LeaderSHIP – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Tue, 21 Jun 2016 22:43:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png LeaderSHIP – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 LeaderSHIP in NWM Bratislava 2016 ../../../2016/06/23/leadership-in-nwm-bratislava-2016/ Thu, 23 Jun 2016 09:00:19 +0000 ../../../?p=34815 LeaderSHIP NWM Bratislava 2016 – ‘Lead your crew on Danube’ is the name of a network meeting, organised by the only Slovak-speaking-antenna in April 2016. As the name suggests, the NWM focused on soft-skills related to leadership and their application in practice, either within AEGEE or in professional life. “AEGEE-Bratislava is a small antenna with modest experience in organising international… Read more →


LeaderSHIP NWM Bratislava 2016 – ‘Lead your crew on Danube’ is the name of a network meeting, organised by the only Slovak-speaking-antenna in April 2016. As the name suggests, the NWM focused on soft-skills related to leadership and their application in practice, either within AEGEE or in professional life.

Bratislava UFO at NIGHT“AEGEE-Bratislava is a small antenna with modest experience in organising international events,” said the president Miška Kliská. “However, the NWM showed us that with a small team of motivated members & good leadership, everything is possible.”

The NWM organised by AEGEE-Bratislava took place on 21- 24 April 2016 in the Slovak capital on the Danube, towered by the castle and the famous UFO Bridge. Workshops and all daily activities were held in a cafe bar with good facilities for organising small conferences and with a friendly staff. Lunches were solved via a catering company, thus the organisers saved time on logistics. Practically, the participants only left the location in the evening, to go back to the hostel and to get ready for the party. Hostel Possonium, located just five minutes from the train station, also served for the pre-party. Although it is not the main goal of the NWMs, small parties such as city game, navy party or the European Night brought were welcomed contributions.

NWM group photo Bratislava 2016The focus of the NWM was leadership, which was covered in a separate lecture, when the participants brainstormed ideas about what makes a good leader. Many of them contributed with clever ideas, suitable for further shaping; this is the goal of such events. To put ideas in practice, cooperate with others, but also be exposed to the opposite point of view. All agreed that being a leader also includes a human aspect and communication; not only getting things done.
On Saturday, a panel discussion took place where a group of successful young professionals from different walks of business shared their knowledge and experience. Basically, experiences and skills from AEGEE can be used in professional life; you just have to find the way. For example, communication and language skills are always useful, as well as the HR skills or fundraising for NGOsNWM panel. Fundraising and planning were covered in workshops on Friday morning, where guys from the NETCOM shared some of the best practices in order to develop their locals.

During sightseeing we discovered the funny statues in the city centre and the stories beneath the biggest historical buildings and the UFO bridge – the monument of communist architecture. European Night started late but it was worth waiting for. Some of the participants come to Bratislava regularly and I hope that after this event they will be joined by others who enjoyed the academic and also AEGEE spirit in Bratislava.


Written by Erik Redli, AEGEE-Bratislava
