netcom – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Wed, 18 Apr 2018 19:50:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png netcom – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Today’s interviews: Aydin Mehdiyev, Elena Panagopoulou, Oksana Prokopchenko, Polina Khapaeva ../../../2018/04/18/todays-interviews-aydin-mehdiyev-elena-panagopoulou-oksana-prokopchenko-polina-khapaeva/ Wed, 18 Apr 2018 19:50:52 +0000 ../../../?p=41475 Like every year, The AEGEEan is giving a platform to candidates for a position in the European Level boards and commissions of our association to answer to some questions in order to present themselves. This year, we established a cooperation with the Golden Times and, together with his Editor Gunnar Erth, former and current journalists of our magazine will interview the candidates… Read more →


Like every year, The AEGEEan is giving a platform to candidates for a position in the European Level boards and commissions of our association to answer to some questions in order to present themselves. This year, we established a cooperation with the Golden Times and, together with his Editor Gunnar Erth, former and current journalists of our magazine will interview the candidates for the upcoming Agora in Krakow. Today we present you with the candidature of  four members, all running for the six positions available for the members of the Network Commission: Aydin Mehdiyev (AEGEE-Baki), Elena Panagopoulou (AEGEE-Athina), Oksana Prokopchenko (AEGEE-Sheffield), Polina Khapaeva (AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg).


Aydin Mehdiyev gathered local experience as President of AEGEE-Baki and made his first international steps in the Eastern Partnership Project and the Youth Development Working Group. At Spring Agora Kraków he will be one of seven candidates for six open Network Commissioner positions for the term 2018/19.

Check his interview here.

Check Aydin’s programme here.



Elena-Panagopoulou-1Second time around: NetCom Candidate Elena Panagopoulou already tried to get elected as Network Commissioner one year ago. In the end, the former board member of AEGEE-Athína member was not elected in a very competitive field of eight candidates. Now, with many new ideas and plans, the 26-year old gives it another try at Agora Kraków.

You can read Elena’s full candidature here.

Check her interview here.



Oksana Prokopchenko, founder of AEGEE-Sheffield, is running as Network Commissioner at Agora Kraków. The antenna president is really motivated to bring the locals in the UK closer and closer to AEGEE-Europe in order to establish a better cooperation, to strengthen the locals in that area and the ones nearby, giving them all the tools to shine as they deserve to.

You can read Oksana’s full candidature here.

Find her interview here.




Polina Khapaeva from AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg has been really active since she joined AEGEE in 2016, being president of her local for two years, member of the Youth Development Working Group and the AEGEE-Academy. Now she’s ready to take the next step – at Agora Kraków she runs for Network Commissioner.

You can read Polina’s full candidature here.

Check her interview here.




Francesca Zorcolo for Network Commission: “That’s what I would like to do: support locals, make them shine and be present for everything they could need” ../../../2017/09/25/francesca-zorcolo-for-network-commission/ Mon, 25 Sep 2017 06:30:14 +0000 ../../../?p=41149 When you meet Francesca Zorcolo from AEGEE-Cagliari, you can tell straight away that she is an active member of our association. She was vice-president and president of her local, main organiser for NWM Cagliari 2106, subcommie for the Rainbow for Netcom Gabriele Scollo. Now candidating for the Network Commission.    The AEGEEan: How would you describe yourself? Francesca: My name… Read more →


When you meet Francesca Zorcolo from AEGEE-Cagliari, you can tell straight away that she is an active member of our association. She was vice-president and president of her local, main organiser for NWM Cagliari 2106, subcommie for the Rainbow for Netcom Gabriele Scollo. Now candidating for the Network Commission. 


zorci 5The AEGEEan: How would you describe yourself?

Francesca: My name is Francesca, but I love to be called  “Zorci”, I currently study Economy and management at the University of Cagliari but I’m going to finish soon –luckily- ahahah. I’m 24 and I’m from AEGEE-Cagliari. I have been a member since 2014 and from the very first moment I’ve always been an active member, I’ve been for two years on the board and now I’m subcommie for the Netcom Gabriele.

Why did you choose to candidate for the Network Commission?

As I said before, I have been in AEGEE since 2014 and in these past years I’ve gained experience, I’ve learnt a lot about what locals need and how to support them and that’s exactly what I would like to do: support locals, make them shine and be present for everything they could need, giving them my time and the resources they need.

zorci 2What would be your main objective as a member of NetCom?

Certainly, I would like to work together with the Netcom team to study and put in action a recruiting strategy to spread among our locals in order to solve the problem of decreasing numbers in memberships that AEGEE is facing now. Then I would like to create a strong collaboration among locals and between locals and European Bodies, in this way the right field to share best practices, resources and opinions can be created.

Who would you say is your best source of inspiration in AEGEE?

Aww I didn’t expect this question! I cannot nominate just one, so I answer with Lisa Gregis, because she’s a hard worker and she has inspired me to dream big and to realise bigger! Marina Klancic, because I love the way she works and she keeps me motivated to give my best to the Network Commission and of course Mattia Abis, because I think he had a great impact on the Network when he was Netcommie and his feedbacks are still for me the most important I can receive.

zorci 6You mention in your application that you would you like to create a strong cooperation spirit among locals. How do you plan to achieve this result?

First, I would like to create chances to get to know each other: through live meeting at events, but even through hangouts, challenges, inviting them to introduce themselves in the locals group and creating focus groups about common interest issues. Then, I would like to invite them to share their best practices filling jointly folders about different subjects, like PR, HR, FR and so on. And lastly inviting locals to organise events, such as Summer Universities or RTC or Promotion Days, together, in this way even those locals which suffer from a lack of members could organise something to involve new ones.

But I would like to know the opinion of the Netcom team and the Subcommie team for building a well-studied strategy together.

zorci 4You live in Sardinia. Do you think this might be an obstacle for you when you need to visit your locals?

I think not, Sardinia is well-connected with everywhere by plane and by ferry, we have low-cost companies and special offers that connect Sardinia to Italy, so definitely it won’t be a problem.

How do you envision cooperation with your fellow NetCommies?

I think we will set up common projects and go on with those that are currently working, and I imagine our cooperation will be like a constant sharing of opinion and points of view. I hope we will support each other in case we would have any problem or doubt!

Do you already have an idea about your SubCommies team, in case you were elected?

I would like to collaborate again with some people I met this year, but I don’t have a clear idea about it yet. I just know how I would like to work with them, I’d like to structure the subcommie team as Gabriele did before, giving them general tasks for help locals about different fields and giving them specific locals to support.

Questions from the Network

zorci 3You have experience with Gabrielle’s locals. Would you have a problem if you were assigned to other locals?

I’d say no, because if I will be elected I can count on the previous Netcom’s knowledge transfer for those locals, probably I would choose subcommies who already got experience with some of those locals and of course, I would organise a meeting with all of the locals assigned to know them better

What’s your opinion about cutting a wide series of useless Netcom criteria which just create useless bureaucracy?

