local – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Sun, 24 Sep 2017 21:57:54 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png local – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Alin Georgescu for Network Commission: “I can bring something new in AEGEE, because I constantly learn, reflect and share” ../../../2017/09/25/alin-georgescu-for-network-commission-i-can-bring-something-new-in-aegee-because-i-constantly-learn-reflect-and-share/ Mon, 25 Sep 2017 06:15:09 +0000 ../../../?p=41135 Few days are missing to Autumn Agora Catania, and one of the most important decisions we will make, is to choose the best people for the Network Commission. Alin Georgescu has already worked as a NetCommie for one year and would like to dare again and commit himself to the Network.  The AEGEEan: Who are you? For what do we… Read more →


Few days are missing to Autumn Agora Catania, and one of the most important decisions we will make, is to choose the best people for the Network Commission. Alin Georgescu has already worked as a NetCommie for one year and would like to dare again and commit himself to the Network. 

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The AEGEEan: Who are you? For what do we know you?

Alin: Hard question. We don’t usually ask ourselves who we are, and if we do, we come with some cliché answers. I can say I let my actions say who I am (See? Cliché!) and I’m not concerned about this question to be honest. I can be consider a traveller, I like to explore places, people, thoughts, ideas, buildings, everything. So yeah, I can define myself as traveller.

You have already been a NetCom for one year, how would you comment your year as a NetCommie?

Challenging. I didn’t expect it to be so damn challenging, honestly. I hate bureaucracy, and as a NetComm you have a lot. But I don’t mind, we are a team and I’ve always found support when I needed. But overall it’s good, I say it is ‘cause my term is not over yet, I still have until December. I want to continue, I feel I didn’t finish with this. So if something makes you wish for more, that’s good, no?

20170331_154938393_iOSWhat did you achieve in your year as a NetCommie? Why would you like to run again?

I was able to come closer to AEGEEans and European Bodies. But most importantly, closer to the members from many locals. I would like to run again because I need more time. I came to that point when I’ve met the difficulties that locals are facing, I want to change the way we see the Network Meetings as training courses. In NWM Debrecen I did it differently, it was a meeting between members, a space for reflection and connecting, learning and sharing. I want more of these events. I will do it in Cluj Napoca and hopefully two more times. I want to prove that it is possible this way and there can be an amazing outcome from it.

You wrote in your programme that you would like to stabilise the current state of the locals you’re responsible for, did you notice something else that might need your commitment after one year in the NetCom?

Isn’t it enough? The engine of our organisation is at local level. No matter how many new, awesome and life changing ideas or initiatives we have, we start at local level. We are a big organisation and we have an impact at European level because we have many locals. Unfortunately we forget that a big number is made by small numbers, our members and locals. We have to focus more on their REAL needs, strengthen their activities, management and resources. This is what I want to work on, for me this is top priority: the local level.

DSCN7409How is the Antenna Criteria Reform, approved during Agora Enschede, working?

Less bureaucracy, but there’s space for improvement.

In the Network Status Update email that the Network received there were many locals in danger, would you like to comment this and how you will work to change this situation?

Unfortunately this is the real state of the Network that we didn’t want to see for a long time. I will continue what I’ve done so far, building a good relationship between locals, trying to improve their activities, their recruitment process and members. Network Meeting will help. Also more thematic projects funded from different grants would do the work. Currently I’m gaining more and more knowledge on this and I’m planning to work closely with locals on applying for Erasmus+ funds. Also criteria should, and they will, suffer some changes, many locals are suffering and are on that list just because of bureaucracy.

DSC_0014Would you prefer a Network of few strong locals or one of many common ones?

Definitely more locals, we have to create the opportunity for as many young people as possible to join our organisation and our goals. A “natural” selection will always exist but we have to open our network for everyone. Maybe one member from a weak local can be the next President of AEGEE Europe, who can deny it?

Describe the features of “the perfect NetCommie”. 

There is no such a thing as perfect. There is just the will to constantly learn, improve yourself and never give up.

14718701_10154451796520479_8056648701533190909_nIn your motivation we can read “During last months I came to the conclusion, there is more work that I have to do from this position so I want to continue”. Can you be more specific about what kind of work would you like to carry out if you are elected?

In my motivation I wrote this for the simple reason that almost no one is reading it. Yeah, some people can accuse me I’m too honest, but this is reality, jut few people are reading 70% of what we write in AEGEE. I will mention again the Network Meeting, the way I see it differently than what we do it now, a mix of trainings after which we get almost nothing, you are just tired and hungover probably. I need this time to proof that we can do way more and really use this events to strengthen our Network. I would also apply for grants, which needs time, and I will focus on planning and a good management. The locals that I’m responsible for need better strategy for recruitment, activities and managing their members. Some of them are even writing that “we need some magic to make the youth do something”. The lack of motivation is still a big issue in our Network and if you combine this with some bureaucracy (I think I used it too many times), you have locals endangered.

