Network Commision – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Tue, 16 May 2017 23:28:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png Network Commision – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Spyros Papadatos for the Network Commission: “I Have The Experience and The Motivation To Continue” ../../../2017/05/17/spyros-papadatos-for-the-network-commission-i-have-the-experience-and-the-motivation-to-continue/ Wed, 17 May 2017 08:29:02 +0000 ../../../?p=40303 Here you have one of the candidates for the Network Commission: Spyros Papadatos from AEGEE-Ioannina is really enthusiastic to be a Network Commissioner after being a NetCommie for one year already. The Greek member would like to keep personal communication with Board members of several antennae. Read the article about his candidature. The AEGEEan: Can you tell us something about… Read more →


Here you have one of the candidates for the Network Commission: Spyros Papadatos from AEGEE-Ioannina is really enthusiastic to be a Network Commissioner after being a NetCommie for one year already. The Greek member would like to keep personal communication with Board members of several antennae. Read the article about his candidature.

spyros4The AEGEEan: Can you tell us something about yourself?

Spyros: Hello! I am Spyros Papadatos, I’m 22 years-old. I have been an AEGEEan for about three years now and current Network Commissioner from Agora Bergamo till Agora Enschede.
What is the event “Skills for YOUth” that you attended? 
Skills for YOUth was a training course organised by AEGEE-Valletta and AEGEE-Europe in the first days of May in the beautiful Valletta, Malta. It brought together around twenty AEGEEans and its main topic was youth employment and skills development connected with the New Skills Agenda for Europe that was launched last June. Since I have attended one more event about New Skills Agenda for Europe and as a fan of thematic events, I could not miss this training course!
What have you learnt being a NetCommie and Netcom speaker and what do you feel you still need to improve? 
For sure, the past year has taught me a lot. First of all, I have learnt how to work with several locals on different fields/projects at the same time. Being there for them 24/7 was my priority and I hope I supported them as much as possible. Also, I have learnt how to work with other NetCommies and other European Bodies efficiently, by prioritizing the Network. Of course, as in every case, nothing and no one is perfect. As long as we live, we learn. I believe that I have worked with motivation and discipline from day one until today and I hope I can continue working actively and efficiently for one more year in the NetCom.
spyros2How did your role as coordinator for “Let’s Do It Epirus” contribute to improve the organisation of the locals?
Let’s Do It is an international volunteering movement that promotes active participation and mobilises citizens. I believe it aligns with our values as an organisation and is a local action that every antenna in Europe can organise. Of course, it is just a sample of activities our association can carry out, but it was for example one of the reasons I joined my local in the first place, so it holds a special place in my heart.
How would you keep regular personal communication with Board members?
For the past year I have been working with nineteen locals (twenty-one, if you add the two recent contacts added to my distribution area). Furthermore, I have met the majority of the boards of those locals (plus several active members, who could become boards in the future) and we have established a personal communication. They know they can message me in any way any time and I am glad they do. Some of them I am lucky enough to consider my friends. Furthermore, I avoid sending only emails that very few people read, but I have a Facebook group with people from my locals where I post everything, in order to reach as many AEGEEans as possible. Also, I try to have Skypes with my locals whenever it is needed or even talk with them on the phone [he laughs, ed.].
What do you think would make you the perfect candidate as a member of the Network Commission? 
I could say the obvious things: that I have worked already for one year as NetCommie, that I know the job and I don’t need knowledge transfer, that I have the experience and the motivation to continue. But for me, it goes deeper than that. Having worked for the past year, I can honestly say that I love this job and this Commission. I may come from one local, but I have grown fond of 20 more and I can say that I feel part of several antennae at the same time. That’s the magic of NetCom; that after some time you feel the whole Network as part of you.
spyros3How would you increase the knowledge of the European level?
Together with my SubCommies and NetCom in general we have been trying to do so. For my locals, in cooperation with other European Bodies, we organised open Hangouts and a lot of people joined, met other AEGEEans active in the European level and increased their knowledge about it. Of course, it is a long-term process that needs time, but it is nice to see people increasing their interest towards the European level and joining it slowly.
What is the area of the Network you would like to work with?
Of course I would be more than happy continuing with my locals (or a part of them), respecting of course their preferences. But also, I would be fine with working with other locals, preferably the ones that are closer geographically.
Question from the Network: The Antenna Criteria can time-wise be a burden on locals. Antenna Criteria Reform is a topic that has been talked about for years, but there’s nothing about that in your programme. Would you like to change something about the current Antenna Criteria system or are you satisfied with the current situation?
For the past year in the Network Commission we have been thinking and working on a reform of Antenna Criteria together with our Network Director, Tekla Hajdu. After we collected feedback from the Network and after discussing it at several Spring Network Meetings, we submitted an Antenna Criteria reform proposal for Spring Agora Enschede. Then, depending on the reception and the locals’ comments, if it is needed, I will be personally open on working further on the reform, as I believe we should take careful steps before introducing big changes and listening to the Network’s voice. That is anyway NetCom’s purpose and logo: to serve and protect.
You can read his full candidature here.
Written by Matteo Lai, AEGEE-Cagliari
We Are Making AEGEE Great. Or Are We? ../../../2017/02/10/we-are-making-aegee-great-or-are-we/ Fri, 10 Feb 2017 06:00:57 +0000 ../../../?p=38716 Before anything, I feel like I need to introduce myself. I am Pablo Palazón, Network Commissioner (Bergamo 2016-Enschede 2017) and this article is to express my very own and personal opinion about AEGEE. Many of my colleagues in the Network Commission, as well as many fellow AEGEEans, will disagree with me, and I kind of like that. That is what,… Read more →