As we have seen from the last email about the “possible changes in the Network”, there is of course a problem regarding the Antenna Criteria, but now I cannot says what. Of course, this issue will be discussed with the Netcom team and our Network Director in order to find a solution that it’s suitable for the locals and our network in general.

You can read her full candidature here.


Written by Firdevs Cazim

Alin Georgescu for Network Commission: “I can bring something new in AEGEE, because I constantly learn, reflect and share” ../../../2017/09/25/alin-georgescu-for-network-commission-i-can-bring-something-new-in-aegee-because-i-constantly-learn-reflect-and-share/ Mon, 25 Sep 2017 06:15:09 +0000 ../../../?p=41135 Few days are missing to Autumn Agora Catania, and one of the most important decisions we will make, is to choose the best people for the Network Commission. Alin Georgescu has already worked as a NetCommie for one year and would like to dare again and commit himself to the Network.  The AEGEEan: Who are you? For what do we… Read more →


Few days are missing to Autumn Agora Catania, and one of the most important decisions we will make, is to choose the best people for the Network Commission. Alin Georgescu has already worked as a NetCommie for one year and would like to dare again and commit himself to the Network. 

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The AEGEEan: Who are you? For what do we know you?

Alin: Hard question. We don’t usually ask ourselves who we are, and if we do, we come with some cliché answers. I can say I let my actions say who I am (See? Cliché!) and I’m not concerned about this question to be honest. I can be consider a traveller, I like to explore places, people, thoughts, ideas, buildings, everything. So yeah, I can define myself as traveller.

You have already been a NetCom for one year, how would you comment your year as a NetCommie?

Challenging. I didn’t expect it to be so damn challenging, honestly. I hate bureaucracy, and as a NetComm you have a lot. But I don’t mind, we are a team and I’ve always found support when I needed. But overall it’s good, I say it is ‘cause my term is not over yet, I still have until December. I want to continue, I feel I didn’t finish with this. So if something makes you wish for more, that’s good, no?

20170331_154938393_iOSWhat did you achieve in your year as a NetCommie? Why would you like to run again?

I was able to come closer to AEGEEans and European Bodies. But most importantly, closer to the members from many locals. I would like to run again because I need more time. I came to that point when I’ve met the difficulties that locals are facing, I want to change the way we see the Network Meetings as training courses. In NWM Debrecen I did it differently, it was a meeting between members, a space for reflection and connecting, learning and sharing. I want more of these events. I will do it in Cluj Napoca and hopefully two more times. I want to prove that it is possible this way and there can be an amazing outcome from it.

You wrote in your programme that you would like to stabilise the current state of the locals you’re responsible for, did you notice something else that might need your commitment after one year in the NetCom?

Isn’t it enough? The engine of our organisation is at local level. No matter how many new, awesome and life changing ideas or initiatives we have, we start at local level. We are a big organisation and we have an impact at European level because we have many locals. Unfortunately we forget that a big number is made by small numbers, our members and locals. We have to focus more on their REAL needs, strengthen their activities, management and resources. This is what I want to work on, for me this is top priority: the local level.

DSCN7409How is the Antenna Criteria Reform, approved during Agora Enschede, working?

Less bureaucracy, but there’s space for improvement.

In the Network Status Update email that the Network received there were many locals in danger, would you like to comment this and how you will work to change this situation?

Unfortunately this is the real state of the Network that we didn’t want to see for a long time. I will continue what I’ve done so far, building a good relationship between locals, trying to improve their activities, their recruitment process and members. Network Meeting will help. Also more thematic projects funded from different grants would do the work. Currently I’m gaining more and more knowledge on this and I’m planning to work closely with locals on applying for Erasmus+ funds. Also criteria should, and they will, suffer some changes, many locals are suffering and are on that list just because of bureaucracy.

DSC_0014Would you prefer a Network of few strong locals or one of many common ones?

Definitely more locals, we have to create the opportunity for as many young people as possible to join our organisation and our goals. A “natural” selection will always exist but we have to open our network for everyone. Maybe one member from a weak local can be the next President of AEGEE Europe, who can deny it?

Describe the features of “the perfect NetCommie”. 

There is no such a thing as perfect. There is just the will to constantly learn, improve yourself and never give up.

14718701_10154451796520479_8056648701533190909_nIn your motivation we can read “During last months I came to the conclusion, there is more work that I have to do from this position so I want to continue”. Can you be more specific about what kind of work would you like to carry out if you are elected?

In my motivation I wrote this for the simple reason that almost no one is reading it. Yeah, some people can accuse me I’m too honest, but this is reality, jut few people are reading 70% of what we write in AEGEE. I will mention again the Network Meeting, the way I see it differently than what we do it now, a mix of trainings after which we get almost nothing, you are just tired and hungover probably. I need this time to proof that we can do way more and really use this events to strengthen our Network. I would also apply for grants, which needs time, and I will focus on planning and a good management. The locals that I’m responsible for need better strategy for recruitment, activities and managing their members. Some of them are even writing that “we need some magic to make the youth do something”. The lack of motivation is still a big issue in our Network and if you combine this with some bureaucracy (I think I used it too many times), you have locals endangered.

Why would we need to vote for you?

Because I can bring something new in AEGEE. Because I’m not perfect but I’m working on it. Because I constantly learn, reflect and share. Because I’m committed to this job.


Question from the Network:

You’re running for your second term in Net.Com. In your current experience as Netcommie what you consider the best goal you achieved and which you in the top urgent to solve or complete? (Consider your personal experience and your assigned locals)

Network Meeting Debrecen is the biggest achievement. Network Meeting Cluj Napoca is the next.

You can read his full candidature here.


Written by Lisa Gregis, AEGEE-Bergamo

Celia Riveres For Network Commission: “Every Time I Take Any Responsibility, I Fight Until The Last Moment And I Do Whatever Is In My Hand To Achieve My Objectives.” ../../../2017/09/25/celia-riveres-for-network-commission-every-time-i-take-any-responsibility-i-fight-until-the-last-moment-and-i-do-whatever-is-in-my-hand-to-achieve-my-objectives/ Mon, 25 Sep 2017 06:00:14 +0000 ../../../?p=41073 The upcoming Agora is a place where a new generation of NetCommies is going to be elected. The Network Commission has always been one of the most crucial Commission we had in our Network, but now maybe even more than ever. Celia believes she is motivated enough and ready to take the job. She would like to lead by example her assigned locals,… Read more →


The upcoming Agora is a place where a new generation of NetCommies is going to be elected. The Network Commission has always been one of the most crucial Commission we had in our Network, but now maybe even more than ever. Celia believes she is motivated enough and ready to take the job. She would like to lead by example her assigned locals, pushing them to fulfill the Antenna Criteria and getting stronger.


