. */ include("./include/include.php"); include("./include/db_bodies.php"); if( (!isset($_SESSION['sess_uid']) || !($_SESSION['sess_uid']>=1)) AND !(isset($_GET['login']) OR isset($_POST['login'])) ) { // User needs to log in first header("location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?login"); exit; } page_header(); $photocount=-1; if( isset($_GET['reset']) ) { // Reset session vars for this page $_SESSION['addphoto_start']=NULL; $_SESSION['addphoto_count']=NULL; $_SESSION['addphoto_book']=NULL; } $cmd=get_var("cmd"); $photoid=get_int("photo"); if( $cmd=="edit" ) { $query="SELECT `width_thumb`, `height_thumb`, `comment`, `filename` FROM `photo` WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $photoheight=$row['height_thumb']; $photowidth=$row['width_thumb']; $photocomment=$row['comment']; $photofilename=$row['filename']; if( strlen($photofilename)<1 ) $photofilename="Photo-".$photoid.".jpg"; }else { $cmd=""; } } if( get_int("book")>0 ) { // Reset $_SESSION['addphoto_start']=0; } if( get_int("book")>0 ) { $_SESSION['addphoto_book']=get_int("book"); } // Get info about book $query="SELECT `book`.`photocount` AS `photocount`, `book`.`title` AS `title`, `book`.`comment` AS `comment`, `event`.`bodycode` AS `bodycode`, `event`.`bodycode2` AS `bodycode2`, `event`.`title` AS `eventtitle`, `event`.`topic` AS `topic`, `event`.`projectname` AS `projectname`, `event`.`location` AS `location`, `event`.`datestart` AS `datestart`, `event`.`dateend` AS `dateend`, `event`.`eventtype` AS `eventtype`, `event`.`area` AS `area`, `event`.`eventrating` AS `eventrating`, `event`.`documentid` AS `documentid`, `event`.`eventcode` AS `eventcode`, `user`.`name` AS `owner`, `user`.`bodycode` AS `ownerbodycode` FROM `book`, `event`, `user` WHERE `book`.`eventcode`=`event`.`eventcode` AND `book`.`uid`=`user`.`uid` AND `book`.`id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book'])." AND `user`.`uid`=".addslashes($_SESSION['sess_uid']); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $bookinfo=mysql_fetch_array($res); $photocount=$bookinfo['photocount']; }else { $_SESSION['addphoto_book']=0; echoln("You are trying to edit a book that is not yours. Access denied."); page_footer(); exit; } if( $cmd=="save" ) { ################# ### Save edit ### ################# $photoid=get_int("photo"); $photocomment=get_var("comment"); $photofilename=get_var("filename"); $Error[0]=false; if( strlen($photofilename)>16 ) { echoln("The filename is too long (maximum 16 characters)
"); $Error['filename']=true; $Error[0]=true; } if( $Error[0] ) { $query="SELECT `width_thumb`, `height_thumb` FROM `photo` WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $photoheight=$row['height_thumb']; $photowidth=$row['width_thumb']; $cmd="edit"; }else { $cmd=""; } }else { $query="UPDATE `photo` SET `comment`='".addslashes($photocomment)."', `filename`='".addslashes($photofilename)."' WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); if( doquery($query) ) { // OK echoln("Saved comment successfully.

"); }else { // Failed echoln("Failed saving comment.