Before anything, I feel like I need to introduce myself. I am Pablo Palazón, Network Commissioner (Bergamo 2016-Enschede 2017) and this article is to express my very own and personal opinion about AEGEE. Many of my colleagues in the Network Commission, as well as many fellow AEGEEans, will disagree with me, and I kind of like that. That is what, I think, AEGEE should be— disagreements and agreements while respecting each other.


13566972_10157118825935788_49516988018707774_nSharing my opinion on this topic has long been in my head and I hope that it will generate some debate or at least some thoughts. When I first heard about AEGEE, four years ago now, I loved the idea. Young people fighting for a borderless Europe, fighting for the construction of bridges between cultures and fostering the European identity is just a gorgeous idea. My first Summer University only confirmed my love for AEGEE and how much I wasted my time before! But now, after four years, that teenager crush for this organisation evolved to something more like “I love you despite yourself”.

My first Agora was quite shocking: 800 people gathering together! Well, not really… Just about 100 paying attention, about 250 sleeping or taking selfies (#Agora #SavingEurope) and 450 not even present, visiting the city or cities nearby. Why would AEGEE make the effort to organise such a big event and gather so many people? Finally, we understood it— the Agora Reform Task Force is working on improving it and there is some progress, but the core problem remains there and I doubt it is going to be solved. In general, Agora is quite boring. Is it a problem of the Agora itself? Is Agora too long? (Agora Enschede will last five days. Crazy, right?) Are we having too many discussions about non-crucial things and not enough about important stuff? Would it be better to have way shorter Agoras, to give one afternoon off for social programme and have most of the voting online or done by other means? Would that change the experience of the participants?

I feel Agora is the biggest show of AEGEE. The image towards externals is quite good. Local newspapers cover it like a massive gathering of youth working to make Europe a youth-friendly continent. The city mayor gives an amazing speech empowering youth. But what I see when I go to an Agora is the gym divided in “Spanish Federación”; “Italian Mafia”; “Greek ghetto”, etc…  I see plenaries and prytannia half empty. I see people approving activity reports that basically say: “Well, we did not do much this year”. I even feel a little concerned when I see the after movie, and most of it is based on clips from the parties at the Agora. The best part of the Agora is not the Agora, and that is scary!

11138652_423319747830398_2941521529465836446_nAnd the worst part of the problem is that Agora is just an example. Than, Network Meetings where we have 9 hours of training per day. We make the effort to go to amazing cities and wonderful places and we spend 20 hours on trainings. Is that again too much? Would it be better to have fewer sessions and make NWM more appealing? For me, it is not a matter of trying to show how to improve your local and how to benefit from projects in one weekend. It is the perfect place to actually network, to get to know people from other locals, to share problems and solutions. The most common feedback that I generally get from NWMs is that it was a pity not having time to visit the city where the NWM was hosted, or hike around the accommodation if it was away from the city. If we want to empower people and make them more aware of what AEGEE is and how awesome the network is, maybe it is about being more relaxed about training and focusing more on making people enjoy it on a different way. Weekend events with 20 hours of training do not generate active members, they generate sleepy people.

The level of complexity that AEGEE has reached is a problem. People involved in European Bodies or Projects are asked to spend hours and hours on internal issues. We fail to foster the organisation of thematic events and we are seeing how the number of locals decreases. We suck the energy from the most active people and we ask them to give even more free time than they are keen on giving away. AEGEE’s backbone is a bunch of people stressed by the amount of work they need to do. Again, have we grown in a too complex way? Are we, by trying to achieve too much, not achieving enough? Is the amount of work we ask from CD and active people in AEGEE just unbearable?
I am a biologist and I have seen it before. It is a common rule in ecology- when a system becomes too complex, it collapses and needs to restart from scratch. How to regenerate the system? Mother Nature does it with natural disasters. And I fear that AEGEE will need a natural disaster to fix its complexity. But the question is: is the natural disaster already occurring in AEGEE? Maybe it is just in front of you and you have not seen it yet.