The AEGEEan: Who are you? For what do we know you?Celia Riveres

Celia: To define myself there are some aspects that I consider essential.
First of all, talking about me inside AEGEE I have been a member of AEGEE-Zaragoza since 2013 and I am active from the beginning. Currently, I am president of this antenna and also subcommissioner of the Network Commission. Additionally, I collaborate with the Gender Equality Interest Group.
Secondly, I consider myself as a hurricane of energy, I love doing always new things and getting engaged with new projects. I am a tidy and responsible girl, but at the same time, I have a lot of creativity and a pinch of craziness, I love enjoying every moment of my life.
Last but not least, as many members of AEGEE, I love travelling and meeting new people and new cultures around the world.

Describe your ideal leader. Is a Netcommie a leader? Why? How can you be that leader you described?

In my opinion, a leader has to be an example to follow, a role model, a person who knows how to develop strategies to achieve common a goal making everyone feel involved and working on the things they are best on. I think a leader is also a person willing to receive feedback and continuously making the team grow.
A Netcommie then has many similarities with this definition: I believe it’s important to be willing to listen to its team and to the different locals. It’s crucial to have great teamwork to bear in mind all the opinions and feelings of the team members trying to get everyone on board, feeling comfortable and heard in every moment.
In my case, I consider myself a person open to feedback and to work within a team. Along these years in AEGEE I have worked in a team in several occasions as leader (being president or main organiser of events for instance) feeling comfortable and trying to get better little by little.

NWM BilbaoWhat are the NetCom projects you are more interested to contribute to? Why?

If I have to choose one, I would choose the Mentorship system. I think it’s always very interesting to be able to learn from other locals and to put people in touch so that they can share their experiences and anecdotes. In this way they can develop stronger bonds among locals and learn from each other. Related to this, I would want to work on a Toolkit for contacts to make it more accessible for people interested in founding an antenna to achieve what they want in every moment.

What do you think about the Antenna Criteria Reform introduced at Agora Enschede? Would you like to change something?

In my opinion the Antenna Criteria Reform has been a great method to make the Antenna Criteria more adequate to the reality of the locals. I think this is the kind of revisions that should be carried out constantly getting adapted to the needs of the locals so they don’t become a barrier for the locals to grow but a method to make them stronger. Antenna Criteria currently don’t reflect the needs of the locals and therefore I would not want just to check if all the locals have everything done but also to get to know the reasons behind an antenna not accomplishing them. This would allow me to help them grow and get stronger.

AEGEE Zaragoza donating bloodIn the Network Status Update email that the Network received some days ago, there were many locals in danger, would you like to comment this? How will you work to change this situation?

It’s truly sad to see that many antennae are in risk to be downgraded but I am aware of the huge work that some people are doing in order to avoid that. I trust in the work of the Network Commission to improve the situation every time and help locals to get developed. With the collaboration of the subcommies, I would like to have a permanent contact with the locals and get more approachable to them to understand fully their needs. This would help us not just to make sure the Antenna Criteria are followed but also to motivate the local to work in the right direction. Many times, antennae don’t fully understand antenna criteria work or which are the AC they have to fulfill. There could be a project to be implemented all along the network to explain properly what AC are, which one each antenna should fulfill and more importantly, how to fulfill them. There could be a very visual manual containing links to forms, KT documents explaining things in details, etc.

18077211_1629455613738938_4295657011241444409_oIn your programme you say that you would like to bring the AEGEE Bodies closer to the members, but the strategy you proposed seems the other way around: to bring the members closer to the AEGEE Bodies. Can you tell us something you would do in order to bring the AEGEE bodies closer to the members?

Actually I think both are important. On the one hand, it’s crucial to allow members to know the European Bodies, what do they work on, how they can get in touch with each other, to show they are friendly and they are willing to help. On the other hand, it’s also very important to work with different European Bodies to be able to help the locals in any issue they may find. As Network Commissioner, I would want to count on the support of the European Bodies and to be able to work with them. To put them in touch I would want them to collaborate not just at NWM but also at LTCs or RTCs for instance.

To ensure continuity and stability, among the other things, you wrote that you would like to continue the projects made by “La Nave” locals called “Connecting Locals” and “Local of the Month”. What would you do to ensure continuity if “La Nave” locals won’t be assigned to you?LTC AEGEE-Zaragoza

All the projects carried out in La Nave locals could be easily transferable to any other local. Having the experience of being Alejandra’s subcommie, I would be able to take those and apply them into the reality of the specific locals or even to the whole Network.
It would also motivate other Netcommies to continue and implement these projects.

Describe the features of “the perfect NetCommie”.

First of all, I would want to emphasise that it would have to be a friendly person, open to new ideas, to receive feedback, to include changes and to improve for the Network. Additionally, I think this perfect NetCommie would have to be a hard worker and proactive person open to try new things, learn from mistakes and not fearing to make new mistakes by changing for the better

How would you like to support the CD in your daily work?

I think it’s important to work in close relation with the CD as they are also aware of the Network status and they are a great source of ideas and information which is very convenient for the work of the Netcom team.
I also like the Netcom-CD pair system that is already in play and I would want to keep it as I think it’s a great way of working together having two European bodies in touch. Board AEGEE-ZaragozaFurthermore, I want to work closely with the CD to organise the NWMs together with the team of subcommies and the hosting local in order to have a fruitful and nice cooperation. I think it’s also very important to bring closer the work of the CD to the locals and make more visible what they do and how friendly they are to help in any issue the members may have.

Why would we need to vote for you?

One of the most important things I think it’s needed for any position you run for is the motivation and, that, I have way more than enough!
I’m willing to start to work in this new adventure and face the new challenges it brings me. Every time I take any responsibility, I fight until the last moment and I do whatever is in my hand to achieve my objectives. I can’t imagine giving up or not doing my best every day. I would like to bring this motivation to the rest of the team to be able to have a nice working atmosphere and to coordinate plenty of project helping the locals every time. I love helping and being in touch with people, understanding the different cases and trying to empathise, giving always my help and my hand for anything that´s needed. I’m a real doer and I love getting really involved to solve all different sort of challenges!

You can read her full candidature here.


Written by Lisa Gregis, AEGEE-Bergamo

NWM-Thessaloniki: “Make the Impossible Possible” ../../../2017/06/07/nwm-thessaloniki-make-the-impossible-possible/ Wed, 07 Jun 2017 06:00:48 +0000 ../../../?p=40028 NWM -Thessaloniki was held from the 30th March to the 2nd April in Thessaloniki. It was one of the first couple of NWMs that opened the spring season this year. It was attended by 30 participants, Spyros Papadatos from NetCom, Réka Salamon from CD and experienced trainers, such as Damien Moon Latacz from MedCom and Lucia Gavulova from Summer University. The… Read more →


NWM -Thessaloniki was held from the 30th March to the 2nd April in Thessaloniki. It was one of the first couple of NWMs that opened the spring season this year. It was attended by 30 participants, Spyros Papadatos from NetCom, Réka Salamon from CD and experienced trainers, such as Damien Moon Latacz from MedCom and Lucia Gavulova from Summer University.

