same time: you! You are the power that moves our association, AEGEE simply needs people who want to develop and improve themselves, because AEGEE gives you this opportunity, directly or indirectly. You just have to go out on the field and play your game.

hrc Mentorship

What are your future plans in AEGEE (and in life)?

My “circle” in AEGEE is already at its latest stage, I’m working on the knowledge transfer to share my experience with the new members. My real (or just other) life takes me a lot of time, and if, in the beginning I attended an event every one or maximum two months, now I can go only one or two times per year. Probably I will go to Agora Bergamo, I think as HRC member, but for sure not as HRC speaker [we have elections during these days and I am not a candidate n.a.]. I will be still active in my local, and for sure “See you somewhere in Europe”!


Written by Erika Bettin, AEGEE-Verona


New Future For The Human Resources ../../../2012/12/23/new-future-for-the-human-resources/ Sun, 23 Dec 2012 17:26:45 +0000 ../../../?p=14990 The Autumn Agora Budapest 2012 was the start of a great project through which Human Resources could be spread among every local. This is our purpose, this is our aim! Great works have been done since the Autumn Agora in Skopje 2011 when the Human Resources Committee was created. After the first meeting, members of the committee decided to try… Read more →


The Autumn Agora Budapest 2012 was the start of a great project through which Human Resources could be spread among every local. This is our purpose, this is our aim! Great works have been done since the Autumn Agora in Skopje 2011 when the Human Resources Committee was created. After the first meeting, members of the committee decided to try to understand firstly what the difficulties and needs of every antennae are. So during the Agora Fair at Autumn Agora Budapest 2012 some of us were occupied in delivering handouts for an immediate survey. It was a great success as a lot of members spent their time filling in it and asking for a lot of information about our future plans.

First: the outcome of the survey shows that in Europe not every local has the same problems and resources as well. There are very strong antenna like AEGEE-Budapest or AEGEE-Kyiv which are used to sharing information and news through Facebook, mailing lists, general meetings, social media and activities, holding reunions every  one or two weeks. But there are also other locals that are not so active and that, unfortunately, cannot use the same resources. As this is a rather expected outcome I would like to introduce the second step.

Second: after the results of the survey we came up with the idea that it was time to create an unique Human Resources cycle method, to organize meetings and conferences with experts in this field, to prepare trainings in accordance with the AEGEE-Academy and with members of other organizations.

Well understood that in order to make a team work efficiently and in harmony, tasks have to be clear and not too ambiguous. Communication is a key element in all human exchange, every kind of personality can be a perfect assist for a team work. But, first of all, we have to allow the blossom of every talent for the common good!

I wish that all the members of AEGEE can discover this and  find out what they are planning for their Network. We are very motivated and ready to face new challenges. Therefore, trust us and stay tuned for the new progress!

Written by Giorgio di Stasio, AEGEE-Salerno & member of the Human Resources Committee