Why would we need to vote for you?

Because I can bring something new in AEGEE. Because I’m not perfect but I’m working on it. Because I constantly learn, reflect and share. Because I’m committed to this job.


Question from the Network:

You’re running for your second term in Net.Com. In your current experience as Netcommie what you consider the best goal you achieved and which you in the top urgent to solve or complete? (Consider your personal experience and your assigned locals)

Network Meeting Debrecen is the biggest achievement. Network Meeting Cluj Napoca is the next.

You can read his full candidature here.


Written by Lisa Gregis, AEGEE-Bergamo

An AEGEEan family in Skopje: “We love to organise a motivational weekend yearly” ../../../2017/05/09/an-aegeean-family-in-skopje-we-love-to-organise-a-motivational-weekend-yearly/ Tue, 09 May 2017 12:38:22 +0000 ../../../?p=39961 Supporting and loving each other, that is what AEGEE-Skopje is all about. President of AEGEE-Skopje Stefani Stevanovska tells us how being a member of AEGEE-Skopje changes the view towards Europe, how they keep new members active and about their plans for the future. The AEGEEan: Could you tell us a bit about the establishment of AEGEE-Skopje? Stefani : AEGEE–Skopje officially became… Read more →


Supporting and loving each other, that is what AEGEE-Skopje is all about. President of AEGEE-Skopje Stefani Stevanovska tells us how being a member of AEGEE-Skopje changes the view towards Europe, how they keep new members active and about their plans for the future.

The AEGEEan: Could you tell us a bit about the establishment of AEGEE-Skopje?

Stefani : AEGEE–Skopje officially became an antenna in 1993, and during the years, it became one of the most active antenna in the network. This year we had a 25th anniversary, which we celebrated with the participants from the SUPS – Secret recipe for an epic Summer, as well as many active members and alumni. Currently, we have around sixty members. We focus on organising as many events we can, both locally as European ones. We believe that this is the best way to keep members motivated and to spread the AEGEE Spirit. This year, one of the best events we organised was the NYE event, in which we had around forty participants, who all left amazingly positive beginning. Also, SUPS was great, since the trainers gave interesting workshops and the participants left feeling accomplished and ready to organise a great Summer University.
Which typical, local traditions do you have?

We love to organise a motivational weekend yearly, to train and activate the newbies, as well as to get together with the active and older members. We have many teambuilding activities, games and workshops specially designed for the needs of the antenna, but we also have barbecue,  drinking games and much more. We strongly recommend this motivational weekend event to many other locals since the overall impact is very positive. On a local level, we try to co-operate with other organisations such as the Red Cross, because we love to help the community in Skopje. In the past months, we helped to organise a humanitarian folk dance concert and a blood donation action. Also, we co-operated with a NGO that works with autistic children to celebrate the World’s Autism day. Moreover, we promoted the Summer Universities in a very creative way, and a lot of people applied.

Which skills do you think that members of AEGEE-Skopje develop and how?

The best skills that AEGEE Skopje members have developed are organisational skills. Since we train new members from the beginning and we help them with organising some activities on both a European and local level. This really motivates them to keep on moving forward in our antenna and in their personal lives. Unfortunately, our educational system does not really offer many opportunities to do practical work, so this is a great opportunity for everyone. One example is the year when we organised two traveling SU’s: one with AEGEE-Istanbul and one with AEGEE-Beograd.


 How do you think that the view towards Europe changes by participating in AEGEE-Skopje?

At first, most of the people that join AEGEE-Skopje do not feel that connected to Europe, because we identify Europe with the European Union, which Macedonia is not a part of. However, their opinion quickly changes when they participate in an event outside of our borders and feel how welcoming and open-minded everyone in AEGEE is. Also, they see that our opportunities are almost equal to the opportunities that other young people in countries from the European Union have.


AEGEE-Skopje has a long history of organising exchanges with other locals. What are your tips for other locals who also want to organise an exchange?

The most important thing is good communication and teambuilding. For example, regarding a SU we organised in collaboration with AEGEE-Istanbul, we first had an exchange with them, where we met the whole team. We all had great time together and then  decided to organse a Summer University together. Also, it really helps if you have a motivated team that will work enthusiastically organising the exchanges and events. All in all, it is important to keep an open mind, help each other, know the weakness and strangest of oneself as well as of the entire team, try to work out the differences and find a middle ground for everyone.

The magazine produced by AEGEE-Skopje, ‘’Europe – No borders no limits’’ has been well received. However, currently it is no longer published, could you tell us the reason for this?

