timeframe – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Tue, 23 May 2017 00:51:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png timeframe – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 PROPOSALS #2: Agorae Timeframe, Deadlines for Publishing Agora Official Documents, Preparatory Deadline for Proposals, Candidature Application Period ../../../2017/05/23/proposals-2-agorae-timeframe-deadlines-for-publishing-agora-official-documents-preparatory-deadline-for-proposals-candidature-application-period/ Tue, 23 May 2017 12:00:05 +0000 ../../../?p=40605 After the first part of Proposals explanation, which was mainly focused on the locals, now we are turning the lights on Agora’s deadlines and timeframes.  Agora Timeframe Following the Motion on Informing the Network of the Agora dates, Lia Tuska on behalf of the Comité Directeur would like to change the timeframe in which the dates of an Agora have to… Read more →


After the first part of Proposals explanation, which was mainly focused on the locals, now we are turning the lights on Agora’s deadlines and timeframes. 

14681953_1713307082325997_7348874115029685302_oAgora Timeframe

Following the Motion on Informing the Network of the Agora dates, Lia Tuska on behalf of the Comité Directeur would like to change the timeframe in which the dates of an Agora have to be announced. Right now the local organisers should communicate to the Network the dates of the event at least two months before. This proposal would like to change it to eight months in order to give all the necessary time to the Network and the stakeholders of the Agora to plan ahead and have a balanced calendar of the event in the Network. In fact the proposer is also suggesting to set the time range an Autumn Agora can take place, meaning between the 1st of October and two weeks before the 1st of December.

You can read the full proposal here.

13248455_1783935688494615_625991312269021967_oProposal To Set All Deadlines For Publishing Official Documents at Two Weeks Before the Agora

Proposed by Evelien Kroon, Jochem Postmes and Steyn ten Kate on behalf of AEGEE-Enschede. When we talk about Agora, one of the things we might think about is meeting the deadlines. Booklets of the Agora need to be sent to the Network at least two weeks before the Agora, but not the activity report from the Comité Directeur and the annual and internal financial report from the Financial Director, which can be sent one week before. This proposal aims at setting the deadlines also for these documents at two weeks before the starting of the Agora, in order to allow the Delegates to be more prepared and better informed about what they will face at the upcoming Agora.

You can read the full proposal here.

11115700_422892287873144_8901331486585432404_oIntroducing a Preparatory Deadline for Proposals

This proposal was created in the context of the Agora Reform Task Force, but it is proposed by Maarten de Groot on behalf of the Comité Directeur, Monika Mojak, Elisa Tabbi and Joris Veenhuis on behalf of the Juridical Commission, since the Agora Task Force is not an official body of AEGEE-Europe. At the moment, if you want to put forward a proposal for the upcoming Agora, you need to send an email to the Juridical Commission, which will then upload it to the Online Voting System and they will never change until the Agora will discuss it during the Prytanium. The proposers would like to split this process in two parts, allowing the Network to discuss and still being able to edit a proposal while it is published online. The process would be the following:

  • Send a draft of the proposal including at least the idea and motivation, at least 45 days before the Agora.
  • After that, leave time to collect feeback from the Network.
  • Submit the final proposal (which can be a different version from the first draft thanks to the feedback collected) at least one month prior the beginning of the Agora.
  • In case you want to change your proposal within a month before the Agora, you can only do that in consulation with the Juridical Commission
  • When you will discuss the Proposal during the Prytanium you will be requested to give a recap of the online discussion

You can read the full proposal here.

12191324_988572251205282_3516530977631208273_oOn the Candidature Application Period

As the proposal above, this one as well has been developed in the context of the Agora Reform Task Force, but is proposed by Maarten De Groot on behalf of the Comité Directeur. Since we have been facing a trend of lack of candidates during the last Agorae, the proposer would like to give the Network a wider choice. That is why this proposal would like not to close the deadline for candidates for a position until there are enough candidates for the vacant places plus one. In case there aren’t enough candidates the Chair Team will close the deadline only at the Agora.

You can read the full proposal here.


Written by Lisa Gregis, AEGEE-Bergamo & AEGEE-Verona