"); } } } if( $cmd=="move" ) { ############ ### Move ### ############ $photoid=get_int("photo"); $direction=get_var("dir"); $query="SELECT `nr` FROM `photo` WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $photonr=$row['nr']; $query=array(); switch( $direction ) { case "left": if( $photonr>1 ) { $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($photonr)." WHERE `nr`=".addslashes($photonr-1)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($photonr-1)." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } break; case "up": if( $photonr>$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS ) { for( $i=$photonr-1; $i>=($photonr-$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS); $i-- ) { $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($i+1)." WHERE `nr`=".addslashes($i)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($photonr-$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } break; case "down": if( $photonr<=$photocount-$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS ) { for( $i=$photonr+1; $i<=($photonr+$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS); $i++ ) { $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($i-1)." WHERE `nr`=".addslashes($i)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($photonr+$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } break; case "right": if( $photonr<$photocount ) { $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($photonr)." WHERE `nr`=".addslashes($photonr+1)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($photonr+1)." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } break; default: debug("Unknown direction"); } $error=false; for( $i=0; $iFailed moving photo."); }else { echoln("Successfully moved photo."); } } } if( $cmd=="rotate" ) { ############## ### Rotate ### ############## $photoid=get_int("photo"); $direction=get_var("dir"); if( $direction=="left" OR $direction=="right" ) { if( $direction=="left" ) $directiondegree=90; if( $direction=="right" ) $directiondegree=270; $query="SELECT `photo_big`, `photo_normal`, `photo_thumb`, `height_big`, `width_big`, `height_normal`, `width_normal`, `height_thumb`, `width_thumb` FROM `photo` WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); if( $photo_thumb=photo_rotate($row['photo_thumb'], $directiondegree) ) { if( $photo_normal=photo_rotate($row['photo_normal'], $directiondegree) ) { $query=""; if( strlen($row['photo_big'])>16 ) { // Big photo does exist if( $photo_big=photo_rotate($row['photo_big'], $directiondegree) ) { $query="UPDATE `photo` SET `photo_big`='".addslashes($photo_big)."', `height_big`=".addslashes($row['width_big']).", `width_big`=".addslashes($row['height_big']).", `photo_normal`='".addslashes($photo_normal)."', `height_normal`=".addslashes($row['width_normal']).", `width_normal`=".addslashes($row['height_normal']).", `photo_thumb`='".addslashes($photo_thumb)."', `height_thumb`=".addslashes($row['width_thumb']).", `width_thumb`=".addslashes($row['height_thumb'])." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); }else { echoln("Failed rotating big sized photo. Rotating aborted.

"); } }else { // No big photo available $query="UPDATE `photo` SET `photo_normal`='".addslashes($photo_normal)."', `height_normal`=".addslashes($row['width_normal']).", `width_normal`=".addslashes($row['height_normal']).", `photo_thumb`='".addslashes($photo_thumb)."', `height_thumb`=".addslashes($row['width_thumb']).", `width_thumb`=".addslashes($row['height_thumb'])." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($photoid)." AND `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } if( $query!="" ) { if( doquery($query) ) { echoln("Successfully rotated photo.

"); }else { echoln("Failed saving rotated photo.

"); } } }else { echoln("Failed rotating normal sized photo. Rotating aborted.

"); } }else { echoln("Failed rotating thumb sized photo. Rotating aborted.

"); } }else { echoln("Photo not found, rotating not possible.

"); } }else { echoln("Unknown direction, rotating not possible.

"); } } // Get count if( get_int("count")>0 ) $_SESSION['addphoto_count']=get_int("count"); if( $_SESSION['addphoto_count']<1 ) $_SESSION['addphoto_count']=$MAXPHOTOVIEW; // Get start if( strlen(get_var("start"))>0 ) $_SESSION['addphoto_start']=get_int("start"); if( $_SESSION['addphoto_start']<=0 ) $_SESSION['addphoto_start']=0; // Limit $mysql_limit="LIMIT ".$_SESSION['addphoto_count']." OFFSET ".$_SESSION['addphoto_start']; // Show back button if info available echoln("Back to events

"); // Get info about book, but only when we show all pics if( $_SESSION['addphoto_photo']==0 AND isset($bookinfo) ) { ################## ### Album info ### ################## echoln("Event: ".$bookinfo['eventtitle']."     From ".get_date($bookinfo['datestart'])." until ".get_date($bookinfo['dateend']).""); if( strlen($el=get_eventlink($bookinfo['eventcode'], $bookinfo['documentid']))>0 ) echoln("   ".$el."info"); echoln("
Organized by: ".$db_bodies[ $bookinfo['bodycode'] ]['bodyname']); if( strlen($bookinfo['bodycode2'])>0 ) echoln(" & ".$db_bodies[ $bookinfo['bodycode2'] ]['bodyname']); #if( strlen($bookinfo['topic'])>0 ) echoln("
Topic: ".$bookinfo['topic']); #if( strlen($bookinfo['projectname'])>0 ) echoln("
Part of project: ".$bookinfo['projectname']); #if( strlen($bookinfo['location'])>0 ) echoln("
Location: ".$bookinfo['location']); #if( strlen($bookinfo['eventtype'])>0 ) echoln("
Event type: ".$bookinfo['eventtype']); #if( strlen($bookinfo['area'])>0 ) echoln("
Area: ".$bookinfo['area']); #if( strlen($bookinfo['eventrating'])>0 ) echoln("
Rating: ".$bookinfo['eventrating']); #echoln("

Photos by: ".$bookinfo['owner']." (".$db_bodies[ $bookinfo['ownerbodycode'] ]['bodyname'].")"); echoln("

Book: ".$bookinfo['title']); if( $cmd!="savenew" ) echoln("   (".$bookinfo['photocount']." photos)"); if( strlen($bookinfo['comment'])>3 ) echoln("
Comment: ".$bookinfo['comment']); } if( $cmd=="savenew" ) { ####################### ### Save new photos ### ####################### // Uploading photos echoln("