17626167_1275398419163569_1239003317148914063_nThe title of this article, which was inspired by Spyros Papadatos’s motto “Make the impossible, possible”, sets the beat and describes in the best way this NWM. It was a united collaboration between the local organisers, that surpassed every obstacle, and the European contribution of NetCom, CD and the other participating commitees. The result was a well organised NWM in both the logistic and the content-related aspects.

The participants came from various parts of the Network. Even though the element of the antennae coming from the distributional area where the NWM was organised was not prominent, this enriched the opinions and practices that could be shared during the whole process. The sessions were held in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and some of them in the local youth council settlement. Specifically, the participants had the chance to learn about the structure of AEGEE, prepare and present a SWOT analysis for their antenna, work on FR, HR recruiting and team management. Apart from this, there were sessions about Agora preparation and “Democracy in AEGEE”, a discussion about the future of AEGEE which was presented by Réka. The highlight though, according to many participants, was the Best for My Local session in which each antenna had the chance to share the knowledge and their best practice for recruitment. It was very helpful and enlightining, especially if we consider the fact that our Network is more and more threatened with shrinking. Moreover, the Open Space Technology, which hosted different discussions, from the Brexit to specifying the Point System, was the one that everyone enjoyed the most, due to the fact that they could be involved and participate actively. Laslty, there were very interesting sessions about the youth carrers within EU, which were presented to us by a representative of Europe Direct.

17620342_818313608326122_8946261059849400814_oDespite the hard working during the sessions and the commitment with which everyone handled with it, the social life was enjoyed by everyone.  Thessaloniki is a city well known for its nightlife, tasty food temptations and hospitable people.

The participants had the chance to meet all of these through city tours, partying like superheroes in an alternative style pub, travelling back to disco times and tasting the local liquors in traditional tavernas, even when the NWM was finished. We couldn’t exclude the legendary European Night, which was mostly enjoyed by Spyros, our NetCom, Marios, the local representative, and Alperen from AEGEE-Istanbul, who won an Interrail ticket in the Best of my Local competition.

All these wouldn’t have become a reality without the amazing team of organisers from AEGEE-Thessaloniki and the main organiser, Stella Krokou. Within a hard economical situation in Greece, they managed to keep up to everyone’s expectations and hold an inspiring NWM. The have succeded in fundraising, covering all logistics, gaining the collaboration of the university (whoever comes from an antenna with a difficult collaboration with the university can understand how important this is). The quality of their effort was eminent from the fact that everybody had a wonderful time both during the NWM and after it. Personally, as a participant myself on this NWM, I would like to express my gratitude towards them and wish this NWM to reflect on them the same inspiration and create an equal motivation to them as they did for us all!

Written by Vasiliki Andrioti, AEGEE-Ioannina

Daniel Tufeanu for the Network Commission: “Focus On Developing Our Existing Locals and Strenghtening Our Network” ../../../2017/05/18/daniel-tufeanu-for-the-network-commission-focus-on-developing-our-existing-locals-and-strenghtening-our-network/ Thu, 18 May 2017 06:00:48 +0000 ../../../?p=40281 Meet Daniel Tufeanu:  AEGEE-București’s President and a member of the Human Resources Committee. Besides that he is also a two-term SubCommie for the Central European locals under Lavinia and Alin. Now it’s his time to shine as he is running for the Network Commission. He has a clear five-point programme, and a desire to give as much back to the Network… Read more →

Meet Daniel Tufeanu:  AEGEE-București’s President and a member of the Human Resources Committee. Besides that he is also a two-term SubCommie for the Central European locals under Lavinia and Alin. Now it’s his time to shine as he is running for the Network Commission. He has a clear five-point programme, and a desire to give as much back to the Network as he has gained from it. He calls it both ‘a dream and a challenge’. 
The AEGEEan: Hi Daniel! Can you introduce yourself?12345437_1218736574808896_5938333256281954158_n
Hello, I am Daniel Tufeanu, president of AEGEE-București and candidate for the Network Comission. I have joined AEGEE in November 2014, intrigued by the “multicultural/European” aspect of out organisation. I study languages and I am HR enthusiast (proud HRC member, as well). Although I joined in late 2014, I finally understood what AEGEE is about after my first Network Meeting in autumn 2015 (so after one year) in Cluj-Napoca. After that I have become more involved and interested in European Bodies and in AEGEE as a Network.
What skills did you learn from your SubCom experience?
My subcom experience is not massive, as I did not have many delegated tasks (yet). However, it taught me the importance of delegation in a team in order to keep members engaged, and to act fast in case of “emergency” (like contacting locals regarding the members’ list).
You mention that you have limited experience on the European level. Do you feel confident that you can contribute enough as NetCom?
I do admit I have limited experience in European Bodies, but I believe that the experience I got so far is relevant to the position I am applying for (especially the experience in the Planning Team and, more recently, the Human Resources Comittee). And I believe I compensate my potential lack of experience with motivation and desire to learn, as some of the best Network Comissioners, who weren’t particularly experienced when they first joined the commission.
Why did you not go to a Network Meeting this spring? 10647033_1166536390028915_4069836056834788481_n
I have been to three Network Meetings so far, three semesters in a row. This year, due to university and also financial issues, I had to chose two out of three from EPM Zagreb, ETC+ and NWM, and I preferred attending events I have not attended before so I could get a more complete knowledge and experience. And I have learned a lot from EPM and ETC+.
Looking back at your time as Secretary and President of your local, what is the best advice a NetCom could have given to you?
The best advice the NetCom could have given me as president is not to take all responsibility on myself and not to be afraid to ask for help. These are two pieces of information I had to learn on myself. And as Secretary, I felt like, somehow, I was not important (as I did not have a local working group to coordinate) and, looking back, I would have liked to be told that my work and my contribution was as valuable as anyone else’s.
In your programme you mention you want to discuss ‘issues related to the working format’. Could you elaborate on this? 
It is possible that the statement expressed is unfortunate, so, in order to clarify, I say that I am not conservative and I am open to discussion regarding certain aspects of the NetCom (for example, monthtly activity reports). However, I do not want any radical changes, I believe that certain things may seem complicated, but there is a reason behind them and they make sense (like having Antenna Criteria).
What do you think of the current state of the Network? What aspects would you like to improve? 
11136715_1081879521827936_5310223991181861450_nAlthough it is a wondeful feeling everytime we see a contact of AEGEE-Europe being announced or when we sing The Convention d’Adhesion, I believe that we should focus on developing our existing locals and strenghtening our Network. Althought, statistically, the Network is slowly reducing its numbers, we can achieve more if we stop worrying while doing nothing and start focusing on making the locals stable and making our members live the AEGEE identity.
I do not see you on the participants’ list for Spring Agora Enschede. Will you be presenting your candidacy there, or will someone else do it for you?
Yes, you are right, I am not on the participants’ list. I cannot attend this Agora, as I am in my final year and I have finals exactly during Agora. However, Veva from AEGEE-Berlin will be kind enough to present my candidature (Thank you so much!). I will watch livestreams and be ready to answer questions regarding my candidature as fast as I can.
How would your close friends describe your character?
My close friends would describe me as empathetic, dreamy and kind. I have a way of adapting myself to other people so it is not very easy to get to know the real “me”, in general, but the AEGEE environment is a safe bubble and, for better or worse, it makes it easier for people to be themselves.
Questions from the Network
What is the area of the Network you would like to work with?12015074_1183707361645151_2929965049999426509_o
Most of my experience regarding groups of locals involves the Central Europe Dragons locals, but I do not have a strong preference for a certain region. Working with locals I do not particularly know only involves more responsibility into getting to know the state of the respective locals, and I am willing to take that responsibility.
What is your experience in writing grants?
I have experience in the former Youth in Action project and, thus, I am familiar with the Erasmus+ format. I have participated in writing grants in a team and I am familiar with certain aspects and particularities of the (Youth in Action) Erasmus+ programme.
You can read his full candidature here.
Written by Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht
Evrim Emiroğlu for the Network Commission: “After five years of AEGEE life, I feel that this is the only thing that keeps me motivated to stay and contribute to the organisation with my knowledge” ../../../2017/05/17/evrim-emiroglu-for-the-network-commission-after-five-years-of-aegee-life-i-feel-that-this-is-the-only-thing-that-keeps-me-motivated-to-stay-and-contribute-to-the-organisation-with-my-knowledge/ Wed, 17 May 2017 12:21:48 +0000 ../../../?p=40356 Evrim Emiroğlu from AEGEE-Eskisehir is candidating for the Network Commission. She has given an interview to us sharing her programme, which focuses mainly on increasing the communication between locals and their collaboration with the European bodies through “an information transfer platform/channel”, as well as it underlines the importance of thematic events. She is also discussing with us the current political… Read more →


