{"id":18686,"date":"2013-09-13T19:57:58","date_gmt":"2013-09-13T17:57:58","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.zeus.aegee.org\/magazine\/?p=18686"},"modified":"2013-09-13T20:59:06","modified_gmt":"2013-09-13T18:59:06","slug":"preparing-for-the-agora-motions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.zeus.aegee.org\/magazine\/2013\/09\/13\/preparing-for-the-agora-motions\/","title":{"rendered":"Preparing for the Agora: Motions"},"content":{"rendered":"
Frequent Agora visitors are used to dealing with a lot of proposals during a statutory event. But during recent Agorae a new trend could be spotted: the use of motions. Why are these motions used, and how are they different from proposals? I will discuss these questions basing myself upon my interpretation of the rules on motions in the CIA\u00a0\u00a0<\/em>as well as their use in Parliaments.\u00a0 <\/strong><\/p>\n Proposals present a written change of the written rules in AEGEE: the CIA. So these proposals create new rules or change the already existing ones in the CIA. We vote on the text in the proposal during the voting sessions at the Agora and when accepted, the Juridical Commission (JC) writes them in the new version of the CIA. Motions will not be put into the CIA, as they are not presented as written rules. So what are they then?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Two types of motions<\/strong><\/p>\n There are two types of motions described in the CIA (CIA, Working Format of the Agora, Article 6 (1-2); 7(1) and article 10 (7)). The first type is the\u00a0 \u2018procedural motion\u2019: during an Agora any delegate can come forward at any time during a plenary if they believe we are not properly following procedures. For example, when the Chair would forget to ask which locals are present at the beginning of a Prytanium, a delegate can raise up two hands (the sign for a procedural motion), and state that the Chair should first check which locals are present.<\/p>\n So the procedural motion is a way for delegates to remind the Chair and other participants that some part of the official procedure is forgotten.<\/em><\/p><\/blockquote>\n But this is not the motion that we have seen\u00a0 lately. Besides the \u2018procedural motion\u2019, there is also the general motion. In our current CIA the motion is only mentioned as a part of a debate. According to the CIA, a representative of the group that brings the motion to the Agora is allowed to make the opening statement in the debate. The time allocated to this discussion, as well as the amount of people that are allowed to respond to the motion presented, are completely up to the Chair although the CIA does state that the time given to those in favour needs to be equal as the time given to those against a motion.<\/p>\n Seeing that there are only rules on how motions should be discussed, this means that when we look at the content of motions, there is no limit at all. Virtually anything can be put forward to the Agora in the form of a motion\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n <\/p><\/blockquote>\n Ways to use motions<\/strong><\/p>\n