Processing photo upload:"); for( $i=0; $i<$MAXPHOTOSPERUPLOAD; $i++ ) { if( $_FILES['photo'.$i]['error']!=4 ) { // We only handle the photo if something was uploaded. echoln("
Photo ".($i+1)." (".$_FILES['photo'.$i]['name']."): "); switch( $_FILES['photo'.$i]['error'] ) { case 0: // Ok, handle this upload if( $_FILES['photo'.$i]['type']=="image/jpeg" OR $_FILES['photo'.$i]['type']=="image/jpg" OR $_FILES['photo'.$i]['type']=="image/pjpeg" ) { if( $_FILES['photo'.$i]['size']<=$MAXPHOTOFILESIZE ) { echoln("reading... "); doflush(); if( $im=ImageCreateFromJPEG( $_FILES['photo'.$i]['tmp_name'] ) ) { $orig_x=imagesx($im); $orig_y=imagesy($im); $img_big=NULL; echoln("resizing... "); doflush(); if( $orig_x>$MAXSIZENORMAL+50 OR $orig_y>$MAXSIZENORMAL+50 ) { // Make big image as well if( $img_big=photo_resize($im, $orig_x, $orig_y, $MAXSIZEBIG) ) { echoln("big "); }else { echoln("big failed "); } }else { // Image is small, don't create the big version //echoln("big skipped, photo too small "); } doflush(); if( $img_normal=photo_resize($im, $orig_x, $orig_y, $MAXSIZENORMAL) ) { echoln("normal "); doflush(); if( $img_thumb=photo_resize($im, $orig_x, $orig_y, $MAXSIZETHUMB) ) { echoln("thumb "); echoln("saving... "); doflush(); $photonr=photo_getnextnum($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); $query ="INSERT INTO `photo` (`book_id`, `nr`,"; if( $img_big!=false ) $query.="`photo_big`, `height_big`, `width_big`,"; $query.="`photo_normal`, `height_normal`, `width_normal`, `photo_thumb`, `height_thumb`, `width_thumb`, `comment`, `date_add`, `filename`) VALUES (".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']).", ".addslashes($photonr).","; if( $img_big!=false ) $query.="'".addslashes($img_big['data'])."', ".addslashes($img_big['height']).", ".addslashes($img_big['width']).","; $query.="'".addslashes($img_normal['data'])."', ".addslashes($img_normal['height']).", ".addslashes($img_normal['width']).", '".addslashes($img_thumb['data'])."', ".addslashes($img_thumb['height']).", ".addslashes($img_thumb['width']).", '".addslashes($_POST['comment'])."', '".addslashes( date("Y-m-d H:m:i") )."', '".addslashes($_FILES['photo'.$i]['name'])."')"; if( doquery($query) ) { echoln("ok. Photo processed"); }else { echoln("failed. Not processed."); } doflush(); }else { echoln("thumb failed. Not processed."); doflush(); } }else { echoln("normal failed. Not processed."); doflush(); } imagedestroy($im); }else { // Failed echoln("failed. Not processed."); doflush(); } }else { // File too big echoln("Error: the uploaded file is too big (".get_bytesize($_FILES['photo'.$i]['size'])." instead of ".get_bytesize($MAXPHOTOFILESIZE)."). Not processed."); } }else { // Invalid file type echoln("Error: invalid file type (".$_FILES['photo'.$i]['type']."). Not processed."); } break; case 1: // Error, file exceeds max size as defined in PHP config echoln("Error: file size exceeds maximum as defined in server config. Not processed."); break; case 2: // Error, file exceeds max size as defined in form echoln("Error: file size exceeds maximum as defined in page config. Not processed."); break; case 3: // Error, file only partially uploaded echoln("Error: file only partially uploaded. Not processed."); break; default: // Unknown echoln("Error: unknown error (".$_FILES['photo'.$i]['error']."). Not processed."); } } } $photocount=photo_updatecount($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); echoln("

"); } if( $cmd=="delok" ) { ################# ### Delete OK ### ################# $query="SELECT `nr` FROM `photo` WHERE `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book'])." AND `id`=".addslashes($photoid); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $photonr=$row['nr']; $query="SELECT `id`, `nr` FROM `photo` WHERE `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book'])." AND `nr`>".addslashes($photonr)." ORDER BY `nr` ASC"; if( $res=doquery($query) ) { $query=array(); $query[]="DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book'])." AND `id`=".addslashes($photoid); $nr=$photonr; while( $row=mysql_fetch_array($res) ) { $query[]="UPDATE `photo` SET `nr`=".addslashes($nr)." WHERE `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book'])." AND `id`=".addslashes($row['id']); $nr++; } $queryerror=false; for( $i=0; $iFailed deleting photo."); }else { echoln("