Evrim Emiroğlu from AEGEE-Eskisehir is candidating for the Network Commission. She has given an interview to us sharing her programme, which focuses mainly on increasing the communication between locals and their collaboration with the European bodies through “an information transfer platform/channel”, as well as it underlines the importance of thematic events. She is also discussing with us the current political situation in Turkey and the effect that it has on the life of the locals that exist in this area. Read about all these and much more about her candidature below.

agora©Paolo-simonetti-18052016-IMG_5841The AEGEEan: Can you present yourself in a few sentences?

Evrim: My name is Evrim Emiroğlu. I am 23 years old and I will finish my bachelor in economics in June. For next year, I am planning to do an MA programme but nothing certain yet. I am also considering to have a year without a job so I can look out for my interests and dream for the future of my life. My hometown is Ankara and I am from AEGEE-Eskişehir. I have been an AEGEE member since spring 2012. Since then, I am addicted to AEGEE and have always been active, especially at the local level. I am a person who loves new experiences, to push my limits and never afraid to step out of my comfort zone. More precisely, I live out of my comfort zone, I always find myself in a busy life without noticing and query myself how have I come to that point again and again. In the simplest terms, this is the story of my life.

How did you decide to candidate for the NetCom?

15267624_10154862525497975_2488686305495746832_nTo be honest, I considered to apply for this position long time before the deadline. Because considering the fact that I am graduating and don’t know what will I do or where will I be during the next year is one of biggest doubts that I face. However, like I mentioned above, for the past five years AEGEE wasn’t just my hobby but it became my life and whenever I have doubts whether to continue I find myself with other responsibilities within AEGEE. That’s why I trust myself whatever I will do or wherever I will be, I am not able to sever my ties with this organisation yet. On the other hand, I believe AEGEE is a unique organisation because it has a big Network and it draws its strength from that. During my board years, these feelings got stronger and I noticed that no matter what you implement in your local, if you are not united with your Network the impact will be inefficient. My experience in AEGEE has shown me the importance of unity and communication within AEGEE. After 5 years of AEGEE life, I feel that this is the only thing that keeps me motivated to stay and contribute to the organisation with my knowledge gained over the years in and outside of AEGEE.

Can you already share some of your policy ideas with us?

13173722_610138585800449_8958463091848245077_nFor me there are five crucial points as I mentioned in my programme. First of all,  I observed that many locals are working without getting informed from each other. Before everything, I do believe we should improve the collaboration and communication inter locals as well as between locals and European Bodies. Secondly, I believe the thematic part of AEGEE to be the most important aspect of our organisation. Locals need to collaborate in order to use the diversity of AEGEE, become more visible and enhance the impact area together with neighbour locals, if possible with locals in different areas. I would like to encourage and empower locals to organise thematic projects/events in collaboration with other antennae. After that, new locals are our babies. They need most of the help to become part of this organisation and start to contribute as immediately as possible. Moreover, nowadays the number of people who is afraid of getting involved into European Bodies is increasing. There are different reasons behind it, such as language barrier, lack of internal education, lack of knowledge about the tasks. I would like to focus on increasing the number and quality of people working in the European Bodies. Last but not least, if I work with this area, I do believe some people have bias due to the ambiguousness of the country.  This area needs more support from other areas, understands the situation from the inside and tell this to other people.

How do you want to implement these policies?

Firstly, I will work on creating a space included a digital archive especially for board members for sharing information about the current circumstance of locals, best practices of strong locals and opportunities to provide knowledge transfer for new boards in order to encourage locals for effective actions and integrate new locals into the AEGEE world. Secondly, I do plan to create an information transfer platform/channel between a representative from other European Bodies and NetComs in order to be aware of their work and the useful materials which they created for the locals. Moreover, in order to achieve the plan about thematic activities, I am planning to add a section to NWMs, about introducing local projects and constituting possible partnership opportunities, promote Exchange and Twin Antenna Project and create active channels for improving communication. Besides, I want to help new locals to form their statutory rules and orders for ensuring healthy democracy inside the local. Last but not least, I want to keep the locals motivated  by being the voice of antennae and making sure their success is being heard in the Network. I will do my best to listen to their problems and weaknesses and find ways to turn them into opportunities and strengths.

How do you think the current situation in Turkey affects the life of the locals? What are your plans with this situation to overcome the obstacles?

20170226_004341To be honest, Turkey’s current situation is not very pleasant. Especially in the last two years, the terrorist attacks, coup attempt and referendum caused a distressing process. On the occasion of being under a state of emergency, NGOs are facing many obstacles and even closing down if they don’t act according the government’s wishes. All of this is causing NGOs not to be able to act independently and express their opinions. Moreover, due to the foreign policy implemented by Turkey, there are some issues with European countries, these issues causing cooperational problem within the Network and AEGEE members’ to not participate in the events taking place. In order to strengthen the antennae in this area, I am planning to canalise the locals to the European level more and encourage all AEGEE Network to cooperate more with locals in this area. Regardless of the consequences, the society is trying to keep the stability; in order to do so, civil society shoulders a great responsibility. As AEGEE locals in this area, we can create a common action by organising discussions about the perception and what we can do. Together with the locals of the distributed Network area, I believe we can be the analyser of the tense situation and relationship between Turkey and EU; initiate the dialogue by using the power of AEGEE.

