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Event:Greek Trophy V
Date:07.07.2003 until 21.07.2003
Organised by:AEGEE-Thessaloníki
Location:Thessaloniki,Larisa,Volos and Island
Event type:TSU
Rating:summer university

Photos by:Tim Klifman (AEGEE-Enschede)

Book:Photos SU Thessaloniki, by Tim Klifman
Comment:I have better quality pics, of resolution 1024*768 instead of the 800*600 presented at this page. If you want (some of) them, please e-mail me at

All pictures on one page in big size.

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81: In the parc there was this rope tied to one of the branches of a tree. You could swing around the tree with it. Even grownup men at the age of 20-26 can't resist the need to swing with the rope!!82: Lykle on the rope.83: Me (Tim) on the rope, with Alfredo.84: Me (Tim) on the rope.
85: Alfredo on the rope.86: Serhan on the rope.87: Serhan and Alfredo playing basketball along with some Greek people.88: Stillife expressing the smokinghabits of a few participants (like the smokingtwins: Edonna and Floreyne), and most of the Greek people.
89: The leftover foam of my frappe.90: We walked back from the parc to the highschool we were residing at. During our walk the sun was about to set behind the mountains, which gave this beautiful light. Hard to capture that though.9192
93: Edona and Serhan playing on the bongobong (or whatever that thing is called)94: Some people gathered together at the Greek Night. We had a party outside the highschool, with Greek food, and all kinds of Greek spirits, and other alcoholic beverages.95: The moon.96
101: Me (Tim) and Sakiz playing Backgammon102103: Alfredo loves to listen to and look at the waves flowing a shore.104: Serhan is very fond of (cold) water!
113114115: Just to check if my tie was correct. There wasn't any mirror nearby.116
117: Me in front of the pool at the place where we got lunch from the mayor of Larissa. My blouse and tie are the official clothing of my Yearclub Korsakov.118119120
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