UN Youth Delegates – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Sat, 02 Feb 2013 22:01:19 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png UN Youth Delegates – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 AEGEE has transformed everything in her life ../../../2013/02/04/aegee-has-transformed-everything-in-her-life/ Mon, 04 Feb 2013 08:00:07 +0000 ../../../?p=15644 Each of us has a story about how we joined AEGEE. Whether it was for a Summer University (SU), a local event, a conference, even an Agora or anything else – we have all ended up in AEGEE. For some of us, it has completely changed our lives. One of these people is Astrid Schrader from AEGEE-Passau, and this is… Read more →


Each of us has a story about how we joined AEGEE. Whether it was for a Summer University (SU), a local event, a conference, even an Agora or anything else – we have all ended up in AEGEE. For some of us, it has completely changed our lives. One of these people is Astrid Schrader from AEGEE-Passau, and this is her story.

Astrid, please, tell us – why did you join AEGEE?
I joined AEGEE in 2005, but I have never gone to an SU. I joined because of an Agora and the European School 1 in Passau.

For those who do not know you after all those years – what was the most important thing you did in AEGEE?
I was the Speaker of the Education Working Group (EWG). I organised 15 international events/trainings as coordinator and I held around 500 hours of workshops. To be honest: I wasn’t very active in AEGEE. I didn’t do anything crazy on European level (no flagship projects, no Comite Directeur, no AEGEE-Academy Speaker)…

Even though you have never been to an SU, how would you describe what it means for you?
Students from all around Europe share an authentic, intense  and life-changing intercultural experience. SUs are organised by students for students. You see the bars and places local students go to, not tourists. You do workshops and get involved in topics which as a tourist you would never engage in. SUs are political tourism. SUs are AEGEE at its core!

Still, AEGEE has changed your life. How?
At the moment, I am a management consultant for public sector institutions, and AEGEE has transformed everything in my life. AEGEE encouraged me to believe in my ideas, AEGEE taught me how to be entrepreneurial, AEGEE has made building and improving Europe my defining life mission. AEGEE had the biggest impact on my life of all organisations, companies, universities and friends I have ever had, attended, led or worked for.

Some years ago you were also one of the Youth Delegates of the German National Committee for International Youth Work (DNK) and the German Society for United Nations (DGVN). Could you tell us in a couple of sentences about your work there?
UN Youth Delegates are the voice of youth towards the United Nations. We are usually part of our national delegations and we take part in the formal and informal meetings of the UN General Assembly and the UN Economic and Social Council. It is our task to mainstream youth issues within the negotiations of the UN Member States and amongst other stakeholders. In order to be able to do so, the German Youth Delegates organise a national consultation tour in their own country and in neighbouring countries where they talk to young people, youth organisations, political parties, the public sector, companies etc.. During this consultation tour, we collect as many hopes, wishes and demands towards the UN system as possible and we put them in a speech that is held right in front of all UN Member States.

Written by Anita Kalmane, AEGEE-Ogre