In your programme you are talking about your vision to improve the communication between European Bodies and locals through “an information transfer platform/channel”, as well as enhancing their quality and human resources in order to raise motivation and awareness. Could you please clarify to us they way you plan to pursue these?

During my board term and term as member of European Bodies, I contend miscommunication between locals and European Bodies. Even though there are a lot of materials, toolkits and guidelines composed by European Bodies, a few locals actually are aware of these materials and a few of them have motivation to use it. Although there are some information platform, is it clear that this is not really working and not enough to motivate people to involve in it. I believe the NetComs are supposed to be a bridge between locals and European Bodies. Therefore, as a first step we should empower the link between NetComs and other bodies. After that, we can encourage locals to integrate to AEGEE-Europe. So then, I would like to work for creating a platform which can be a drive, mailing list, fb group etc. and involve one representative of each European Body together with all NetComs in order to ensure that European Bodies have enough knowledge of locals’ needs and can create materials accordingly, and the NetComs are aware of materials which they can transfer to the locals.

Question from the Network: What is the area of the Network you would like to work with?


I would like work with all areas but considering my experience and knowledge, I can be more beneficial with Turkish speaking antennae, including AEGEE-Mağusa and locals in Azerbaijan. As the NetCom candidates local distribution has been changing, the distribution of our locals has also kept changing for two years. The situation of this area, as being really wide and very multilingual, creates some negative consequences. Even though there was a great effort from the NetCom side, for the past two years the area faced problems like not sending enough or none participants to NWMs and other events. Therefore, locals in the area lost the communication and cooperation. What I want is to unite the locals which have similar backgrounds and build friendship and communication between them like old times.

You can read her full candidature here.

Written by Vasiliki Andrioti, AEGEE-Ioannina

Elena Panagopoulou for the Network Commission: “I Want Locals to Live and Breathe for their Identity, AEGEE Identity” ../../../2017/05/17/elena-panagopoulou-for-the-network-commission-i-want-locals-to-live-and-breathe-for-their-identity-aegee-identity/ Wed, 17 May 2017 10:45:16 +0000 ../../../?p=40366 Elena Panagopoulou is not new to the AEGEE world, she has a lot of experience both at the European and local level. She now decided to start a new adventure candidating for the Network Commission. Here are a few questions for her. The AEGEEan: Please, introduce yourself. Elena: I am Elena, born and raised in Athens, subsequently being a member of AEGEE-Athina… Read more →


Elena Panagopoulou is not new to the AEGEE world, she has a lot of experience both at the European and local level. She now decided to start a new adventure candidating for the Network Commission. Here are a few questions for her.

The AEGEEan: Please, introduce yourself.

Elena 3Elena: I am Elena, born and raised in Athens, subsequently being a member of AEGEE-Athina for two full years. I got involved in AEGEE unexpectedly when, as I have said multiple times, I needed it the most. AEGEE has been giving me inspiration and a whole playground of possibilities and dreams, where I can unfold my creativity and passion for making the Network and the world a better place to be part of. Besides the dreamland called AEGEE, I am trying to finish my studies in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture, keep writing and exploring life and people. I am a neophiliac, a person who is craving for novelty, adapts in extreme situations and works constantly into bringing a change, shedding new light.

What is your previous AEGEE Experience?

During my very first moments in AEGEE I joined the Democracy in Practice project, since human rights education and raising of awareness of young people on hot topics related to their rights and how to act upon them, was something which has always moved and inspired me as a person. AEGEE is a wonderful platform for educating and creating active European citizens. In this sense, I was also part of HR of the Language Interest Group, which is creating guidelines and activities on the language perspective. Most AEGEEans are multilingual, isn’t it awesome? The field of human resources is kind of my specialty, as I have served my local from this position and simultaneously being a proud member of the Human Resources Committee. Effective HR is a solution on multiple “common problems” locals are facing and I have the experience to make them realise and work towards the solutions of their problems.


What would you like to do if you get elected ?

A change!! I want my locals to live and breathe for their Identity, AEGEE Identity, to work always answering their inner “why”. So many times in AEGEE we forget the “why”, why we are doing what we are doing. Keeping that in mind, my most significant goal is to make my locals realise their potential and explore various ways of solving their problems and opportunities. I am always a person who runs against the stream, and that is what I want to bring.

In your programme you’ve marked the importance of trainings, Can you tell us something more about that?

Many people join our brilliant association, because they want to improve themselves. To be the best version of themselves, and to learn in a different way from which they are accustomed to within the frame of their academic life. Learning with non-formal education tools is what AEGEE is doing for more than 30 years now, and this through its trainings and events. But we need to improve our trainings and give our members better chances of joining them. There’s an interesting idea that we can recruit the AEGEEans of the future, simply by pinpointing out the learning possibilities through our trainings. As a part of HRC, I’ve started working with the Network Commission and the Academy into figuring the best platform and interface of making the “training culture” more vivid and fully adopted. We are still at the very beggining, but I am really optimistic for the future. I am very happy that the new Focus Area of Youth Development will start its three-year journey this summer. For me this a clear indicator that AEGEEans have realised how much we need the trainings.

Question from the Network: What is the area of the Network you would like to work with?

I want to be elected because Agora will believe in me and my programme, because people will feel touched by what I want to accomplish and be willing to be on board with me. On that regard, I could work with any local, from the so called Nordic Stars or British to Greek, Turkish- speaking or even some Italian ones. Or maybe German, Balkanic, Russian. I don’t know. And it doesn’t matter, since actually I am really intrigued into working with any single antenna, because each one has its own uniqueness and need to be served, and I cannot wait to embrace the challenge. As you can see in my programme, I will focus into creating an Identity culture within my locals, a connection with AEGEE’s values and collaboration with local communities, in order to bring a better and more efficient impact.


You can read her full candidature here.

Written by Paola Letizia Murru, AEGEE-Cagliari

Elena Efremova for the Network Commission:”It is a huge responsibility, but right now, I feel that this is the right position for me” ../../../2017/05/15/elena-efremova-for-network-commissionit-is-a-huge-responsibility-but-right-now-i-feel-that-this-is-the-right-position-for-me/ Mon, 15 May 2017 06:00:47 +0000 ../../../?p=40071 Nowadays, Elena Efremova from AEGEE-Grodno is the girl who takes on responsibilities in many fields and manages to multitask and keep control over her duties. This is the way she has already worked in AEGEE by getting involved in various European Bodies, learning from them and collaborating with them. Ahead of her presentation at the Agora in two weeks, she was interviewed by… Read more →


Nowadays, Elena Efremova from AEGEE-Grodno is the girl who takes on responsibilities in many fields and manages to multitask and keep control over her duties. This is the way she has already worked in AEGEE by getting involved in various European Bodies, learning from them and collaborating with them. Ahead of her presentation at the Agora in two weeks, she was interviewed by The AEGEEan and she shared her vision as a potential NetCommie.

