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Event:Fall Agora 2003
Date:22.10.2003 until 26.10.2003
Organised by:AEGEE-Zaragoza & AEGEE-Europe
Topic:General assembly
Part of project:Statutory event
Event type:statutory
Rating:priority event

Photos by:Boris Schäling (AEGEE-Unknown)

Book:Pre-event in Madrid

All pictures on one page in big size.

1: I meet AEGEE Karlsruhe and AEGEE Mainz at the airport in Madrid (they persuaded me to join the pre-event as actually I hadn't applied for the pre-event :)2: We wait for someone buying tickets for the Metro3: Michael waiting for the Metro tickets4: There are TVs in Madrid's Metro
5: We leave the subway ...6: ... and wait for another one7: We arrive at Lago - the Metro station next to our pre-event headquarters8: We are welcomed by some people from AEGEE Madrid who offer to transport our luggage to the youth hostel by car
9: While our luggage is transported by car we have to walk a while from the Metro station to the youth hostel10: Registration at the youth hostel11: Me looking stupid12: Martin brushes his teeth
13: The organizers from AEGEE Madrid have lots of work to do14: Lots of action in the organizers' room15: I run into the wrong room but take my chance to take a picture of these girls (I asked them of course!!! :)16: Ricky (left) and Susi from AEGEE Madrid (I don't know the boy in the middle, sorry)
17: Our room - filled with three German boys and one from Italy18: Germans meeting in front of the youth hostel19: Mirko und Rushka from AEGEE Novi Sad20: We go into the city
21: Robert and Martina (nice picture, isn't it? :)22: Somewhere in Madrid23: We decide to separate from the others and to walk around in Madrid24: Laura throws a coin into the fountain
25: Plaza de Mayor (one of the more important and interesting places in Madrid that even I could remember its name :)26: Looks like a door27: AEGEE Karlsruhe is everywhere :)28: Somewhere in Madrid
29: Lunch at a parking place30: Still lunch31: Lunch and discussions32: Once again in the Metro
33: I am in deadly peril while taking this picture as the escalator comes to an end :)34: Another picture on the escalator35: Madrid's football stadium36: Walking around in futuristic subway stations
37: Ursula watches me (she probably expected me doing something stupid as we teased us all the time :)38: Martina in front of the EU office building39: Waiting in front of the EU office building for the rest of the people40: Diego (in the middle) prepares himself for the coming discussions