Oleg Gladchenko – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:03:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png Oleg Gladchenko – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Three Ukrainian Candidates for Network Commission ../../../2013/04/01/three-ukrainian-candidates-for-network-commission/ Mon, 01 Apr 2013 14:43:05 +0000 ../../../?p=17072 They don’t know one another well, none of them knew in advance that the other two were candidating, but all three of them ensured us that there is no competition going on. This might be surprising since only one of them will in the end become Network Commissioner of their beloved Russian-speaking locals, as splitting up the area is not… Read more →


They don’t know one another well, none of them knew in advance that the other two were candidating, but all three of them ensured us that there is no competition going on. This might be surprising since only one of them will in the end become Network Commissioner of their beloved Russian-speaking locals, as splitting up the area is not a real option. The AEGEEan interviewed Oleg Gladchenko (AEGEE-Kharkiv), Vira Kaknych (AEGEE-Lviv) and Sergii Turchyn (AEGEE-Ivano-Frankivsk) about their candidatures.

Sergii Turchyn

Sergii Turchyn

Network Commission elections are a special case in AEGEE. Since all Network Commissioners are elected by the whole network and not per region, locals have no exclusive influence in who will be their NetCommie. This sometimes creates special situations at Agorae, for example when two candidates from the same country candidate and both are elected. At Agora Rhein-Neckar we will have a very special occasion: not one, not two, but three people from Ukraine are running for NetCom, and they might as well all three get elected.

The AEGEEan: What was your reaction when you found out that two other Ukrainians candidated as well?

Oleg: (smiles) It was unexpected, but fact-inspired: Ukraine has a lot of motivated people who want to work on the European level of AEGEE. And on the other side – competition is always good, I love competitions.
Vira: I was surprised and of course I was afraid, because the more applicants, the less are my chances to win the elections.
Sergii: When I submitted my candidature, I knew that another person applied as well, which turned out to be Vira. I think it is great to have so much motivation from Ukraine. One of us will certainly win!

Vira Kaknych

Vira Kaknych

The AEGEEan: There is a chance that you will not become the NetCom for the Russian-speaking locals. Can you make a top-three of the regions you prefer (Russian-speaking locals included)?

Oleg: I just want to work for AEGEE, so for me it does not matter which locals I will work with. But if I’d have a choice, I prefer to work with Russian-speaking locals, because I’ve already worked with them as Subcom. Also I would like to work with the Caucasian locals, as I have always been interested in this area.
Vira: Of course I would love to work with my dear Ukraine, but if it happens that I won’t, I’m ready to work with any locals. My main mission and goal is to keep the Network working steadily and effectively, to support locals and be ready to help them in any situation, extend AEGEE horizons, promote members in contributing to AEGEE development, etc. It’s not about the winning, it’s about fighting for what you think is best for the locals.
If it is not North East, I would have chosen the region with Poland, Hungary etc. It can be the Baltics, it can be Turkey or Caucasus. Any area, where locals have Skype and understand English or Russian. But I decided to apply because I have some ideas about international events and grants, which can be more interesting for post-Soviet countries, so I would like to be responsible for the North-East region.

The AEGEEan: Why are you a better candidate than the other two?

Oleg Gladchenko

Oleg Gladchenko

Oleg: I think my greatest advantage is that I’ve already had the experience of working in the NetCom team, I already know the people from the locals I worked with well and they know me, and have skills in managing locals.
Vira: Nobody can ever identify who is better and who is not. We are all different. Everybody already lived a piece of their life, has their own experience, life stories. It’s incomparable. It’s like comparing an apple with a peach – both are fruits, but the taste, color, structure care completely diverse. I know which abilities and skills I have and what I’m good at, but so do they. The only way to find out this is to work as a team, to supplement each other, so that AEGEE would be proud of its NetComs.
Sergii: As far as I have read in the applications, I see that I am the oldest and most experienced among others. But my experience is not connected with AEGEE. My weak place is that not so much people in the Network know me, but I have no idea about how many people know Vira and Oleg either. These elections are a lottery. If I win – great, if not – not bad, I will apply for a SubCom of Vira or Oleg.

Written by Marije Arentze, AEGEE-Leiden