The AEGEEan: For those who do not know you, who is Elena Efremova?

NWM Zielona Gora 2016Elena: I am Elena, 24 years old, I have a Bachelor’s degree in History. Yes, I adore history and cannot understand why we still do not have digital archives and official books of AEGEE history in AEGEE! I live in the Russian Federation, in Rostov-na-Donu. I love chocolate, coffee and travelling, so my happiest moments in life are when I sit down with a cup of hot coffee, eat milk chocolate and search for cheap travelling tickets.

Last year I left university and devoted my life to AEGEE. In the year 2016, I visited around 16 countries and more than 52 cities. I have been an AEGEE member for two and a half years now. Firstly, I have been a member of AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu where I held the positions of Incoming Responsible and Twin Coordinator for a year. Currently I am a member of AEGEE-Grodno and AEGEE-Chişinău. Moreover, I am a member of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee and the Youth Mobility Working Group.

How did you decide to candidate for the Network Commission?

LTC GrodnoI thought about the NetCom position even before Agora Bergamo, but at that time I did not have that much experience in AEGEE, as I had been active for only one year. Many things were totally unclear for me and I was not ready to take on the responsibility for more than ten locals as a NetCommie. That is why I decided to have a year to learn what I did not know yet. I came from a small local with many troubles. One year ago, I was more needed on the local level, to help with the Summer University and Antenna Criteria fulfilment. Moreover, I travelled a lot last year, visited AEGEE events and locals, collected information and now I hope to see a full picture of what AEGEE is and how locals live. Locals are the cornerstone of the whole organisation, without them there would be nothing. They are an indicator; if they are weak, AEGEE is weak. For me, it will be challenge to be a NetCom. It is a huge responsibility, but right now, I feel that this is the right position for me and the right time to run for it.

Regarding your involvement in many European Bodies within AEGEE, how do you plan to combine them with your duties as a NetCommie? Are you considering to leave some?

My terms in the Action Agenda Coordination Committee (ACT) and Youth Mobility Working Group end on the 31st of July. It means that I would combine three positions at the same time for only two months. As I already worked with the Network Commission, being their General Assistant, I mostly know how to work with Podio and I understand what exactly a NetCom should do. During the past year, I combined three to four positions every time. It taught me how to be good at time-management and how to prioritise. During my NetCom term I will fully devote myself to locals and their needs.

Can you already share some of your policy ideas with us?

ACT teamLocals are sensitive organisms, nobody from the outside can treat or solve problems. As a NetCommie, I would not be the one to teach people what to do and how. I would be the one to see the full picture and be a link for locals between each other and between locals and European Bodies. I would like to outline several main goals of my term. First of all, I see the power of a network in unity; when people all over the network know each other, visit events around the network (not only official ones, but any), have common Visual Identity. The power of AEGEE is people, and most of us are here because of friends. So, why not start a big AEGEE family from the small ones based on the network? Then, if events like European Schools, Fundraising European Schools, Training New Trainers and others are far away – why not create or host them in our network? If we need and want to get this knowledge but cannot reach the final destination, we need to have our own. If it is expensive to reimburse travel and participation costs for trainers, why not have a deal with local ones? Why not create a pool of trainers in our network and use them for any events when we need trainers with specific knowledge – not even only from AEGEE, but also from other NGOs? If we feel that we cannot manage events alone, why not cooperate with other NGOs in our cities?

How do you want to implement these policies?

How to implement it? I would like to motivate people and locals to travel, to be open, to be involved in AEGEE, to apply for European Bodies and to have cooperation with other NGOs. I cannot tell them what to do and how, but I can share my own experience with them, offer some ideas to be discussed and be available to help at any time. Nothing is impossible when we are together. Of course, I will also work inside the NetCom team, helping with internal projects.

In your programme you are referring to having a “special event – kind of Share Best Practices”. Aren’t Network Meetings (NWMs) supposed to be a space for that already?

NWM Warszawa 2015That is a really good question. According to the CIA, “This meeting (NWM) has an administrative impact and it is focused on sharing best practices, keeping the Locals closer to each other, connecting them with the European level, updating them about last progresses and launching initiatives”. And it should really be like that. But a NWM is an event from two to five days. You need to combine sessions from the CD and European Bodies, take needs of locals you are responsible for into account, and make it interesting for everyone – both newbies and oldies, participants from your area and outside. Not easy, right? If you have participated in several NWMs, you will notice that some of them are about sharing best practices, some mostly held by European Bodies, and others look like a Soft Skill training. Every region has different problems, and a different political situation which influences the work of AEGEE on the local level. Sometimes, we need to talk about urgent issues face to face, inside one group of people.

My idea is to have events for specific regions, where the programme is made by participants according to their needs. It will be a place where people from my region get to know each other personally, as personal relationship is one of the cornerstones of cooperation. Here, they will also think about common events or future cooperation. Here, they will share problems and possible solutions. Here, people from other NGOs can be asked to join and share their ideas about certain topics. My idea is not unique, we already have events like that – Renove, Czechoslovak Weekends. What is the difference between NWMs and this Share your practices event? This event could be unofficial, does not need to have much time for preparation and could probably be almost for free. It would be an event for specific regions, where actual problems are discussed. During that event, locals would discuss current problems and if they do not know how to solve them, they come to NWMs where they ask people from other parts of the network about them. This would mean that, thanks to our Share Best Practices meeting, we would raise the quality of Open Space sessions during upcoming NWMs and Statutory events.

How would you like to pursue the cooperation between BEST and other NGOs and the antennae on a local level?

LTC MoscowWe, student NGOs, are very different with different target groups and our power is in unity. Together, we can achieve more than by ourselves. It looks like it is time we start to realise this and move to meet each other. A couple of days ago, I came back from an NGO Weekend in Moscow, where representatives of four NGOs – AEGEE, AIESEC, BEST and ESTIEM – came together to learn how to be a good leader. It was an event with no budget but with invaluable outcomes. Right now, we are considering to create the NGO Weekend vol. two, and to have ambassadors towards each other, not only on the European level, but also on the local one. It is only the first step towards our possible future. Together, we can continue to organise leadership trainings (or any other: PR, HR, etc.), to be infopartners on the social media, and to do NGO presentations together. Being in touch and helping each other with big events means that together, we can get more sponsors, human resources and promotion. If locals all over the AEGEE network work together, they can create one event for all of AEGEE. If locals from one region work together – there is one event for a specific area. But if different NGOs  work together – there are many events in many cities. In that case we can involve more people with limited resources. It is all up to us. I cannot foresee how it will go. But I truly believe that there is a big field of possible cooperation, from theoretical knowledge to practical things. And what we need right now is just to start.

Question from the Network: What is the area of the network you would like to work with?

First of all, this Agora will change the locals’ distribution, since we plan to have 11 NetCommies instead of ten now. It means that right now, it is very hard to say what the network areas will look like. Moreover, we should not forget that the final decision to choose the NetCommie with whom to work is under locals’ power. And I would be happy to work with any local from all over the Networκ.

