Tag Archive for Network Commission

Sun Rays For Cooperation – Antonija Parat for Network Commission

 Antonija is an English and French student, specialized in translation at the University of  the sunny Zagreb. Read the interview and discover how motivated and passionate she really is about being active within AEGEE and improving the relations between the antennae around Europe.   The AEGEEan: How will your life change if you get elected? Do you think this will affect… Read more →

New Contact in London: Promoting Multiculturalism in Britain

London: city of the Big Ben, Buckingham’s palace and since recently… AEGEE! London is one of the youngest contacts within our network. Youngest in its current form that is, because AEGEE-London actually existed before; it was already founded in 1995 but unfortunately died a silent death. Luckily, Eszter Bango (President and Project Management Director)  and Maarten Veldmans (Foreign Relations and European… Read more →

See you soon, AEGEE-Lund!

AEGEE is unfortunately disappearing in Sweden. Thus having fought for months to keep AEGEE-Lund alive it appears that Network Commissioner Karolina Mazetyte and subcomissioner Patricia Anthony have to say “see you soon” to AEGEE in Sweden at Spring Agora Rhein-Neckar. Some AEGEE members in Lund have decided that they need to move on from our organisation, and others will join… Read more →