AEGEE-Skopje has been publishing every second month the magazine ‘’Europe – No borders no limits ‘’, but unfortunately, we no longer publish it. The magazine was awarded for “the best European student publication in the AEGEE Network”  in 1994 and 2000/2001. However, in the past we had more members that studied Journalism and creative writing than currently, so there are not that many students that could help publishing this magazine.

What are your plans for AEGEE-Skopje?

Our short term plan is to organise an epic Summer University – “Yes, I do!”. In a way, it is our baby because, since a couple of years, we decided to organise a SU alone, instead of in collaboration with another AEGEE local. We added new amazing things to the programme such as a Galichka wedding [An annual festival held in Galičnik in which selected couple get married in the traditional Galichka style, ed].This SU is entirely designed to show the culture, history and beauty that our country has to offer and to teach the participants our amazing traditions. Macedonia has been going through a difficult time and we think that this SU will also help the organsers to go back to our roots and focus on the positive things.  On a long term, we plan to organise a NWM, another winter or NYE event, motivational weekend and other surprises, just follow us on Facebook to see…!25538617023_2850bb34d2_o

AEGEE-Skopje is awesome because…

We love and support each other in every possible way, so that in the end we become like a family.

Is there anything you’d like to add?

Come and visit us anytime, during an event or any other occasion. We love to host members and to show them our city, it truly brings us great joy!


Written by Susan Nijsten, AEGEE-Groningen



AEGEE-Zaragoza: “Everything Members Are Willing to Do is Valid, Everybody Can Propose Ideas!” ../../../2017/03/20/aegee-zaragoza-everything-members-are-willing-to-do-is-valid-everybody-can-propose-ideas/ Mon, 20 Mar 2017 06:00:02 +0000 ../../../?p=39542 Lying in the middle of Aragon province, there is a city called Zaragoza. There, in 1998 AEGEE-Zaragoza was born, with a “long and a vibrant history” as the board said, having organised countless of events including two Agoras (2003 and 2013), NWMs, Summer Universities and so on. Currently, they have 158 members who meet regularly and they organise both fun and… Read more →


Lying in the middle of Aragon province, there is a city called Zaragoza. There, in 1998 AEGEE-Zaragoza was born, with a “long and a vibrant history” as the board said, having organised countless of events including two Agoras (2003 and 2013), NWMs, Summer Universities and so on. Currently, they have 158 members who meet regularly and they organise both fun and cultural events. We asked some questions to the board of AEGEE-Zaragoza, to know a bit more about the Spanish local. 

LTC during February 2017

LTC during February 2017

What is the peculiarity of your local? What makes you special?

We tend to invade events, it is very difficult to find just one or two people from AEGEE-Zaragoza in an event. Once the Open Call is on, we apply like a pack and we end up being at least eight, or up! We are a big family that does not only meet to do AEGEE related things. We have social meetings with new members and we organise informal meetings very often!  That is why we are a group of friends working together [they smile, ed.].

Which activities do you usually organise?

We have weekly meetings and we usually prepare thematic activities such as the European Day of Languages or the AEGEE day. However, everything the members are willing to do is valid. So, everybody can propose ideas.

Participants from AEGEE-Zaragoza - RENOVE VI

Participants from AEGEE-Zaragoza – RENOVE VI

Name one good thing to be in AEGEE and one bad thing.

A bad thing could be that sometimes we have to prepare and do too much official stuff which might not be as useful as doing some other activities that could be more interesting for you and your local.

The good thing is the new lifestyle that you have while being in AEGEE, with experiences and people who make your life change.

How is the cooperation between your local and others in your area? And also how is it with your Network Commissioner?
Locals in La Nave [Spanish, French and Portuguese speaking locals, ed] usually cooperate with each other sharing good practices and ideas, organising events and attending to the local events. So, we can say it is very nice. The same with our Network Commissioner, we have an open communication with her and our assigned subcommissioner. We can share worries and successes with them.

Active members of AEGEE-Zaragoza

Active members of AEGEE-Zaragoza

How do you implement Strategic Plan and Action Agenda with your members?

We try to do local activities to implement them as well as workshops, for example during the LTCs. This year, we participated for the Food Bank and we usually publish or participate in campaigns to raise awareness about certain topics such as Sexual Health, International Women’s day and so on.

Four years ago you organised an Agora. The experience can strengthen or break a local. How did things progress after the statutory event?

As in many events, there were some tensions in the team but apart from that, the results we had were very amazing! Among the helpers, there were many new members who wanted to collaborate with the rest of the team and who came out very motivated, eager to discover and work in AEGEE and AEGEE-Zaragoza. They built the basis of today’s AEGEE-Zaragoza. Now, these helpers share their experiences with the new members, talking about how awesome the agora was and people motivate to do another event in Zaragoza.