In general, I would prefer to work with locals which are not so far from the city and country I live in – Rostov-na-Donu, Russia. Why? Firstly, there are locals with whom I am already in contact, at least with part of them, and it will be easier to start working. Secondly, because of geographical reasons, it would be easy for them to ask me to come any moment when they need me, and for me to visit locals, participate in their events and help them. Moreover, during my NetCom trips and NWMs I will need much less money than if I travel far away (thinking about AEGEE-Europe and Network Commission budgets).

You can read her full candidature here

Written by Vasiliki Andrioti, AEGEE-Ioannina

Maria Zwartkruis for the Network Commission: “I hope I will be able to inspire and spread the AEGEE-spirit” ../../../2017/05/14/candidate-for-netcom-maria-zwartkruis-i-hope-i-will-be-able-to-inspire-and-spread-the-aegee-spirit/ Sun, 14 May 2017 12:00:58 +0000 ../../../?p=40012 Not only AEGEE-Utrecht should know Maria Zwartkruis, who is one of the candidates of the Network Commission.  In this interview, you can read the successes of her life (in and out AEGEE) and know her more about her candidature as a Network Commissioner. The AEGEEan: Tell us more about Maria Zwartkruis. What do you do? What do you dream about your future? Maria:… Read more →


Not only AEGEE-Utrecht should know Maria Zwartkruis, who is one of the candidates of the Network Commission.  In this interview, you can read the successes of her life (in and out AEGEE) and know her more about her candidature as a Network Commissioner.

The AEGEEan: Tell us more about Maria Zwartkruis. What do you do? What do you dream about your future?

2014UIT07Maria: My name is Maria, I am from AEGEE-Utrecht and I am 21 years old. I almost finished my bachelor in Biomedical Sciences, and next academic year I will start my master’s degree in Neuroscience and Cognition. That is also what I dream of for the future: to become a neuroscientist. For the closer future, I will stay active in AEGEE, I hope I will be able to inspire and spread the AEGEE-spirit to as many people as possible, and to support the network of course. And what better way to do that than to become a NetCommie?


What is your AEGEE story? How long have you been working for AEGEE?

I became a member in August 2013. After being locally very active for almost a year, I attended my first European event, NWM Copenhagen, where I fell in love with AEGEE-Europe. Shortly afterwards I joined the board of AEGEE-Utrecht as an Assessor for European Affairs & External Affairs. At the end of that year, I joined the Key to Europe team, and rolled into The AEGEEan team afterwards. I have also been a member of the Corporate and Institutional Relations Committee, and I am currently a SubCommie for Loes.


Why did you join AEGEE?

Well, when I started studying, I was not actually planning to join any student association. However, during the introduction week of the university, I came across the stand of AEGEE-Utrecht, and their stories about travelling made me want to join. Also, when I attended the social drink for the first time, the awesome open-minded people made me want to stay!

What are your plans, if you are elected to the Network Commission?

The first thing I will do, is building a strong team of SubCommies. Besides relieving some of my workload, this also serves the purpose of knowledge transfer; maybe one of my SubCommies will succeed me as a future NetCommie. Of course I will carry out the standard tasks of the Network Commission, like checking the antenna criteria and organising Network Meetings. I will also strongly encourage antenna to organise high quality training events, and ensure that they are aware of external training possibilities. This way, I hope to be able to improve the human resources situation in AEGEE. In case I will work with the Nedertop area, I would like to look at the possibilities for founding AEGEE-Wageningen (continuing the work of Boudewijn and Loes).

Why do you want to be a part of this commission?

12514066_1544742802492077_3652514711798538457_oI see the Network Commission as the group of people that holds the network together: supporting the locals individually, while simultaneously guiding them all towards the common goal of AEGEE. Every time I attend an AEGEE event, I feel this common goal connects us: this is what drives me to work for the Network Commission. As a NetCommie, I will be more involved in the network and I will be able to contribute to it more.

Do you think you will change something in the Network Commission?

I think the Network Commission is constantly changing, because new members are elected every Agora. Of course this is good for knowledge transfer, but I think the first thing to focus on is getting accustomed to the team and to establish good team dynamics. I think the Network Commission works pretty well as it is, so I do not see the need for much change in the structure or working on the format. Of course they are working on the Antenna Criteria reform now, which is a pretty big change in itself. I will try to implement these changes the best I can.

How will you contribute to the commission?

10982636_870710382986462_1630495465221190055_oFirstly, I see myself as a kind and approachable person, which makes it easy for people to reach out to me if they have any problems. Furthermore, I am often the stable factor in a team, which means I have the discipline to work hard for the team and finish deadlines, as well as on a personal level. I am usually someone who tries her best to keep the team together. Besides this, I like keeping things structural, so it is easy to keep an overview of them. In short: I will contribute to structure and stability.

What was your unforgettable moment in AEGEE?

Of course I have had many unforgettable experiences within AEGEE. The one that comes to my mind first at this moment is EPM Leiden. I was a local organiser there, and it was amazing to see a statutory event from the other side. We had so much fun, while at the same time ensuring the participants had everything that they need. The downpart of being an organiser is that you miss a lot of the content, but we made up for that by having long discussions until the early morning while enjoying a drink and a snack, after getting the participants to the gym safely and cleaning up the party venues of course.

2014UIT04How will you use your skills to develop AEGEE?

After almost four years of membership, I can say that I have quite some experience now both on a local and European level. I will always be there for an antenna to answer any questions they might have about anything. And if I do not have an answer myself, I can send them to other experts in my network, that I have gotten to know over the years. Besides that, I will also give workshops and sessions at the Network Meetings I will organise. I hope the participants will take the knowledge and skills that they gain there home to their locals.

Which is the first thing that you were proud of in your life?

Outside of AEGEE, the first thing I can remember is my figure skating career. I started with synchronised skating when I was ten years old, and continued for the next eight years. From the first steps on the ice to performing in international shows and competitions, this was a great passion of mine. Although I had to quit for practical reasons, I still love it. What made me even more proud is that the team I used to skate in took part in the world championships this year! Within AEGEE, the first thing I was really proud of, was my first sponsor deal as a fundraising responsible.

11041715_10204768929116575_198664944671151745_nHow and in what way can you think that AEGEE is not perfect?

Although I really love our organisation, there is room for improvement. For example, our human resources situation is not always ideal. Sometimes, not all available positions in European bodies are filled, or events have to be cancelled due to the lack of applications. I think the Network Commission can collaborate with the Human Resources Committee and the Events Quality Assurance Committee in order to analyse the reasons for this, and in order to tackle these problems.

Question from the Network: What is the area of the network you would like to work with?

Of course, I am open for cooperation with all antenna and network areas. Yet, working with the Nedertop area seems most practical to me since I can easily reach these locals due to the small distances. In addition to that, I already have experience in working in this area as a SubCommie, so I know how these locals work.

You can read her full candidature here

Written by Firdevs Çazım, AEGEE-Ankara