13244184_972513226198952_6055159093400940857_oA few months ago we (and I say “we” because we voted it at Agora) started an amazing thing called European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). We aimed to reach 1.000.000 signatures to push the European Parliament to put Civic Education on their political agenda. We knew  it would be difficult and we thought: even if we don’t succeed, we will be raising awareness about it, at least. A few months later, we have just a little more than 700 signatures ( if you have not voted yet). Not even people present at Agora, where the ECI was approved, have signed it! I do not want to be in the position to explain to people that AEGEE is an organisation that cares about Civic Education (since it has been one of our focus areas for the past three years and will be for the upcoming three years), meanwhile I can’t get my members to spend two minutes filling a form for the European Parliament.

AEGEE needs to rethink what it is and what it wants to be. And it might need to simplify things and change lot of stuffs. Those changes will be controversial for sure, but they will need to happen. What is clear to me is that, when Franck Biancheri founded our beloved organisation, AEGEEans could save Europe. In contrast, now I have the feeling that we would rather enjoy the very last European Night while Europe is collapsing. The beauty of AEGEE is that in 5 years time, just a few of us will still be an active part of AEGEE, but whatever step we take now will influence the future generations. I think it is time to act and ask ourselves: AEGEE, where are you going?


Written by Pablo Palazón, AEGEE-Manchester

AEGEE’s SubCommie Teams, Pt. 4 -the East- ../../../2016/09/08/aegees-subcommie-teams-pt-3-the-east/ Thu, 08 Sep 2016 09:00:10 +0000 ../../../?p=35790 Behind the Commissioners of the Juridical Commission and the Network Commission some AEGEE members make an unknown, but very relevant work: they are the SubCommissioners. The AEGEEan decided to talk with these people who, perhaps, might be the next Commissioners. The SubCommies under Network Commissioner Kristina Reshetova (AEGEE-Moskva) are: Natalia Ivleva (AEGEE-Voronezh), Svetlana Merenkova (AEGEE-Voronezh), Anna Ermakova (AEGEE-Moskva), Elena Efremova (AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu) and… Read more →


Behind the Commissioners of the Juridical Commission and the Network Commission some AEGEE members make an unknown, but very relevant work: they are the SubCommissioners. The AEGEEan decided to talk with these people who, perhaps, might be the next Commissioners.


Natalia Ivleva

The SubCommies under Network Commissioner Kristina Reshetova (AEGEE-Moskva) are: Natalia Ivleva (AEGEE-Voronezh), Svetlana Merenkova (AEGEE-Voronezh), Anna Ermakova (AEGEE-Moskva), Elena Efremova (AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu) and Sergey Peshkov (AEGEE-Voronezh).

Natalia was Secretary of AEGEE-Voronezh for two years. Later she joined Vira Kaknych’s (AEGEE-Lviv) SubCommie team and became a member of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee. At Agora Patra (2014) she was elected to the NetCom team. Currently, she is a member of the Youth Mobility Working Group and on the advisory board of AEGEE-Voronezh.


Svetlana Merenkova

Svetlana is currently the President of AEGEE-Voronezh. Before that she was HR for one year, and the main coordinator of the SU in Voronezh in 2015. She has been a SubCommissioner under Tereza Tokmaiyan (AEGEE-Yerevan) as Network Commissioner. Svetlana tells us that she has attended three SUs as a participant and two SUs as an organiser. She has also attended two Agorae as delegate and one as a visitor.

elena efremova

Elena Efremova

Elena has been in AEGEE since January 2015, and, like Svetlana, has been a SubCommissioner under Tereza until last February. She is currently a board member of AEGEE-Rostov-na-Donu as the Incoming responsible and Twin Coordinator. She is also the Summer University Coordination Team supporter in VKontakte, a social network site that is especially popular among Russian-speaking users, as a PR and content manager. Moreover, she has been the ambassador for AEGEEday.  During her time in AEGEE, she has attended one European Planning Meeting (EPM), one Agora, two Network Meetings and many other events. She has been an organiser of Summer Universities in Rostov-na-Donu, Regional Training Courses and Local Training Courses. Elena told us that working as a SubCommissioner gives you the possibility to make something for locals in your network and it is a good opportunity for you to grow as a person and get new experience.


Sergey Peshkov

Sergey has been a board member of AEGEE-Voronezh since 2015, and, last Summer, he also helped organise AEGEE-Voronezh’s SU. Sergey, also says that being a SubCommie of the Network Commission is a great opportunity for self-improvement and a great way to know about the Network in details.

For all these guys motivation and responsibility are the main requirements you need to have to cover an European position. Some NetCom SubCommissioners, like Elena, are already thinking about running for Network Commissioner at Spring Agora Enschede.

This article is part of a series of articles about the Subcommies of AEGEE. Check out our first article in the series, by clicking here. Or check our our second or third article in the series by clicking here or here respectively.

Written by Matteo Lai, AEGEE-Cagliari