AEGEE-Zaragoza Summer University 2016

AEGEE-Zaragoza Summer University 2016

What are the future plans for AEGEE-Zaragoza?

The main objective would be to keep in touch with the new members, to motivate and encourage them to become active in AEGEE and to start doing things in AEGEE. We want to organise more local activities in order to empower our members to become more active both in Zaragoza and in the European bodies.

This year AEGEE Zaragoza is working on a Volunteering Summer University. We plan to stay a few days in a small town nearby, helping the local people with our young spirit, with activities such as playing traditional games, performing theatre plays, etc. Moreover, all of this will be combined with visits to the most beautiful places of this region and a lot of AEGEE spirit! We would also like to organise European thematic events… and we are starting to think about something big again in Zaragoza.

Written by Erika Bettin, AEGEE-Verona

Meet AEGEE-Bakı: “There is No Distance When it Comes to Co-operation” ../../../2015/12/15/meet-aegee-baki-there-is-no-distance-when-it-comes-to-co-operation/ Tue, 15 Dec 2015 14:19:07 +0000 ../../../?p=32510 One of the AEGEE locals that lies furthest to the east is AEGEE-Bakı, situated on a small peninsula in the Caspian Sea. You might think of them as a remote or different local, but nothing could be more wrong. If you spoke to them, you’d meet nothing but the most kind, open, and, above all, enthusiastic members, who organise the… Read more →


One of the AEGEE locals that lies furthest to the east is AEGEE-Bakı, situated on a small peninsula in the Caspian Sea. You might think of them as a remote or different local, but nothing could be more wrong. If you spoke to them, you’d meet nothing but the most kind, open, and, above all, enthusiastic members, who organise the most amazing events. It just comes to show that, from the North to the Caspian Sea, Europe is everywhere. Let’s meet AEGEE-Bakı.


AEGEEan2The AEGEEan: Could you tell us a little bit about AEGEE-Bakı?

AEGEE-Bakı: AEGEE-Bakı started its activities in 2004 and more than 1500 local students have been involved in different projects. It was registered by the Ministry of Justice on August 10th, 2007 . The main purpose of the organisation is to promote the European ideas by creating cooperation between Azerbaijani and European students. The number of members is about 100 and this number is increasing day by day.

Board members are Orkhan Babayev – the President, Anar Alizamanli – Treasurer and Fundraising Responsible, Elmin Allahverdiyv – Public Relations Responsible, Arzu Amirguliyeva – Secretary General and Human Resources Responsible, Khagani Gasimov – Projects and External Relations Responsible.AEGEEan3


What are the most amazing things AEGEE-Bakı has ever organised? 

Every year, we, AEGEE-Baki, hold different kinds of festivals and events for both our members and international youth. One of the main and popular events is Novruz festival. Novruz – International Youth Festival- is the annual celebration of Novruz with the youth from all around the world. This project will give you a unique chance to experience different parts of NOVRUZ holiday, such as jumping over bonfires and running through the streets, banging on pots and pans with spoons and knocking on doors with your hats and bags to ask for little presents (sweets and candies) and tasting national cookeries, such as shekerbura, pakhlava, goghal and so on.AEGEEan4


Do you often collaborate with AEGEE-Sumqayit, considering that you’re only 26 km apart? 

Yes, we collaborate almost with all AEGEE locals in Azerbaijan. The nearest one is Sumqayit and there is no distance when it comes to co-operation and future work for the better future society. We always share our thoughts and exchange our skills and practice with each other.


AEGEEan6Azerbaijan is on the frontier of Europe and the Middle East. Does this shape the structure or culture of AEGEE- Bakı? 

AEGEE- Bakı is in the edge of Europe. Even though we are far from the closest areas of Europe, we have a lot in common with Europe. AEGEE took the borders away and brought the idea of unity and friendship, made an exchange of cultures, customs and traditions, knowledge and other aspects for all around Europe. We feel the AEGEE spirit even from the farthest part of the Europe.


Being on the edge of the geographical network of AEGEE, are there any challenges to organize trips or have other members of AEGEE visit Baku? 

AEGEEan5We have been seen from the other parts of Europe too. Many AEGEEans every year visit our local and their main dream is to discover the Eastern Edge of Europe. We acknowledge them with the eastern European culture, traditions and this is the main exchange point of our cultures, thoughts, ideas and share these all with all around us.

We organise several events like Novruz-International Youth Festival, Summer University that are the main out of other projects. The main target is to invite the young AEGEEans to discover the eastern and mysterious part of Europe.


Is there anything else you would like to share with us? 

Currently, our working groups are implementing several upcoming local projects . In January we are going to have the local Agora. Because of that, we are busy with both a new upcoming Board elections and local projects.

Written by Willem Laurentzen, AEGEE-Nijmegen