Successfully deleted photo."); } }else { echoln("

Failed selecting the other photos in this book. Deleting not possible."); } }else { echoln("

The photo you are trying to delete does not exist in this book."); } $photocount=photo_updatecount($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); } ############################ ### Previous-next button ### ############################ if( $_SESSION['addphoto_photo']>0 ) { //One photo per time $butprevnext ="

"; if( $_SESSION['addphoto_photo']>1 ) { $butprevnext.=""; $butprevnext.="\"Previous"; } $butprevnext.=" "; if( $_SESSION['addphoto_photo']<$photocount ) { $butprevnext.=""; $butprevnext.="\"Next"; } $butprevnext.=" "; $butprevnext.=""; $butprevnext.="\"Show"; }elseif( $photocount>$_SESSION['addphoto_count'] ) { //List (several photos on one page, more than one page in total) $butprevnext ="

"; if( $_SESSION['addphoto_start']>0 ) { $butprevnext.=""; $butprevnext.="\"Previous"; } $butprevnext.=" "; if( ($_SESSION['addphoto_start']+$_SESSION['addphoto_count'])<=($photocount-1) ) { $butprevnext.=""; $butprevnext.="\"Next"; } }else { //List (several photos on one page, one page in total) $butprevnext =""; } if( $cmd=="edit" ) { ################# ### Edit form ### ################# echoln("

"); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln("

"); echoln(" "); echoln("    "); echoln("
"); echoln("
"); }elseif( $cmd=="new" ) { ################## ### New photos ### ################## echoln("

You can upload up to ".$MAXPHOTOSPERUPLOAD." photos in the JPEG format of maximum ".get_bytesize($MAXPHOTOFILESIZE)." each. "); echoln(" The total upload cannot exceed ".get_bytesize($MAXUPLOADSIZE)."."); echoln("

"); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); for( $i=0; $i<$MAXPHOTOSPERUPLOAD; $i++ ) { echoln("

"); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln("
New photo ".($i+1)."
Photo:"); echoln(" "); echoln(" "); echoln("
"); echoln("
  "); echoln("
"); } echoln(" "); echoln("

"); }elseif( $cmd=="del" ) { ########################### ### Delete confirmation ### ########################### $query="SELECT `nr`, `height_thumb` AS `height`, `width_thumb` AS `width` FROM `photo` WHERE `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book'])." AND `id`=".addslashes($photoid); if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )==1 ) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); echoln("

Are you sure you want to delete photo ".$row['nr']."?"); echoln("
\"".$row['nr']."\""); echoln("

yes"); echoln(" no"); }else { echoln("Cannot delete photo, not found."); echoln("

Return to overview."); } }else { ################# ### Show list ### ################# echoln("

Add new photos"); echoln($butprevnext); $query="SELECT `id`, `nr`, `height_thumb` AS `height`, `width_thumb` AS `width`, `comment`, `date_add` FROM `photo` WHERE `book_id`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_book']); if( $_SESSION['addphoto_photo']>0 ) $query.=" AND `nr`=".addslashes($_SESSION['addphoto_photo']); $query.=" ORDER BY `nr` "; if( $_SESSION['addphoto_photo']==0 ) $query.=$mysql_limit; if( @mysql_num_rows( $res=doquery($query) )>0 ) { echoln("

"); $thumbcellwidth="width=\"".(100/$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)."%\""; $i=0; while( $row=mysql_fetch_array($res) ) { if( ($i%$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)==0 ) echoln(" "); echoln(" "); if( ($i%$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)==($MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS-1) ) echoln(" "); $i++; } while( ($i%$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)!=0 ) { echoln(" "); if( ($i%$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS)==($MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS-1) ) echoln(" "); $i++; } echoln("
"); if( strlen($row['comment'])>0 ) echoln(" \"".$row['nr'].""); else echoln(" \"".$row['nr']."\""); echoln("
edit"); echoln("  delete"); echoln("
Move "); if( $row['nr']>1 ) echoln(" left"); if( $row['nr']>$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS ) echoln(" up"); if( $row['nr']<=($photocount-$MAXPHOTOTHUMBCOLS) ) echoln(" down"); if( $row['nr']<$photocount ) echoln(" right"); echoln("
Rotate "); echoln(" left"); echoln(" right"); echoln("
"); echoln("  "); echoln("
"); }else { echoln("

No photos found

"); } echoln($butprevnext); } page_footer(); ?>